Emotionally Intelligent Leadership for Students - Inventory [PDF][StormRG]{HTD15}seeders: 3
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Emotionally Intelligent Leadership for Students - Inventory [PDF][StormRG]{HTD15} (Size: 753.35 KB)
Emotionally Intelligent Leadership for Students: Inventory Author: Marcy Levy Shankman, Scott J. Allen & Rosanna Miguel Published: 2015 Publisher: Jossey-Bass ISBN: 9781118821664 Format: Retail PDF Tested on the above readers with no problems on laptop and Android tablet. Don't hesitate to PM me if you have any questions or problem with the download, as comments on the torrent are easy to miss. Please allow a couple seconds for the seedboxes to kick in, then it should move pretty quick. Enjoy! ![]() Cover from actual book file The only instrument that measures behaviors associated withemotionally intelligent leadership The Emotionally Intelligent Leadership for Students:Inventory is an evidence-based assessment of the capacities ofemotionally intelligent leadership (EIL). Research that spans theglobe has demonstrated that there is a relationship betweenemotional intelligence and leadership. For the second edition, theauthors have conducted original studies, yielding a substantialrevision that better reflects the world of emotionally intelligentleadership and will be transformative for students of allbackgrounds. First, this 57-item assessment measures how often studentsengage in behaviors that align with emotionally intelligentleadership. Then, the reflection portion walks students through theprocess of analyzing and understanding their results, giving themconcrete suggestions for how to explore and improve theiremotionally intelligent leadership. * The inventory reflects 19 EIL capacities supported by recentstudies * A section on guided interpretation allows students to determinenext steps to help them prepare to become effective leaders * Guidance for reflection and analysis of the results introduceslearning opportunities that align with unique learning styles Use the inventory along with Emotionally IntelligentLeadership: A Guide for Students and its StudentWorkbook for an immersive and transformative educationalexperience. Students will appreciate the opportunity to learn moreabout themselves as they reflect on their experiences as learnersand their own leadership journeys. Sharing Widget |