EPIDEMIA - Elven Manuscript. Saga In Three Acts (Box-Set) *2004-2014* [MP3@320]seeders: 1
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EPIDEMIA - Elven Manuscript. Saga In Three Acts (Box-Set) *2004-2014* [MP3@320] (Size: 444.12 MB)
Descriptionyears: 2004/2007/2014 genre: power metal epic power metal the metal-opera country: Russia "The Elven Manuscript Saga" - is English name for series of concept albums of Russian power-metal band EPIDEMIA (ЭПИДЕМИЯ - "Epidemic" in Russian), performed as Metal-Opera. Story was started in 2004 by album "Elven Manuscript" (Эльфийская Рукопись), at first named: "Хроники сумерек: Эльфийская рукопись" (The Twilights Chronicles: Elven Manuscript). The scenario of the opera is an Epic-Fantasy story, written by Yuri Melisov (lead guitarist of Epidemia), and vocalists from: ARIA, Arida Vortex, Master, Black Obelisk and Boney NEM participated in the opera. The album was produced by Vladimir Holstinin (ARIA's guitarist), who also played the lute at track 4. Some parts of the story are influenced by "Dragonlance" and "The Lord of the Rings". The Story of The Elven Manuscript: Desmond - the half-Elf - grew up in the Elven Kingdom of Enia (hidden from the whole world by a magic barrier), and learned the magic from the king's wizard - Irdis. He fell in love with the princess Alatiel - and was exiled from Enia by the Elven King... Desmond continued his studies in the Magic School of the Human Lands, and participated in some adventurers' campaigns. There, he saved Thorwald the Knight - who became his best friend. At this time, Enia was attacked by the dark forces from the otherworld, led by Deimos. The otherworld, where Deimos ruled, was doomed because of its dying sun. Using the El-Gilet sphere, Deimos wished to teleport his whole army to Enia and conquer this new world. Deimos demanded Alatiel become his wife, which would let him be the legal King of the Elven Lands. He threatened that princess would otherwise be sacrificed in the sphere ritual, which required Elven blood - but the brave maiden refused his offer. Irdis the Wizard was hurt while fighting the invaders, but escaped through the portal to Desmond - and asked him to save his Homeland. Desmond agreed, hoping this deed would clear his name, and asked Thorwald to join him in his campaign. On their way, they met the inn's Tavern Master, who was instructed by Irdis and showed them the secret undermountain tunnel to Enia. While walking through the tunnel, Desmond felt the presence of Ancient Magic and found the Scepter of The First Kings of Enia. They used this magic device to defeat the Dragon sent by Deimos. Followed by the remainder of Elven knights, they stormed up into the king's palace, where Deimos was trying to complete the ritual. During the fight, Thorwald destroyed the sphere with the rod. Deimos escaped through the window and fled away on his dragon. Desmond married Alatiel, though Irdis served as the regent and the real ruler until Desmond and Alatiel's children grew up, because the half-Elf exile could not be crowned as the King... Starring: Desmond the half-Elf - Max Samosvat (Epidemia) Thorwald the Knight - Andrey Lobashov (Arida Vortex) Irdis the Elven Wizard - Arthur Berkut (ARIA) Deimos the Dark Lord - Dmitry Borisenkov (Black Obelisk) Sky the Blue Dragon - Kirill Nemolayev (Boney NEM) Alatiel the Elven Princess - Anastacia Chebotareova Tavern Master - Lexx (Master) The second part of Elven Manuscript - A Tale For All Times (also known as Saga for All Times) was released in 2007, and in 2014 EPIDEMIA was released album "Treasures of Enia" (orig. Сокровище Энии) as a sequel to Elven Manuscript 2 - and this upload contains this three albums, which tells a story from Kingdom of Enia. Also ex-drummer of EPIDEMIA - Andrey Laptev - has tried to record his apocryphal sequel to the opera, entitled "The Battle of Gods" - though he was not allowed to use the copyrighted name, logo and characters. Metal Opera "Elven Manuscript" is a best-known album of EPIDEMIA which open the worldwide scene for the group and gives band of MTV Europe Music Award. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() contains: ______________________________________________________________________ Part 1: The Elven Manuscript (Эльфийская Рукопись) - 2004 duration: 01:04:55 tracklist: 01. Золотые Драконы (Zlotyie Drakony) The Golden Dragons 02. Час Испытания (Chas Yspytaniya) The Trial Hour 03. Рождённый Для Битвы (Rozhdionnyi Dla Bitvy) Born For Fight 04. Пройди Свой Путь (Proydi Svoy Put) You Pass Your Way 05. Кровь Эльфов (Krov Elfov) The Elves Blood 06. На Пороге Ада (Na Porogie Ada) At The Threshold Of Hell 07. Вечный Воитель (Viechnyi Voityel) The Eternal Warrior 08. Романс О Слезе (Romans O Slyezie) Romance. Song About Of Tear 09. Магия И Меч (Magia Y Miech) Salvation By The Magic And Sword 10. Осколки Прошлого (Oskolky Proshlogo) Splinters Of The Past 11. Эпилог (Epilog) Epilogue - Bonus Track: 12. Всадник Из Льда (Vsadnik Yz Lda) The Ice-Horseman ______________________________________________________________________ Part 2: Elven Manuscript. A Tale For All Times - 2007 (Эльфийская Рукопись - Сказание На Все Времена) duration: 01:10:02 tracklist: 01. Пролог (Prolog) Prologue 02. Звёздный Портал (Zviozdnyi Portal) The Star Portal 03. Владыки Гор (Vladyki Gor) The Lords Of The Mountains 04. Исповедь Первого Бога (Yspovied Piervogo Boga) First God Confession 05. Сказание Снегов (Skazaniye Sniegov) A Tale Of The Snow 06. Нити Судьбы (Nity Sudby) The Threads Of Destiny 07. Без Сердца И Души (Biez Serdtzha Y Dushu) Without Heart And Soul 08. Океан Пустоты (Okiean Pustoty) The Ocean Of The Emptiness 09. Сказание Огня (Skazaniye Agnia) A Tale Of The Fire 10. Остров Драконов (Ostrov Drakonov) The Isle Of Dragons 11. Сказание На Все Времена (Skazaniye Na Vsye Vriemyena) A Tale For All Times 12. Солнца Свет (Solntzha Svyet) Sun Shine 13. В Небеса (V Niebyesa) To The Sky / or Into The Heaven - Bonus Track: 14. Реквием. Скорбя О Ней... - Requiem. (Soul-Cry About Her...) ______________________________________________________________________ Part 3: Treasures Of Enia (Сокровище Энии) - 2014 duration: 00:56:19 tracklist: 01. Опус (Opus) Opus 02. Время Героев (Vriemya Gieroyev) The Time Of The Heroes 03. Первый Шаг (Piervyi Shag) The First Step 04. Где Рождаются Рассветы (Gdie Rozhdayutsia Rassviety) Where Flashes Born 05. Пьяный Разговор (Pyanyi Rozgovor) The Drunk Conversation 06. Переход (Pryehod) The Passage 07. Дует Ветер Ледяной (Duyet Vyetier Lyedianoy) The Icy Wind Is Blowing 08. Стены Моей Цитадели (Stieny Moiey Chitadyeli) Walls Of My Citadel 09. Среди Звезд (Sryedi Zvyezd) Among The Stars 10. Призрачный Храм (Prizrachnyi Hram) The Phantom Temple 11. Смерти Нет (Smyerti Niet) No For Death 12. Пробуждение (Probutzhdyeniye) The Awakening 13. Алмазы и Золоты (Almazy Y Zoloty) Jewels And Gold - Bonus Track: 14. Королевство Слез (Korolyestvo Slyez) The Kingdom Of Tears ______________________________________________________________________ Attention: this box-set of three studio albums is not a part of EPIDEMA officially discography - it created by inspired of DVD-release "Saga About Two Worlds" and release of continued whole-story album "Treasures Of Enia" in 2014. All titles original are in Russian language, and written by Russian signs of alphabet. I translated it to English and transliterate (here in brackets) only for convenience of reading to all Users which don't knows how to read of Russian letters. However, inside the upload for all albums and tracks titles are written like an original. Sharing Widget |