Essays in Medieval Studies (Illinois Medieval Association)

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The Dream of the Rood: Apotheosis of Anglo-Saxon ParadoxRobert V. Graybill

Codicological Consideration in the Beowulf Manuscript Richard W. Clement

"The Canterbury Tales" as Compilatio Norman D. Hinton

"I Herd an Harping on a Hille": Its Text and ContextMargaret Emblom

Prophecy, Dragons, and Meaning in Malory Lesley Kordecki

A Catalan Astronomical Manuscript of the Fifteenth Century: Newberry Library Ayer MS 746Mark D. Johnston

The Philosophical Uses of Medieval Philosophy Robert G. Wolf


Recent Books on "Beowulf" Raymond P. Tripp, Jr

Daughter of Sion, Daughter of Babylon: Images of Wohhman in the Old Englsh Psalms Patricia Hollahan

Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales": The Idea! John M. Hill

Chaucer's "The Miller's Tale": Exemplum of Caritas Robert V. Graybill

A Re-Hearing of "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" Elizabeth A. Hoffman

Gawain's Departure from the Peregrinatio Sidney E. Berger

The Eremitic Ideal and the Dreamer's Quest in "Piers Plowman" James E. Hicks

Typology as Contrast in the Middle English "Abraham "Play Peter Braeger

Woman as Termagant in the Towneley Cycle Mary P. Freier

Philip of Harveng on Silence Paul F. Gehl

Pseudo-Dionysius" Metaphysics of Darkness and Chartres Laurence J. James

Thomas's Doctrine of Woman and Thirteenth-Century Thought Richard J. McGowan

Christian Europe and Mongol Asia: First Medieval Intercultural Gregory Guzman


European Chancelleries and the rise of Standard Written Languages John H. Fisher

The Three Worlds of Love in "Troilus and Criseyde" Patricia Lorimer Lundberg

The Yeoman Transmuted: An evolution of Penitence and Poetry Frank N. Schleicher

Chaucer's Inversion of Augustinian Rhetoric in "The Pardoner's Prologue and Tale" James E. Hicks

Humor and Humor and Humor and Chaucer Robert V. Graybill

The Passive Poet: Amans as Narrator in Book 4 of the "Confessio Amantis" Rozalyn Levin

Gower's "Confessio Amantis" IV, 1963-2013: The Education of Achilles Mary Frances Zambreno

Patterns of Coherence: A Study of Narrative Technique in "King Horn" Esha Niyogi De

The Power of Words and the Power of Narratives: "Cleanness" Ruth E. Hamilton

The Natural Rhetoric of Ramon Llull Mark D. Johnston

Wishing upon a Star: King John, the Order of the Star, and Politics David M. Bessen

The Order of the Texts in the Bodley 34 Manuscript Diane Mockridge

A Pilgrim and His Journey: Illuminating Interpretations of Dante's "Commedia" Linda C. Sokolowski


Looking for Manuscripts . . . and Then? R. B. C. Huygens

Advancing in the Knowledge of God: A Comparison of the Thought of St. Anselm of Bec and Symeon the New Theologian Robert G. Kleinhaus

Arnald of Villanova: Physician and Prophet Juanita A. Daly

The "Anticlaudianus" and the "Proper" Language of Theology Eileen C. Sweeney

Lancelot and the Demoiselle Guerisseuse: Spiritual vs. Physical Love in the French Prose "Lancelot" Stacey L. Hahn

Socializing the Sorceress: The Fairy Mistress Theme in "Lanval," "Le Bel Inconnu," and "Partonopeu de Blois" Colleen P. Donagher

The Use of Courtly Language in the "Le Mirouer des simples ames anienties" by Marguerite Parete Ellen Louise Babinsky

Identity and Disguise in a Late French Epic: "Hervis de Mes" Catherine M. Jones

Sounds and Sweet Airs: City Waits of Medieval and Renaissance England Cheryl Glenn Seitz

Franciscan Books of Hours from Italy in the Newberry Library Paula Hutton


"Piers Plowman": In Search of an Author David C. Fowler

Scotus' Ethics Allan B. Wolter, O.F.M.

The Middleness of the Middle Ages: Periodizing European History David L. Wagner

Franciscan Chant as a Late Medieval Musical Expression in the Liturgy Lavern John Wagner

"The nakid text": "Glosynge" as Distortion Thomas A. Goodman

John Trevisa and the English and Continental Traditions of "De proprietatibus rerum" Juris G. Lidaka

Courts of Love: Challenge to Feudalism Robert V. Graybill


Sacred Image and Illusion in Late Flemish Manuscripts Robert G. Calkins

"Techne" in the "Kentish Hymn" Sarah Larratt Keefer

Names, Reputation, and History in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" Roy M. Liuzza

Penile Puns: Personal Names and Phallic Symbols in Skaldic Poetry Kari Ellen Gade

Ascension Sunday in Tropers: The Innovative Scenes in the Prüm and Canterbury Tropers and Their Relationship to the Accompanying Texts Janet Marquardt-Cherry

Time and the Flower: Significant Images of the Passage of Time in the Floral Borders of the Hours of Catherine of Cleve Elizabeth R. Schaeffer

Diego de Valera's "Cronica Abreviada" Curtis Blaylock

Shakespeare's "Henry V" and the Geneva Bible Isaiah John Knoepfle

Medieval England on the Nineteenth-Century Table Eunice Dauterman Maguire


Medieval Women Writers: Staying Up Late Tilde Sankovitch

The Commemoration of Jeanne d'Evreux's Coronation in the "'Ordo ad Consecrandum" at the University of Illinois Anne D. Hedeman

The evolution of the Lyric Insertion in the Thirteenth-Century Narrative Christopher Callahan

Scholastic Imagery in the Florence Manuscript George Catalano

Christ Church, Canterbury: The Spiritual Landscape of Pilgrimage Eileen Robertson Hamer

To Nurture or Neglect: The Body in Early Christian Art and Cappadocian Thought Laurie Christianson


At the Tomb of King Arthur Charles T. Wood

An Architecture of the Self: New Metaphors for Monastic Enclosure Ellen M. Caldwell

Organizing The Bibliothèque Nationale--The First Time, c. 1530 Michael N. Salda

Interpolating the Musical Text of the Lyric Interpolations: Guillaume de Dole and the Trouvere Manuscript Tradition Christopher Callahan

Glossing as a Mode of Literary Production: Post-Modernism in the Middle Ages William Watts

Source Readings on the Practice and Spirituality of Chant: New Texts, New Approaches Fabian C. Lochner


Christ as a Worker in the Towneley Conspiracy Barbara I. Gusick

"Delicious Martyr": Feminine Courtesy in Middle English Devotional Treaties for Women Anne C. Bartlett

The Riddle of the Runes: The Runic Passage in Cynewulf's Fates of the Apostles Raymond E. Gleason

Imaginary History and Burgundian State-Building Robert B. Rigoutlot

King David in Germany: Royal Traditions at Prüm Janet T. Marquardt-Cherry

New Insights into the Domesday Book William Kapelle


Famous Last Words: Ælfric's Saints Facing Death Jonathon Wilcox

The End of Knowledge: The Argus Legend and Chaucer Susan Yager

"O, why ne had y lerned for to die?": Lerne for to Dye and the Author's Death in Thomas Hoccleve's Series Christina von Nolcken

The Peasants' Revolt: Cock-crow in Gower and Chaucer Ann W. Astell

Images of the Here-and-Now in Gonzalo de Bercero's De los signos que apareceran ante del juicio Thomas M. Capuano

Medieval Traditions about the Site of Judgment Thomas N. Hall

Tower and Tabernacle: The Architecture of Heaven and the Language of Dwelling with/in God in the B-Text of Piers Plowman Mary Clemente Davlin, O.P.

The Gate of Heaven and the Fountain of Life: Speech-Act Theory and Portal Inscriptions Calvin B. Kendall

Separating the Living from the Dead: Wessel Gansfort and the Death of Purgatory Craig Koslofsky

Harrowing Hell's Halfacre:Langland's Mediation of the "Descensus" from the Gospel of Nicodemus Sean Taylor


Figuring Forth the Body of Christ: Devotion and Politics David Aers

Response to David Aers Kathleen Biddick

Becoming Ethnographic: Reading Inquisitorial Authority in The Hammer of Witches Kathleen Biddick

Response to Kathleen Biddick David Aers

Bodies, Buildings, and Boundaries: Metaphors of Liminality in Old English and Old Norse Literature Joyce Tally Lionarons

Productive Destruction: Torture, Text, and the Body in the Old English Andreas Christopher Fee

Disrupting the Norm: Sodomy, Culture, and the Male Body in Peter Damian's Liber Gomorrhianus David Lorenzo Boyd

Confining the Daughter: Gower's "Tale of Canace and Machaire" and the Politics of the Body María Bullón-Fernández

The Virgin above the Writing in the First Vita of Bodely, Douce 114 Rebecca Clouse

Reading the Body in Le Livre de Seyntz Medecines Andrew Taylor

Fearful Villainy Douglas Moffat

Dirty Magic: Seiðr, Science, and the Parturating Man in Medieval Norse and Welsh Literature Sarah Lynn Higley


Narratives of a Nurturing Culture: Parents and Neighbors in Medieval England Barbara Hanawalt

Textuality and Subjectivity: Theorizing the Figure of the Child in Middle English Literature Daniel T. Kline

Chaucer's Missing Children Jane Cowgill

My Family First: Draft-Dodging Parents in the Confessio Amantis Lauren Kiefer

Mysticism, Meditation, and Identification in The Book of Margery Kempe Carolyn Coulson

Family Strategies in Medieval London: Financial Planning and the Urban Widow, 1123-1473 Susan M. B. Steuer

"A la guise de Gales l'atorna": Maternal Influence in Chrétien's Conte du Graal Debora B. Schwartz

The "Good Upbringing" of Ramon Llull's Blanquerna: Appropriation and Misrecognition as Social Reproduction Mark D. Johnston


Coronation as Legible Practice Paul Strohm

Attempree diete was al hir phisik": The Medieval Application of Medical Theory to Feasting Kristen M. Burkholder

Beating the Bounds Between Church and State: Official Documents in the Literary Imagination Bryan P. Davis

Aquinas on the Practice of Prostitution Vincent M. Dever

Piers's Good Will: Langland's Politics of Reform and Inheritance in the C-Text Michael D. C. Drout

The Social Uses of Religious Literature: Challenging Authority in the Thirteenth-Century Marian Miracle Tale David A. Flory

The Social Position of the Surgeon in London, 1350-1450 Bryon Grigsby

Flytes of Fancy: Boasting and Boasters from Beowulf to Gangsta Rap Alta Cools Halama

Bede, Social Practice, and the Problem with Foreigners Stephen J. Harris

Ælfric's Sources and His Gendered Audiences Stacy S. Klein

A Beastly Origin: Journeys from the "Oxes Stalle" in Chaucer's Poetry John B. Marino


How Popular was Early Medieval Devotion? Ian Wood

The Cult of Umiliana de' Cerchi (1219-1246) Anne M. Schuchman

St. Gertrude's Synecdoche: The Problem of Writing the Heart Eve B. Jenkins

A Virtuous Mouth: Reading and Speaking in the Ancrene Wisse Kari Kalve

Dangerous Beauty, Beautiful Speech: Gendered Eloquence in Medieval Preaching Claire Waters

"Swete May, Soulis Leche": The Winifred Carol by John Audelay Melissa Jones

"Crucifye hem, crucifye hem": The Subject and Affective Response in Stories of the Passion Laurelle LeVert

Motives for Donations to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, 1392-1605: Gender Matters David B. Miller

Martín y muchos pobres: The Grotesque Image of the "Charity of St. Martin" in the Bosch and Breughel Schools Martin W. Walsh


A Fifteenth-Century Florentine Community of Readers and the Romances of Chivalry Gloria Allaire

A Military Revolution Reconsidered: The Case of the Burgundian State under the Valois Dukes David S. Bachrach

Feasting with "Kings" in an Ancient "Democracy": Early Medieval Slavic Society of the Early Middle Ages (Sixth to Seventh Century, A.D.) Florin Curta

Herbs, Birds, and Cryptic Words for English Devotional Readers Susanna Fein

The Female Spellcaster in Middle English Romances: Heretical Outsider or Political Insider? Barbara A. Goodman

The Sweet Song of Satan: Music and Resistence in the Vercelli Book Christina M. Heckman

The Implications of Exclusion: The Regulation of Churching in Medieval Northern France Paula M. Rieder

B.L. Harley MS 7333: The "Publication" of Chaucer in the Rural Areas Timothy A. Shonk

The Hanging of Judas: Medieval Iconography and the German Peasants' War Lee R. Sullivan

Autobiographical Criticism Cluster, edited by Anne Clark Bartlett

Linking Lives: Autobiographical Criticism and Medieval Studies Anne Clark Bartlett

Rude Strength Gina Brandolino

Spirituality and Self-Representation in The Life of Christina Mirabilis Katheryn M. Giglio

The Pearl, a Crayon, and a Lego Daniel T. Kline

Pseudo-Autobiography and the Role of the Poet in Jean Froissart's Joli Buisson de Jonece Nicole Lassahn


Warriors, Wyrms , and Wyrd: The Paradoxical Fate of the Germanic Hero/King in Beowulf Kevin J. Wanner

The Eccentric Hermit-Bishop: Bede, Cuthbert, and Farne Island Christian Aggeler

Gaimar's Rebels: Outlaw Heroes and the Creation of Authority in Twelfth-Century England Jane Zatta

Adultery and Kingship in Marie de France's Equitan Sharon Kinoshita

Places to Play: Topographies of Gender in Gottfried von Strassburg's Tristan Alexandra Sterling-Hellenbrand

The Paternal Function in Sir Gowther Francine McGregor

Plenary Address: Queer Relations Carolyn Dinshaw


Among These Authors are the Men of Bec: Historical Writing among the Monks of Bec Sally N. Vaughn

Rebirth of a Nation: Historical Myth in Layamon's Brut John P. Brennan

Guilty as Charged? Subjectivity and the Law in La Chanson de Roland and "Lanval" Katherine Kong

Chaucer and Langland: Literary Representations of History in Fourteenth-Century England Nicole Lassahn

Bertilak Reads Brut: History and the Complications of Sexuality in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Heide Estes

Roosters, Wolves, and the Limits of Allegory Lianne Farber

Appendix Crafting History for the Present

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Essays in Medieval Studies (Illinois Medieval Association)