Europa Universalis IV El Dorado-SKIDROW
S K I D R O Wthe leading forceproudly presentsEuropa Universalis IV: El Dorado (c) Paradox Interactive28-02-2015......Release Date Protection.................SteamStrategy...........Game Type Disk(s)....................1 DVDRELEASE NOTESEl Dorado is the fifth expansion to Europa Universalis IV and brings tolife the conquests, creeds and discoveries synonymous with the Age ofExploration. The centerpiece of the latest addition is the NationDesigner, which allows the customization of a starting nation in acampaign and further enhances EU4 s already near infinitereplayabilityThis expansion s focus on Central America and South America introducesnew religions whilst impactful theaters of exploration will challengeyou with new decisions worthy of a king or conqueror. As the Aztecssubject the Mexican plain to your rule but be sure to have enoughvassal kings to sacrifice to your angry gods. As the Europeans, pushdeeper into the jungles of the Amazon, following rumors of lost citiesand magical fountainsWhatever path you choose, El Dorado is sure to be a golden addition toyour Europa Universalis IV playing experienceMain features:A deep Nation Designer gives you new starting options for your gamesincluding national ideas and custom monarchsExperience the new Nahuatl, Inti and Mayan religions with bloodsacrifices or Sun WorshipSend your conquistadors to hunt for the Seven Cities of Gold, or yourexplorer on exploration missions around the worldGold Fleets can traffic New World wealth back to Europe, and betargeted by your privateer fleetsUse your trade fleets to hunt dangerous piratesMaintain good relations with the Pope so you can get a corner of theworld to call your own in the Treaty of TordesillasNOTE:This release is standalone and contains the following DLC:Europa Universalis IV: 100 Years War Unit PackEuropa Universalis IV: Horsemen of the Crescent Unit PackEuropa Universalis IV: Winged Hussars Unit PackEuropa Universalis IV: Star and Crescent DLCEuropa Universalis IV: American Dream DLCEuropa Universalis IV: Purple PhoenixEuropa Universalis IV: National MonumentsEuropa Universalis IV: Conquest of Constantinople Music PackEuropa Universalis IV: National Monuments IIEuropa Universalis IV: Conquest of ParadiseEuropa Universalis IV: Conquistadors Unit packEuropa Universalis IV: Native Americans Unit PackEuropa Universalis IV: Songs of the New WorldEuropa Universalis IV: Songs of YuletideEuropa Universalis IV: Native Americans II Unit PackEuropa Universalis IV: Colonial British and French Unit PackEuropa Universalis IV: Muslim Advisor PortraitsEuropa Universalis IV: Wealth of NationsEuropa Universalis IV: Muslim Ships Unit PackEuropa Universalis IV: Trade Nations Unit PackEuropa Universalis IV: Res PublicaEuropa Universalis IV: Anthology of Alternate HistoryEuropa Universalis IV: Indian Subcontinent Unit PackEuropa Universalis IV: Indian Ships Unit PackEuropa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations E-bookEuropa Universalis IV: Republican Music Pack (Skopje Sessions)Europa Universalis IV: Art of WarEuropa Universalis IV: Evangelical Union Unit PackEuropa Universalis IV: Catholic League Unit PackEuropa Universalis IV: Songs of War Music PackEuropa Universalis IV: Guns, Drums and Steel Music PackEuropa Universalis IV: Art of War EbookEuropa Universalis IV: El DoradoEuropa Universalis IV: El Dorado Content PackEuropa Universalis IV: Guns, Drums and Steel Volume 2NOTE 2:If you previously have played demo or full game edition of EuropaUniversalis IV, and/or want to change language - then deletesettings.txt from this folder:UsersUserDocumentsParadox InteractiveEuropa Universalis IVINSTALL NOTES1. Unpack the release2. Mount or burn image3. Install4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation5. Block the game in your firewall and mark our cracked content assecure/trusted in your antivirus program6. Play the game7. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!GREETINGSTo all friends of the family and honorable rival groups!ascii art by thegodlike & terrific duomalodix + irokostitan artdivision

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