Far Cry 4 Update v1.8-RELOADED
nERvFar Cry 4 Update v1.8 (c) Ubisoft02/2015: RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION: UbiDRM + Ubisoft: DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE: FPS, AdventureRepack:Shit happens when you deal with Ubisoft. DLC didn't update so we had to getit again. Sorry for the mistake, here is a repackCheck the included .txt file fot a list of changesFollowing releases are required for this update:* Far.Cry.4.Proper-RELOADED* Far.Cry.4.Hurk.Deluxe.Pack.Addon-RELOADEDDESCRIPTIONHidden in the towering Himalayas lies Kyrat, a country steeped in traditionand violence. You are Ajay Ghale. Traveling to Kyrat to fulfill yourmother's dying wish, you find yourself caught up in a civil war to overthrowthe oppressive regime of dictator Pagan Min. Explore and navigate thisvast open world, where danger and unpredictability lurk around every cornerHere, every decision counts, and every second is a story. Welcome to KyratKEY FEATURESEXPLORE AN OPEN WORLD FILLED WITH POSSIBILITIESDiscover the most diverse Far Cry world ever created. With terrainspanning from lush forests to the snowcapped Himalayas, the entire worldis alive - and deadlyFrom leopards, rhinos, black eagles, and vicious honey badgers, Kyratis home to abundant wildlife. As you embark on your hunt for resourcesknow that something may be hunting youScout enemy territory from above in the all-new gyrocopter and then plummetback to earth in your wing suit. Climb aboard the back of a six-tonelephant and unleash its raw power on your enemiesChoose the right weapon for the job, no matter how insane or unpredictablethat job might be. With a diverse arsenal, you'll be prepared for anythingNot every journey should be taken alone. Far Cry 4 allows for a secondplayer to drop in and drop out at any point, re-imagining the cooperativeexperience in the true spirit of Far Cry for the next generation. You'llnow be able to discover and explore the living open world of Kyrattogether1. Unrar2. Install the update3. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory to your gameinstall directory4. Play the game5. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!