Farm Expert 2016 Fruit Company-POSTMORTEM
P O S T M O R T E M2 0 1 5presents for nothin but our pleasureFarm Expert 2016 - Fruit Company(c) Ravenscourt, PlayWay IncRelease-Date: 09/15Protection: SteamDisc.Count: 1 DVDGame.Type: SimulatorLanguage: Multi8G A M E N O T E SA whole new world (2,5kmx2,5km) to explore, withorchards and full farming functionality. To begin theplayer has a field and two smaller orchards, he can thenbuy fields and orchards from neighbors to expandFruit processing plant placed with food processingfunctionality (freezing fruits)3 additional upgrades for the fruit processing plant:juice, jam and canned fruits productionSell fruits or invest in a fruit processing planttransport the fruits and then sell produced goods for amuch higher priceFruit processing plants are fully animatedNew vehicles to transport crates of plants and/orproduced goodsProduced goods are transported to the train stationwhere they are finally soldNotes: This also includes Farm Expert 2016 - FarmMachines Pack and is standalone. Languages are EFGISCZ/HU/TRG R O U P N O T E SWe have enough money, beer, girls or whatever at the momentBesides:POSTMORTEM will not pre any updatesor patches. Don't like that idea?* BUY THE GAME! *G R E E T i N G SSkid Row, UnleashedGREENPEACE0x0007, GenesisIt's just a competition!Support the Software-Developerif you like this game!

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