Fear of clowns [XviD - Ita Eng Ac3][TNTVillage]

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Added on February 25, 2011 by ilfilmografoin Movies
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Fear of clowns [XviD - Ita Eng Ac3][TNTVillage] (Size: 1.39 GB)
 Fear of clowns.avi1.39 GB


Fear of clowns [XviD - Ita Eng Ac3][TNTVillage]



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Fear of clows (International)

Title: Fear of clowns
Country: Italy
Age: 2004
Runtime: 104 minutes
Genre: Horror
Music: Chad Seiter
Director: Kevin Kangas

Lynn Blodgett soffre di coulrofobia, una sindrome che porta ad un terrore paralizzante nei confronti dei clown. Cerca di esorcizzarla dipingendo l'oggetto dei suoi incubi, con un clown in particolare che pone sempre al centro dei suoi quadri.
Proprio quando è in procinto di sfondare nel mondo dell'arte, un killer dal volto clownesco comincia a tormentarla, uccidendo a colpi d'ascia chiunque abbia a che fare con lei. Lynn dovrà affrontare una volta per tutte le sue paure o sarà lei la prossima vittima.


Lynn Blodgett coulrofobia suffer from a syndrome that leads to a paralyzing fear of clowns against. Tries to exorcise it by painting the object of her nightmares, with a clown in particular that is always at the center of his paintings.
Just when is about to break into the art world, a killer clown face begins to haunt her, killing anyone who has an ax to do with her. Lynn will havedeal once and for all her fears and she will be the next victim .


Jacky Reres ... Lynn Blodgett
Mark Lassise ... Shivers the Clown
Rick Ganz ... Tuck Reed
Darla Albornoz ... Mediator
John Patrick Barry ... Officer Patrick
Steve Carson ... Cop with children
Jed Duvall ... Happy Clown
Judith Furlow ... Gale
Steven Gleich ... Marty
Rich Henn ... Cop 3
Paul C. Kangas ... Sean
Frank Lama ... Detective Peters
Patrick T. McGowan ... Mr. Parrish
Lauren Pellegrino ... Amanda
Christopher Lee Philips ... Osbourne
Jack Porter ... Nicholas
Carl Randolph ... Bert
Andrew Schneider ... Phillip (as Andrew C. Schneider)
Bill Stull ... Veteran Police Officer
Ted Taylor ... Heston
Lisa Willis Brush ... Julie

[ About file ]

Name: Fear of clowns.avi
Date: 10/02/2011 21:32:07
Size: 1,495,803,436 bytes (1426.509 MB)

[ Generic infos ]

Play duration: 01:46:06 (6365.8 s)
Container type: AVI
Number of streams: 3
Type of stream nr. 0: video
Type of stream nr. 1: audio
Type of stream nr. 2: audio
Audio streams: 2

[ Relevant data ]

Resolution: VERY HIGH (704 x 400)
Width: multiple of 32 (GOOD)
Height: multiple of 16 (GOOD)
Average DRF quality: HIGH (2.295399)
Standard deviation quality: HIGH (0.726469)
Std. dev. weighted mean: HIGH (0.726315)

[ Video track ]

FourCC: xvid/XVID
Resolution: 704 x 400
Frame aspect ratio: 44:25 = 1.76 (~16:9)
Pixel aspect ratio: 1:1 = 1
Display aspect ratio: 44:25 = 1.76 (~16:9)
Framerate: 25 fps
Number of frames: 159145 (0)
Stream size: 973,084,755 bytes
Bitrate: 1222.890766 kbps
Qf: 0.173706
Key frames: 1840 (0; 250; 500; 750; 1000; ... 158954)
Null frames: 0
Min key int: 1
Max key int: 250
Avg key int: 86.491847
Delay: 0 ms

[ Audio track nr. 1 ]

Audio tag: 0x2000 (AC3)
Bitrate (container): 192 kbps CBR
Channels (container): 2
Sample rate (container): 48000 Hz
Chunks: 198933
Stream size: 152,780,544 bytes
Preload: 64 ms
Max A/V diff: 3616 ms
AC-3 frames: 198933
Play duration: 01:46:06 (6365.856 s)
Chunk-aligned: Yes
Mode: dolby
Delay: 0 ms

[ Audio track nr. 2 ]

Audio tag: 0x2000 (AC3)
Bitrate (container): 448 kbps CBR
Channels (container): 6
Sample rate (container): 48000 Hz
Chunks: 198933
Stream size: 356,487,936 bytes
Preload: 32 ms
Max A/V diff: 3616 ms
AC-3 frames: 198933
Play duration: 01:46:06 (6365.856 s)
Chunk-aligned: Yes
Mode: 3 front, 2 rear, 1 LFE
Delay: 0 ms

[ About MPEG4 encoding ]

User data: XviD0046
Packed bitstream: No
QPel: No
Interlaced: No
Aspect ratio: Square pixels
Quant type: H.263
Number of frames: 159145
Drop/delay frames: 0
Corrupted frames: 0

I-VOPs: 1840 ( 1.156 %)
P-VOPs: 157287 ( 98.833 %) #########################
B-VOPs: 0 ( 0.000 %)
S-VOPs: 0 ( 0.000 %)
N-VOPs: 18 ( 0.011 %)

[ DRF analysis ]

Average DRF: 2.295399
Standard deviation: 0.726469
Max DRF: 13

DRF9: 64 ( 0.040 %)

I-VOPs average DRF: 2.352717
I-VOPs std. deviation: 0.852134
I-VOPs max DRF: 13

P-VOPs average DRF: 2.294728
P-VOPs std. deviation: 0.724843
P-VOPs max DRF: 13

[ Profile compliancy ]

Profile to check: MTK PAL 6000
Resolution: Ok
Framerate: Ok
Min buffer fill: 81%


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1.39 GB
Fear of clowns [XviD - Ita Eng Ac3][TNTVillage]


All Comments

3rd rated, actors sucked....sorry