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Description![]() Buffy the Vampire Slayer fiction After Season 7 the gang is settled in the Hellmouth of Cleveland, training new slayers. Buffy has been off relationships for a long while, so she wonders if to give up her juvenile dreams of forever and try casual sex, maybe even have a little experiment with a girl, like Satsu, this cute and flirty japanese slayer. But, what's the problem with Faith ?, for the live of her Buffy doesn't understand why Faith is in such terrible mood ?. 53 Pages I have build this book from its author's site. http://chosentwofanfic.com/viewstory.php?sid=110 You can find my entire collection here: http://kickasstorrents.ee/user/perellopis/uploads/ Sample It was a beautiful spring morning. Fresh air, sunshine, and nobody hounding me. It was definitely worth the effort to get up early just to have forty-five minutes to myself, although sometimes I couldn't even get that as one or more of the other Slayers wanted to tag along and maybe talk over some fighting technique or hear my past tales of glory. Yeah, Glory. You see…I'm her – Buffy, the Legendary Vampire Slayer, and can I have your autograph and every bit of knowledge in your brain? I thought it would eventually die down, but over the years it never has. We always seem to find new girls, and by the time they've moved into Slayer Central, they've heard and studied all about me. Every fight, every battle, every near death and actual death recorded in complete and meticulous detail by one Rupert Giles, Watcher extraordinaire. "Giles, could you stop with the: 'This is Your Life, Buffy Summers'?" "Actually, no. I am still your Watcher, and it is still my job to keep an accurate…" "But they think I'm some kind of superhero!" There was a commotion off to the side as Faith snatched Xander's bag of chips away from him. "Because that's what you are, Buffster. Give them back, Faith!" "No, I'm just a girl who won the supernatural lottery and…" Xander was trying to reach the chips, but Faith had turned her back on him. He glanced over at me: "Repeated world saveage, coming back from the dead a bunch of times, fighting vampires on a nightly basis…" Faith wasn't hard to understand despite all of the chips crammed into her mouth: "Screwing'em blind…Here, Cyclops." "It all adds up to legendary superhero status, Buffy. You should have your own comic book series, and not a crappy one either…Gee, thanks for leaving some crumbs, Faith." "Okay, sure, maybe, but if Giles would just stop with…" Faith stood and brushed off the front of her shirt: "Too late in the game, Princess. All that cool shit means groupies for life." Of course she was right – it was too late and there was no way out. But did that mean I had to be hounded day and night, that my suite always had to be Grand Central Station: "Buffy, can I ask you about when you jumped into the Portal?" "Buffy, just how scary were The Gentlemen?" "Buffy, what were Spike and Angel really like?" "Buffy, I have some free time tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. and I was wondering if.…Buffy? Where are you going? Hey, wait up, Buffy!" As the years went by, it seemed there was nowhere I could go to kick off my shoes and just be me. We were all one big happy family, and although there were a million positives to that, the negative was pushing me right to the edge and I couldn't go much further. Literally, sort of. For better or worse, I was the woman in charge and it wasn't the kind of job where the boss could be thirty minutes away in an elegant, yet tasteful downtown apartment with a doorman named: "Enrique" who helped her carry her packages to the elevator. Instead I had to be right in the thick of it in case something happened, and the one guarantee we all had was that sooner than later, something would definitely happen. That was just the way it went when you were responsible for protecting the world from every evil Tom, Dick, and Henry…Harry. The names don't matter, trust me. Somebody's always trying to do something bad. I knew in one way I was being sort of ridiculous. After all, I'd lived in Rome with Dawn for about a year, almost completely out of the game and with so much freedom it was crazy, and yet I spent just about the entire time wanting to be where I am now. Because right here in the middle of it all, surrounded by the people I love and doing the job that's mine to do, that's what I was made for. I'm The Slayer and nothing feels better than fighting the good fight, standing up to evil and refusing to back down. I like training other girls to do the same thing, helping them harness their powers and teaching them how to stay safe while they feel the thrill that comes from being out there in the night. It's just…Do I always have to be doing it? Can't I just have a little space sometimes? A part of every day that's just mine? It turns out that: yes I can, and I discovered that on my morning jog. It was my usual route, but something was different, maybe a tree had fallen down. Whatever it was, it let me catch a glimpse and I went over to investigate. I knew the second I saw it: this was the answer to my problem. It was a little on the rundown side, okay, maybe the side was really a lot run down, but with some TLC and a lot of hard work, this place could become my home. I was so excited I ran the mile back to Giles' office in about three minutes. I was out of breath, but I was prepared to beg if I needed to. I should have known better. "It's a splendid idea, Buffy, and the least we can do after all your years of exemplary service. The Council's coffers have more than enough to assist you with any renovations, and I'm sure Xander will give us a very reasonable estimate. When do you wish to get started?" Before you could say: "Buffy has left the building", the project had begun. Giles assumed we had plenty of cheap labor ready at our disposal; nothing like a hundred Slayers to do the grunt work, but I put a stop to that before it got going. "Giles, that defeats the whole purpose. I don't want them there." "Buffy, it's not as if they won't know where you live. What difference could it possibly make if…" But I knew it would make every difference. "I don't want them getting comfortable, that's the problem here. If they help me, they'll be inside and outside the house. I'll be feeding them, talking to them, getting them drinks, and before you know it, it's: 'Hey everybody, come on down to Buffy's Potential Clubhouse of Fun!' Please Giles, just us and maybe some discreet outside help if we need it." I don't think he quite got it, but he does love me and wants to make me happy whenever he can. "Very well, just make sure either Xander or yourself run any unexpected expenditures by me first." "I will. Thank you, Giles!" I hugged him and just like always he was awkward and uncomfortable, but he hugged back and I felt him kiss the top of my head. The whole project took longer than I thought it would because I'd hugely underestimated how long it would actually take to do things, especially with our various jobs interfering. People kept popping in and out, but we all kept at it with whoever was available because there was no other way to do it. We couldn't have a bunch of strangers hanging around unsupervised. It'd be like leading them right to The Batcave and hoping they didn't peek inside. So sometimes we'd lose members of our workforce for awhile: Willow and Kennedy because they had to go track down some artifacts in Portugal, then it'd be Faith happily heading off to kill things in Albania: "Good luck with Dumpy Manor, B." …or Dawnie insisting on being a good student and actually writing her term papers on time and studying for her Finals. Xander's turn to disappear would come around when one of his crews hit some giant, big deal snag, and then it was me who got tied up with making sure the Hellmouth didn't blow sky high, and on and on and on. It was a Do-It-Ourselfer project, so we had to be flexible and we were. The hardest work was clearing an acre around the house because the trees, bushes, and weeds were straight from Jurassic Park, all complete with raptors and T-Rexes…T-Rexi…Let's just say they were big, terrifying, meat eating dinosaurs. Xander claimed they were just the standard Cleveland woodsy bugs and animals, but please. I think I know the difference between a cricket and a raptor. Anyway, it took the three of us seven days to get the job done…except there were four of us because Faith decided to join in for no real reason. Not that I wasn't happy to have her, it's just, well…Let's just say she wasn't in the running for the "Miss Congeniality" award. Xander, Satsu, and I were the crew on the call list, along with a bulldozer and a chainsaw. I'd sort of hesitated over including Satsu in any of the repairs, but she had a way of just turning up all cheerful and ready to work, and I finally gave up and included her in the rotation. The more the merrier, and although Satsu wasn't exactly a Scooby Gang member, she wasn't one of the star struck girls who were driving me crazy either. Plus she was strong and a hard worker, she dressed stylishly, she smelled nice, and we had a little something sort of sparking up between us. She'd been flirting with me since her return from Japan three months ago and I don't know, I was kind of liking it and maybe flirting back. Now while I'm nowhere near officially gay, I've known for years that I'm not entirely straight either. I learned that way back in Sunnydale when Faith first showed up, and I'm pretty sure if Angel hadn't returned and Faith hadn't gone totally bonkers and evil, well, I most likely would have beaten Willow to the Gay Pride parade. Instead nothing really happened, a bunch of water went over and under the bridge, our moment passed, and now we're settled into a friendship that's solid, despite all of the weird mixed signals that never seem to go away. But back to Satsu…She was here, she was interested and she was cute. Yes, she's kind of a player, Faith says she's "smarmy", which I get why she says that, but she's not. Not really. At least not completely. She's just a little too smooth maybe, and a little shifty or shady like players usually are, and I wouldn't trust her with my heart as far as Andrew could throw it, but in this case, all of that stuff worked just right for me. I wasn't looking for true love or even a long term relationship. I was much more interested in having some quiet time by myself…not like that, and I didn't feel the need for a serious somebody in my life. I didn't feel like making the effort of getting to know them, then falling head over heels and working on our problems together, blah, blah, blah until we broke up in a blaze of tears and hurt feelings. I wanted to skip all of that this time around. I've never had casual sex before, I've never hooked up with somebody just because, but lately I've been thinking that maybe that's the answer for me. No strings attached sounds kind of exciting and when you add in I'd be doing it with a woman for the first time, well it doesn't get any newer or more exciting than that. All I know about lesbians is that they love U-Hauls, and according to Willow, the sex is phenomenal. I'm thinking that Satsu is going to be more than happy to teach me whatever I don't know, and that sounds okay to me. I've seen the looks she gives me when she thinks I'm not looking. I've noticed the constant touching, smiling, and laughing at my every joke, and I've seen the way she practically drools whenever I'm wearing shorts or a sports bra. Now yes, normally I wouldn't even consider someone who had any smarminess at all on display, Parker filled that quota for a lifetime, but I find her sexy enough and it's been a pretty long dry spell for me. And I know she'll go for the: "We're Just Two Adults Out For a Good Time" speech. It's basically what she does anyway, and if we both go into it with the understanding that neither of us expects anything else from the other, no one will get hurt. They call that a win/win all the way. I felt like I was being very grown up, downright sophisticated in fact, but I wanted to run it by Will in case I was just being stupid. She wasn't available and since I wanted to set the wheels in motion the very next day, I went to my next best girlfriend for advice. We were all alone and finishing up something called: "dry walling", and one of us was so bored we decided to just plow ahead. "Xander, what do you think about me experimenting?" "Not much, Buff. You need to do it just like I showed…" "No, not this, with my love life." "Oh. Experimenting how?" We'd both stopped working and I turned to him. "Well, I was thinking of maybe gaying it up a little. Do you think I should try it?" His grin was huge as he hugged me. "It's about time!" Now Xander's always supportive, but it seemed a little strange that he was so enthusiastic without even getting any of the details. I carried on anyway. "I'm thinking it wouldn't be a serious thing, but I'm not sure if I can actually do that." "Buffy, she's already pretty serious about you, you know?" That sort of made me hesitate. She was? "I don't think so, She's not exactly a one woman woman, and I'm pretty sure just casual and fun will be fine with her." He turned back to the wall and started working again: "You can give it the old Slayer try, but her 'playing the field' days are totally a thing of the past. The way I see it – she's only got eyes for you." "Maybe since she's been back, but I'm sure there's a string of broken hearts trailing behind her in Japan." He jerked and missed the hole: "You're talking about Satsu?" "Yes, who'd you think I was talking about?" "…Satsu, of course." I stopped in mid dry wall lifting. "Xander?" "What?" "Why are you being so weird?" He laughed and gave me a little hug: "Despite being your second best girl friend, I'm still a man. You know how the lesbian stuff gets me all flustered." "Yeah, but…" "I think whatever you decide to do, I've got your back." He was such a good friend and just saying stuff out loud helped me make up my mind. "Okay, thanks. I think I'll talk to her tomorrow and see how it goes." He mumbled something I didn't quite hear: "Oh, it's gonna go all right. All over the place." So there we all were on Yard Clearing Day. Satsu was nothing but cute and quirky and happy, and then Faith showed up and the mood went downhill so fast, it was like we were skiing on Mount Everest. The tension arrived with Faith and it escalated with her, and she didn't say anything except to swear almost constantly as she worked like a madwoman. She did twice as much as the rest of us and she did it violently. Xander drove the bulldozer and Faith handled the chainsaw in a way that made that freaky Leatherface guy seem normal. She threw tree trunk pieces into the back of the haul away truck so hard, it sounded like it was groaning for mercy, and she swung her axe at every piece of wood like she was aiming for Kakistos' head. She dug up tree roots like she was digging someone's grave, probably Satsu's if the looks she was giving her were any indication. Satsu wasn't exactly talking much either and she kept glaring back. Xander looked completely terrified, like it was his responsibility to keep an eye on Faith. His gaze kept bouncing from her to Satsu, from Faith to me, back to Faith, then it was on to Satsu, then here came my turn, and it's so fun, let's do it all again for hours. I had no idea what was happening. I mean, I knew they weren't actually friends, but I'd never seen them so openly hostile towards each other. I'd heard about a week after Satsu got back from Japan they'd gotten into it physically and had to be separated, but I had no clue they were this mad at each other. I tried hard for about an hour to joke and tease them out of it, but it didn't have any effect on either of them, and I got tired of listening to Xander's nearly hysterical laughter at everything I sai Sharing Widget |
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