FF (February 2013) D. Jordan Redhawk - Orphan Makerseeders: 4
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FF (February 2013) D. Jordan Redhawk - Orphan Maker (Size: 313.46 KB)
Description![]() Ragged, starving refugees want to settle in Lindsay Crossing. In a world waking up from a devastating plague, control of resources—and people—is the key to survival. Marissa Loomis has grown used to fighting for herself and her family. The newcomers are a threat, but they can’t be left to die. As the fragile society plans to grow by scavenging the deserted cities, newcomer Gwen finds herself torn between the man who saved her from starvation and the compelling woman who represents reason and power in what’s left of her world. But what can Gwen make of the enforced secrecy about Loomis’s past, and the nightmares that erupt every night? Is there something worse than plague that has driven Loomis to the edge? Love, revenge, cruelty and honor swirl through this page-turning novel from the author of The Sanguire Series. If you like any of these book, support the author by buying it. Review This is a great book (I read it this weekend), D. Jordan Redhawk is a master storyteller that builds wonderful worlds. In a dystopian future everyone above 15 years dies by a plague (the Orphan Maker). Five years later, the few survivors of gang wars and disease on a city, starving to death, decide to attempt their last chance and pursue the rumor of a farming community. When they reach Lindsay Cross, these hardened and desperate warriors found a peaceful community of farmers. Helping each other they have learned to live from the earth, thanks to the wise advices from Marissa Loomis. Gwen, the cold Gatos leader's girlfriend, has only a rule : always follow the power. And she feels that the hidden power on Lindsay Cross is Loomis. Two lifestyles will collide. By the way, what the editor was doing ?. This book has only 6 words in spanish, and 3 were badly miswritten (they are not slang, they are ridiculous errors that will move you to rip your eyes). I have corrected them on the epub. Sample Chapter One Gwen Grant leaned against the door to Riddick’s sickroom. The rotting meat smell of his wound made her nose wrinkle. If it had been anyone else in that bed, she would have offered a bullet in the brainpan by now. But it was Riddick, an asshole so monstrous that God had broken the mold when He’d finished birthing the bastard. No one wanted to waste a bullet on him. “How much longer?” She looked at Weasel, the leader of the State Street Gatos. His appearance was very like his namesake with eyes small and close-set. He peered at her down a pointy upturned nose. He hadn’t gotten much taller in the four years she’d known him, but poor nutrition and genetics had gifted her with a smaller stature so he seemed to tower over her. “No idea. I’d have thought him dead days ago.” He draped his arm around her waist as she pushed off the doorframe to lean into him. “Has he said anything else about that place?” “Nope.” She stared into the room. “Tex says his fever’s really bad. How do we know he’s not hallucinating?” “We don’t. But if he’s not, we should be able to find it on a map, right?” Weasel glanced over his shoulder to ensure they were alone. “We can’t stay here. We’ll be dead before winter.” She pursed her lips, knowing he spoke truth. The kids had gone through a lot the last couple of years. As resources dwindled, the canned goods no longer supporting the population, famine began its march across the city. Once simple territorial disputes, gang fighting became one of claiming what little food remained. Their last attempt at getting food had resulted in a shoot-out that killed multiple soldiers and wounded Riddick. They had sixty-three mouths to feed, and nothing left but rats and a fifty-pound bag of dog kibble. Starvation had put a handful into sickbeds, too weak to do more than keep breathing. Even the soldiers were on rations. It was just a matter of time before the last survivors of the Methuselah Plague joined their parents in death. Weasel gave her a hug and released her, stepping into Riddick’s room. She followed. He pulled up a rickety lawn chair and sat down while she took the dry cloth from Riddick’s forehead to dampen with river water. The shock of the water woke the wounded man from his fever dream, and Gwen hastily pulled back. In his delirium, Riddick had already bloodied the lip of another caretaker. “Riddick.” Panting, Riddick searched for Weasel, his body restless with the pain festering in his thigh. The filthy bandage had long since become nothing but a mass of black and green blood as the infection raged. A number of flies had made their home in the mess, and red streaks ran up and down his bared leg. Weasel leaned closer. “Riddick! Tell me about Lindsay Crossing.” Riddick croaked, “Fuckin’ sheep.” He started coughing. Disgusted, Gwen dipped another rag into the water, wringing it out over Riddick’s lips. He eagerly sucked the liquid into his mouth. “Yeah, I know. Fuckin’ sheep. You said that already, dawg. Tell me where Lindsay Crossing is.” Riddick’s head thrashed. “North.” He stretched, the movement in his leg causing him to cry out. Weeping, he snarled at Weasel. “It’s fucking north, damn it! Up in the mountains. Leave me the fuck alone.” The sight of Riddick bawling like a baby unsettled Gwen. She’d only ever seen him angry or sullen, surrounded by his little posse of friends. His buddies had all died in the same gunfight that had wounded him, leaving him alone in a gang of people who didn’t give a shit whether he lived or died. Weasel considered the wounded man. “You think they’ll take us in if we show up there?” “Fuckin’ sheep. Think they’re so much better than we are,” Riddick muttered as his memories took over his fevered dreams. He shifted and whimpered, “Damn her.” His voice faded into incomprehensible murmurs as he lost himself to the past. With a snort, Weasel stood and left the room. Gwen trailed behind him. “Rogelio, get me that atlas from my crib.” As the soldier did as ordered, Gwen ran her fingers along Weasel’s back, stopping to lightly grasp his shoulder. “At least we know a direction this time. I’m surprised he gave it up.” “Me too.” Weasel stood at the catwalk overlooking the dirty warehouse his crew called home. Beneath them, the State Street Gatos lounged on stained mattresses and chairs salvaged from nearby residences and businesses. None of the survivors were older than nineteen. They lounged in the filth, once fine-looking leather and silk clothing ripped and scuffed, sweat-stained and filthy. Hollow-eyed, many of them tried to hide the cadaverous lines of their faces with makeup. It had become the rage to emulate American Indian war paint, and the garish colors helped disguise their emaciated features. All told, Weasel had twelve children under the age of five still breathing. Half of these toddlers had no parents, orphaned in the second and third wave of illness that had swept through Weasel’s crew. Others had lost older siblings to the fighting and starvation that had run rampant among the survivors of the Methuselah Plague. Rogelio trotted back, handing Weasel a worn atlas. “gracias.” Opening it, Weasel narrowed his eyes to read the words, laboriously searching for and finding the page he needed. “Here’s hopin’ it’s in this fucking state and not up in Canada somewhere.” *** “Are you sure about this, Weasel?” “For the hundredth time, I’m sure!” Weasel looked away from the binoculars long enough to glare at her. “Christ, Gwen, if you didn’t believe that cracker, why the hell did you come with me?” Gwen shrugged thin shoulders. Sequins sparkled from the Superstar logo emblazoned on the breast pocket of her denim jacket, the full effect lost with half the sequins absent, leaving faded blue marks in their place. “Beats starving to death in the city.” Weasel grimaced, relaxing his defensive stance. “We ain’t gonna starve to death, okay? Those people are still up here. They’ll take us in.” She startled him with a rusty laugh. “I wouldn’t take us in.” “Yeah? Well, I guess it’s a good thing you ain’t already up here, ain’t it?” Weasel returned to scanning the narrow valley with his binoculars. She glanced behind her at Weasel’s crew, those that were strong enough to follow him on this bizarre trek. An even twenty had been left behind, too sick or dispirited to join their exodus to the proverbial holy land. Forty-three survivors from a city of thousands splayed out in various states of repose on the side of a two-lane highway. The pavement was pitted from five years of bad weather and the occasional falling rock from the above mountainside. To the east was a dusty shoulder dropping off into a ravine. On the west was the wall of a cliff that had been created when the road had been carved into the mountainside. Those who’d had the foresight to bring possessions, scant as they were, carried them in anything from designer packs to salvaged wheelbarrows. Several had taken the opportunity to remove stylish if tattered shoes, revealing blisters and swollen joints from days of forced marching on the harsh road. Only a few had had the sense to scavenge better shoes along the way. Even those limped along from the rigors of breaking in new leather and canvas. It had been years ago since she’d heard it, but Gwen thought she remembered an appropriate phrase: a trail of tears. This time it was a trail of shoes marking the passage of this destitute lot in search of survival. The worst off were the little ones. They stared listlessly at their elders with sunken eyes, long past the ability to complain or weep at the gnawing hunger in their bellies. If they didn’t arrive at their destination soon, this trail would be decorated with bodies as well as shoes. The food scrounged from roadside stops and small mountain towns had given out a day ago. Everyone now traveled by rote movement rather than hope. No one had realized how far away from the city they would have to walk to reach the fabled village of Lindsay Crossing, the place Riddick had babbled about on his deathbed. It wasn’t like they could use cars and vans —most major highways were nothing but automotive graveyards after the panicked exodus from high populace areas. Had the hardship been evident from the beginning, Gwen knew the kids would have remained in the squalor of their crib until they’d wasted away to nothing. “I think this is it.” Weasel brought her attention back to him. He handed her the binoculars. “Look down there. Does that look like a house?” She peered in the direction he indicated. “It looks like a church steeple. So? We’ve been through a lot of small towns since we left home. There hasn’t been more than a handful of kids in half of ’em.” She didn’t mention that some had been in worse straits than the Gatos. “Yeah, but look to the left of that. It’s a house.” She followed his direction and froze. A wisp of smoke trickled from the brickwork, and she sucked in her breath. Stepping past Weasel, she scanned the valley with intent. “Shit, Weas, there’s lots of chimneys smoking down there.” Hope flared in her heart, a stab painful enough to cause her to tremble. She ruthlessly forced herself to stillness; she couldn’t afford to lose control in front of Weasel, couldn’t show weakness now when she hadn’t done so since Beau. Instead, she turned to stare at him. “You might be right.” He nodded, his dark complexion paling at her confirmation. His hands shook so badly that he almost dropped the binoculars when she returned them. When he turned away, Gwen wondered if he was going to break into tears. He seemed close to losing it. She scoffed at herself. Weasel had held his crew together with an iron fist. He hadn’t even broken down when his little sister was caught by the Clinton Street Crips and raped to death two years ago. No way was he losing it now. This pilgrimage in search of a dead man’s home was a last-ditch attempt at survival. If Riddick had been wrong about his people, if they weren’t as generous as he’d claimed, Weasel and the rest of them would die before winter. Gwen stared into the valley. What if they won’t take us in? Weasel turned back to his crew. “I think we’re here,” he said in a raised voice. “I know everybody’s tired, but I want to get this over with. The sooner we get down there, the sooner we’ll know whether to keep hoofing or not.” It was a measure of their exhaustion that none complained at the shortened rest period. They slowly donned their shoes and sandals, dragged themselves to their bloody feet, and prepared to move. A few shouldered packs, others picked up the weakest of the children. A baby whimpered, but even that took too much energy, and it soon fell silent. When everyone was ready, Weasel led his people down into the valley, Gwen at his side. *** The blacktop had seen better days, but then what hadn’t? Gwen bypassed a large pothole, ignoring someone’s curse behind her as they stepped into it. At least the road wasn’t as bad as the one across that ravine three days back when they feared the bridge wouldn’t hold long enough for everyone to cross. Time, ill weather and lack of repair had caused part of one entire traffic lane to fall into the gorge below, and the side rails had been suspect at best. It was now close to noon, and the sun beat down upon them. Some of the boys had removed their shirts, tucking them into the waistband of their jeans. Their skin gleamed with sweat in a variety of hues. The needs of survival had precluded racism. Weasel’s crew had been entirely Hispanic when the plague had swept through the world. Now an even mix of blacks, whites and Asians offset the sun-browned skin and Spanish accents. Gwen laughed to herself. Who knew that plague and famine would be the great equalizer? As they descended into the valley, Gwen lost sight of the town. Rock canyon walls grew taller to her left, and white water rushed below in the river to her right. It became claustrophobic in places. The road here was in no better repair, boulders and rockslides having succumbed to gravity to bury their path. Most of the kids skirted the obstacles, only a few exhibiting strength enough to climb over them. They walked forever, though it was cooler here in the shade near the water. Closed in, surrounded by forest and rock, Gwen licked her lips, eyes darting from side to side. Narrow as an alleyway between two tall buildings, always dangerous places in the city, this would be the perfect place for an ambush. She wasn’t the only one feeling static. Those boys and girls with weapons eyed their surroundings with equal nervousness, fingering the safety catches. Tension swelled the further they walked. The young ones noticed the prickly readiness for hostility, their eyes wide as they tried to see what had their elders on edge. As they rounded a bend in the road, the oppressive mood lifted as the way ahead opened up. From here Gwen saw the town again, much nearer than she had expected. She swallowed against a lump in her throat. I am not going to cry. A farmhouse sat a few hundred yards further on, and Weasel waved his people forward. She heard a few relieved sniffles from the kids around her and ignored them. There was still the hurdle of talking these people into allowing a bunch of “ain’t-nobodies” into their lives. For all these townies knew, Weasel’s crew was nothing but a bunch of scrubs come to mooch off their hard work. The farmhouse looked deserted, the grass in the yard long since gone wild with encroaching native plant life. A rusty swing set crouched in the weeds, chains tinkling gently from the slight breeze. Intrigued, some of the more active children approached the playset, reaching out to tentatively touch the flaking paint. “Go check it out.” When two of Weasel’s soldiers brought their weapons up to bear, he growled at them. “No, estúpidos! Show some respect! Knock!” They looked sheepish as they headed for the front porch. Gwen peered at a broken window.“I don’t think anybody’s there.” “Me either, querida.” Weasel put an arm around her waist. “But we’ve got to make sure. Besides, if there’s anything there we can use, I can’t leave it behind.” She made a noncommittal sound and pulle Sharing Widget |
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