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FF (February 2013) Sue West - Sexy Lesbian Playtime (Size: 782.46 KB)
Description![]() If you're looking for a wonderful collection of sizzling lesbian erotica, look no further! Sue West has compiled a mammoth edition of today's best stories topping in at over 1,000 pages. From Audrey Hart's classic “Abbie,” to Kate Clairmont's “Arielle's Awakening,” there is something here for everyone. Most of the stories in this collection sell for $2.99 each on their own, but are now available for only $2.99 total! Don't miss out! This book contains graphic sexual content and is for sale to adults only. If you like this book support the author by buying it. You can found here my entire collection: http://kat.ph/user/perellopis/uploads/ Sample Monica's First Taste By Trisha Yelsing Chapter 1 I've never kept a diary before, or written down any autobiographical details of my life for that matter, but after what happened to me this past Saturday I think I ought to give it a try. What a Saturday! It's almost impossible to believe it all really happened, and I want to get as much of it down as I can while it's still fresh in my mind. I'm sure I'll never forget most of it, but by writing it down I'll be assured to always have the opportunity to relive it. First of all, my name is Monica. Obviously I'll never forget my name, but just in case someone else ever reads this, I might as well be thorough. In fact, my goal is to be as thorough as possible, because I want a detailed account of all the incredible things that took place. God, I wish Saturday had never ended! Okay, so my name is Monica and I'm nineteen years old. I should give a little background information in case someone else really is reading this, but I promise to keep it brief. Let's just say I grew up with quite possibly the worst childhood of all time. That's an exaggeration I'm sure, but my life has always been pretty damn horrible. Most people have some type of childhood friend or friends who they look back on with fond memories. If not a friend, then at least an acquaintance. Somebody who helped get them through the painful years. Some people have lots of friends. I've never had a single friend or anything even close to a friend in my entire life, and that is not an exaggeration. Also, I'm a lesbian. I'm not sure how long I've known this, but it's been quite awhile. Things would have been easier, I think, if I wasn't, because it's true that I'm fairly attractive and some of the boys at school used to hit on me. If I was straight I probably would have went with one of them, if only to have some sort of human contact. A friend. But I've never liked boys, and find them scary and kind of repulsive. I know a lot of them are probably very nice, but I'm just not attracted to them. Girls, on the other hand, I am very attracted to. I can't even tell you how many hours a day I fantasize about being with another girl. It's always been this way with me, as far back as I can remember. All through grade school I would stare at the prettiest girls and fall in love with them and imagine myself being intimate with them. Kissing and touching. Nothing ever happened, but it was wonderful to think about. I had some pretty wicked fantasies, there's no doubt about it. I don't want to scare you away, but I think I would literally do anything with another girl, and I do mean anything. Not just one girl, either, but lots of them. As many as I could. For a virgin I really had some slutty fantasies. The big problem was, once everyone at school found out I was a lesbian, they all tormented me about it. If there were any other girls in my school who were lesbians, or even bi, they never let on about it. It was just me, and everyone teased me and played cruel jokes on me. I don't even want to think about those years again. I'm just writing this part down to lay a small foundation. The point is, I was alone and everyone hated me and my life was miserable. Every day was as shitty as you can imagine, and many days were even shittier than that. Some days all I thought about was suicide, but again, I'm not going to go there right now. The story I want to tell is what happened after I finally finished high school and began attending community college. I still had to live at home, with my strict, narrow-minded parents, but some of the people I met at school were much different from the ones I was used to at my crappy high school. I grew up in New Jersey, by the way. In Brick Town. That's in Ocean County, very close to the ocean. The college I go to is Ocean County College, or OCC for short. It's not much of a school, really, as far as getting an education goes. In fact, a lot of kids there call it the “thirteenth grade.” And being that it's on Hooper Avenue, some of them call it Hooper High. But one thing I noticed there is that no one seems to care that I'm a lesbian. Not only that, but there are other girls there who are lesbians, too. Imagine that! One of them is named Stephanie. That's kind of where I really want to start. Chapter 2 It was in a class called Abnormal Psychology that I met Stephanie. She was sitting next to another girl, both of them just off to one side and a few rows in front of me. While the instructor babbled on and on about how it was abnormal to not experiment with drugs, making all the stoners in the class laugh and grin at each other, I couldn't take my eyes off Stephanie and her friend, whose name I found out later was Becky. Stephanie was one of those perfect blondes that most men fantasize about. Everything about her was perfect; her cute, angelic face; her thin, athletic body; her long, soft blonde hair which flowed down over her shoulders like sun-laced honey. Even her voice was beautiful; low and throaty and really erotic. She sat there making witty comments to her friend Becky during the class, both of them giggling from time to time, almost driving me crazy with desire. Becky was very pretty, too, but not beautiful like Stephanie. She was a brunette, like myself, and more than a little attractive. But it was Stephanie my eyes were drawn to most, and I missed most of what was being said by the instructor as I slipped into a little fantasy world where me and Stephanie were alone in the classroom and doing all sorts of naughty things. Things that made me get all wet. I had to shift around in my seat, wanting to touch myself so badly as I gazed at her and listened to her sweet, melodic voice. This went on and off during class, as I fought my urge to stare at her, but as several weeks went by she obviously picked up on it and soon she was going out of her way to catch me looking. She caught me over and over again, and the more she caught me the more it made me want to look again. Finally, this past Friday, after another intense period of our little visual interaction, Stephanie called me over to her desk at the end of the class as everyone else was filing out the door. Well, not everyone was leaving. Becky stayed put, as well. I stepped closer to Stephanie's desk. They were both staring at me, sort of in a pissed-off way. I wasn't sure why. I knew it was rude to stare, but I only did it because of Stephanie's beauty. She was irresistible. “You got a problem with us?” Stephanie asked me. She was so beautiful! It was almost like an honor for me to stand there and see her close up. And to get to speak to her. But I wasn't sure what it was she was accusing me of. “I'm sorry?” I said. I was truly perplexed. They glanced at each other, knowingly, and it caused me to turn my head and gaze inquisitively at Becky. She sneered at me. She looked very cute up close, cuter than I had thought she would. Even the sneer didn't take away from that cuteness. I wanted to press up next to her and lick her sneering lips, despite the fact that she was obviously disgusted with me for some reason. “What's your problem?” she asked. “This isn't 1950, you know.” I still didn't get it. I felt stupid, but I'm not sure why. Inferior, too. I always felt inferior. “I'm sorry. I'm not sure I understand.” I looked back and forth between them, the room having completely emptied out now except for a fat kid in the corner trying to jam all his books and a small skateboard into an already full backpack. He was so involved in it, sweating with frustration, that he was paying no attention to us at all. “Oh, come on,” Stephanie said. “If you've got a problem with Becky and I, say so. You wouldn't be the first. Believe me, we're used to it. So if you have something you want to get off your chest, please do it. Then maybe you can stop glaring at us all day.” That made something click, and I suddenly realized they were lovers. The thought of it thrilled me, and it made Stephanie look even more desirable somehow. Becky, too, for that matter. My god! I just wanted to slip between them and wrap my arms around them and -- “If you're just going to stand there and continue to stare at me, I'm going to have to assume I was wrong about you being opposed to us and assume you're just mentally challenged.” I snapped out of it. “I'm sorry,” I said again. “It's not what you think.” I tried to think of a way to explain myself. “I could tell you the truth, but I'm not sure...” I trailed off, not sure how to continue. “Not sure what?” Stephanie challenged. “I... I wasn't staring at you on purpose. I'm sorry. I...” I had to glance away, embarrassed. “I just kind of... thought... I dunno...” “What are you yammering about?” Becky asked. “Just answer her question.” I looked at Stephanie. I felt so confused. “I didn't mean to offend you,” I said sternly. I looked her right in the eyes. I was so nervous I was sweating, almost as badly as the fat kid in the corner who had finally given up and was now dragging twin armloads of junk away from his desk and toward the door. “I was... just... kind of...” “Jesus, we don't have all day.” “I was... staring at you... because I like you, okay?” It was very hard for me to say. I'm not even sure what made me admit it to her. I just felt like I had to say it. It could be my only chance, and really, what was the risk? She appeared surprised by my response. “You like me?” I nodded. “I think so, yes.” “Oh, jeez, Steph!” Becky called out. She pounded her desk with one hand. “I think we misjudged her. She wasn't giving you the evil-eye. She was just giving you the eye!” Stephanie laughed at this. The atmosphere changed, just like that, and we all seemed to relax a bit just as the large boy finally disappeared from view. “Well,” she said, turning to me. “Even if that's true, it's still very unnerving...” “I'm sorry!” I said again. “I really, really am! I never meant to offend you. I just... couldn't help it.” “She's hot for you,” Becky commented. It annoyed me at first, but then almost immediately I was grateful she'd said it. It was true, after all, and it put everything right there in front of us. I didn't respond, not knowing what I should possibly say. “Is that true?” Stephanie finally asked. I thought about lying, but again toughened up. What was the point of denying it? I nodded. My chest tightened as I inhaled and spoke to her. “It is. I think you're beautiful.” “Damn,” said Becky. “Maybe you ought to invite her to your little party this weekend.” Stephanie was grinning, staring at me. “You're serious? You like girls?” I nodded. I was almost frozen. She licked her lips, causing my arousal to heighten further. “I can usually read people pretty good. You don't come across as being a dyke.” “I've never...” I was so embarrassed! “I mean, I always wanted...” “She's a virgin,” Becky pointed out helpfully. “Is that true?” Stephanie asked. “Yes. I just...” “You're kind of cute,” Stephanie said. It sent shivers of warmth throughout my entire body. I stared at her and she stared back, smiling. “Thank you,” I managed. “So are you.” “Hitting on my girlfriend, right in front of me,” Becky scolded. I turned to her, almost shocked. “I'm sorry! I didn't mean to...” “It's okay,” Stephanie assured me. “We're in an open relationship, anyway.” Becky pouted at this, but didn't disagree. “What's your name?” Stephanie asked me. Almost trembling with longing, I told her. “Monica.” “Monica. I like it.” “Thank you.” “So you've never been with a girl before, Monica?” The sound of my name coming out of her mouth made me almost swoon. “Never.” She sat back in her chair, contemplating me. “You're far too attractive to pass up.” Becky groaned, but in an amused way. I felt myself grow even wetter. “I...” “Come over a little closer,” Stephanie said. She sat up in her seat, leaning toward me. I stepped closer, feeling almost like I was in a dream. “Kiss me.” “Oh, god!” Becky leaned back, not wanting to see or hear any more. I could hardly believe this was really happening. I stepped right up to Stephanie and leaned down slightly, bringing my lips closer to hers. I could see the texture of hers, the little lines in them and the thin layer of pinkish lipstick that coated them. I was so close I could actually feel the air coming out of her nostrils as she exhaled. She was wearing a subtle perfume and it caused my head spin with desire, as if I wasn't amorous enough already. “I...” “Kiss me,” she repeated. My heart fluttering in my chest, I slowly closed the gap until I felt the soft fullness of Stephanie's lips pressing against my own. My arousal was through the roof, and I almost felt like I was going to pass out. I was kissing a girl! I was kissing Stephanie! Just as I began to worry that I was pushing my luck, that I was holding my lips to hers a bit too long, her hand came up and circled the back of my head. With her long, slender fingers tangled in my hair, she pulled me even closer to her, our lips mashed together. Then her mouth opened slightly and I felt her tongue poke out and slip in between my lips. Oh my god! Was this really happening? It seemed that it couldn't be. I was never this lucky. I parted my lips, welcoming Stephanie's tongue into my mouth. It was so soft and silky and slippery and it tasted sweet, as if she'd been eating candy. I sucked on it, loving it, and then suddenly it was gone. She released my head and leaned back in her chair, grinning at me. It took me a moment to recover. My brain was still processing all that was happening. “Well?” she asked. “How was it?” I finally straightened up, doing my best to return her smile. “It was wonderful.” “Oh, god,” Becky groaned. “You've done it again, Steph.” Stephanie giggled and reached out to me, running her fingers over my arm. “You're adorable.” My head reeling, I tried to think of something to say. “I think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever even seen. Thank you so much.” She beamed. “You're really sweet, Monica. I'm having a little party this weekend. Saturday night. You're invited, if you'd like to come.” Five minutes ago she'd been upset with me, and now she'd kissed me and invited me to her party. Everything was happening so fast. “I...” “You might as well come,” Becky encouraged. “Maybe you'll meet a nice girl there and then I can have mine back.” I turned to her, alarmed. “I'm sorry! I really didn't mean to --” Becky laughed and got up from her seat. To my utter astonishment, she stepped right up to me and planted a big wet kiss right on my mouth. I was so surprised, and so aroused that I didn't know whether to come or faint. Two kisses from two girls in two minutes! I was delirious. “I...” “Come to the party, Monica,” Becky repeated. “It'll be fun.” I nodded, staring at her. I wanted to kiss her again. Before I could speak, I felt Stephanie tugging on my purse and I turned to look at her. She was smiling. She'd jotted something down on a sheet of notebook paper and folded it in half. “Take this. It's my address and phone number.” In a dream, I reached out and took the paper. “You... really want me to come?” She pretended to pout. She was so beautiful I couldn't stand it! “Don't you want to?” “Of course! I'm just... surprised you're inviting me.” She stroked my arm. “Come to my party, Monica. Yo Sharing Widget |