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Description![]() Buffy the Vampire Slayer fiction This is Faith's autobiography. She tell us her happy childhood in New York with her caring, mother, high school, college, loving girlfriend, becoming the slayer, the weird accident that she can't remember and got her stabbed, ... But when she is sent to Sunnydale to fight The First she starts to feel that not all is at it seems. Why is everybody so wary of her ?, the slayer records didn't say that this breathtakingly gorgeous Buffy girl died many years ago ?, ... .... 75 Pages I have build this book from its author's site. http://www.realmoftheshadow.com/saoirse/dreaming.htm You can find my entire collection here: http://kickasstorrents.ee/user/perellopis/uploads/ Sample PART ONE: THE EARLY YEARS The nurse told me to write about my life if I was so bored. I am really, really bored. Can’t walk at the moment, and there’s no one here to talk to… so this would be my life… I was born in Boston and taken to New York when I was two… after my Dad left. I don’t remember him and there aren’t any photos around. So it was just me and my Mom. She teaches kindergarten kids, and is quite normal… typical Mom. Nags me about shit all the time, from school to eating to slaying. But she loves me, and that’s what important at the end of the day. Anyway, I had a boring childhood, nothing too dramatic, other than falling of a bicycle and out of trees. I had friends in school, one of whom I kept since I was three years old… Danny. He is my opposite in every aspect, he works and I don’t, he studies and I party… not that I’m bad with school… my SATs were great and now I’m in college… so I’m doing something right… Now you’re thinking so far so boring. Yeah, I guess you’re right… is kind of boring. But things changed when I was fifteen. I was at a party with some friends and was walking home thinking of some excuse to give my mother for missing curfew again. Anyway, I walk straight into this guy called Peter Wallace. He freaks the shit out of me… I mean the street is dead except for him and he just stands in front of me. What freaks me out even more is when he says my name. I know I hadn’t done anything illegal, so the cops didn’t have anything on me… but I knew he wasn’t a cop. I mean he was British. “In every generation there is a Chosen one. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the slayer.” Is what this guy in tweed said to me. My very intellectual response would have been. “Huh?” This was followed by a “Fuck off, you wacko!” I can only say that today, my insults have improved. So I go on home, get into a row with my Mom and then sleep and have the craziest ass dream of my life. I mean seriously, fangs, claws, mirrors, water and some really ugly wacko. Needless to say I had really little sleep, so when my alarm went off the following morning I threw it against the wall to turn the damn thing off. What should have been a simple bang was a loud crash and a hole in the wall. The noise made me sit up and the hole made me mumble every swear word in the book. My Mom is up and is glaring at me through the hole. All I can do is grin and apologise. So that night I meet the British guy again. His name is Peter Wallace, but to me he is just plain Pete, and this guy is to be watcher. Even now I’m not too sure what watchers do other than train me and watch me… but he tells me all this shit about vampires and slayers. I didn’t believe him until he told me to go to a grave-yard with him. I saw my first vampire that night, and I staked my first vampire that night… Real crazy! You know, I suddenly had this super power, and I couldn’t tell anyone. I would go to school by day, and stake vampires by night. Pete was great at the whole training because by the time I was eighteen I was fast, strong and one hell of a slayer. Once I fell into the whole slayer thing and began to trust Pete… the latter was real hard. I mean, this guy knew everything about me, and I mean everything. He probably knew when I lost my virginity. Which to answer your thoughts was when I was fourteen. Some dude called Jake… not very memorable. Serious fumbling and grunting from him… I just lie there and think to myself ‘well, isn’t this just a big heap of fun?’ My first boyfriend, Denzil was much better… stuck with him until the slaying days took over my life. I mean he got himself in danger with some vampire chick, I saved his ass… and at the same time, saw that he was considering actually fucking this chick. He had to go… but I don’t believe in gentle dumping… so I made a complete fool of him in front of the entire school. Let’s say that it involved handcuffs, nudity, a chair, a bill-board saying “Scratch the Itch”… he never spoke to me again. But I don’t like being fucked with. Now I’m going completely of the point. Let me tell you about Pete. Pete was British, in his forties and kind of like a Dad to me. He and my Mom hated each other, so he was never allowed in the house. If he phoned, my Mom would give some lecture about child labour laws and human rights before slamming the phone down. So he got me a pager…. Which I admit, I did crush with my boot after it kept going off. I mean I was about to get a lay when it went off about sixty-five million times. Anyway, he took care of me… when I was seventeen, I was in a serious accident… I got jumped by an army of vamps who for some weird reason were working with demons… they tore me apart. I mean broke every bone in my body, almost drained me of my blood… and left me. Why they didn’t kill me, I don’t know… I mean they could have killed a slayer. Pete reckons they got frightened off by something but he found me along with Kenny (He knew about me being a slayer at this point). I was in hospital for weeks, and I don’t really remember much about it. Muddled memories. But when I came round in hospital, he was there…. He never left my bed side. Nor did my Mom… Only afterwards did I realise how much he was worried about me… that I just wasn’t a slayer to him. He even supported my decision to go to college, as long as it was local. It was around this time my Mom found out and she freaked out… She screamed at Pete and kicked him out… after that he never stepped foot into the house again. She then told me that I wasn’t allowed to slay anymore. We had a huge fight and I stormed out. I disappeared for about two weeks. I hitched a ride west and ended up in LA… there I meet some dude called Wesley, another watcher… he knew who I was, and said that I was needed back home… he made me feel guilty about my Mom, and about my duties, so back to NY I go. I save the world from some random apocalypse involving these knights of the round table kind of guys… Mom was attacked by one of them, and I kicked his ass to hell and back again, and to hell again before finally killing him. Man, I was so angry… I was so scared about losing my Mom that I tortured the guy before taking of his head. I don’t even use a weapon… I use my own hands. Mom was scared at first, I think it was of my strength but she came round eventually. She even said that she was proud to have a daughter who was a slayer. Mom is cool… I mean, yeah she can be strict about certain things, and she always forces me to eat fruit… but she was always okay with the stuff I did. She knew that I was having sex, and gave me some talk about contraception… but she never tried to stop me… she did try and stop me smoking. I yelled at her, in fact I believe the conversation was something like her saying “You will die from cancer, if you smoke them filthy things.” My answer was of course in true style, forgetting about sensitivity and feelings. “Who cares? I’m going to die long before the big C kicks in… I’m the god damn slayer.” Mom slapped me across the face and I was shocked… She never hit me before, but she realised what she done and started to cry, apologising over and over again… telling me that she didn’t want to lose me. Mom and me are the opposites… We don’t look like each other… she has blue eyes and I have brown eyes… she has light brown hair and I have dark, wild hair… she is polite and well-mannered… I’m blunt but I do try and remember my P&Q with folks. That night I just sat with her, she was hugging me and telling me how much she loved me. I never quit smoking. So I went to college while Danny fucked off around the world… last I heard he was in Japan… I haven’t seen him in a few years. When he told me that he was going, I was really upset. He was my only true friend. I mean everyone else dumps you for some reason or other. He never did that… he even saved my life a few times. He found out that I was a slayer about a year after I did, and he was so cool about it. He used to come with me on patrol and we would talk about anything and everything… from sex to books, from films, well back to sex again. We had both slept with quite a few people by the time we were eighteen, but never with each other… kind of like sleeping with your brother. Yeah, but I went to college and started a degree in psychology, doing my minor in English Literature. In college I met Jules… she was hot, I mean really hot…. Long dark hair, to her waist… two tiny braids in her hair to mark her Native American heritage. A tattoo on the base of her back… real slim and toned…. The darkest eyes in the world… almost black…. And a gorgeous smile. She would walk into the room and everyone, male and female would look at her, I couldn’t talk to her only watch her… I mean she would just smile at me and I would turn to a nervous wreck…. This would ruin my reputation… I mean I was respected and no one fucked with me. Two months after I first laid eyes on Jules, she was attacked by a vampire, and who is the knight in shining armour? Moi! And to repay me, she kisses me and whispers into my ear, “So this is how I seduce you? Try and get killed by a vampire?” My wonderful and original answer was “Huh?” How do you like that originality. She smiles against my ear, I can just feel it, then runs the tip of her tongue along the length of my ear. I thought my knees were going to buckle… you know movie style. She looks at me, and smiles that gorgeous smile. I am just standing there waiting for something. She gives me the something. “So you are the slayer… the Chosen one… you are damn fine.” Me being the witty me, can only smile at this. She then tells me that she studies Legend and Mythology and has heard about the slayer, and then she followed me once and saw me in action… I mean she followed me… she said she wanted me from the moment she saw me… It did make me nervous, not because she was a girl… I’ve slept with girls before her… but because I liked her, and wanted her… I was never for the relationship thing before her… so that night we fucked there in the alley way and then every night afterwards we fucked, with at hers or at mine, in the cemetery or in the alleys… slaying gets you hungry and horny and she was quite good at satisfying both parts. Mom freaked at first when she found out but she was cool when she saw I was happy. I was happy with Jules, she knew about the slaying and she knew that I needed space, and she made me feel good. Did I love her? Yeah, I did. Things got weird when I was eighteen… not only was I in college, and Danny had left, not only was I in a relationship… but I got probably the weirdest dream of my entire life. There were drops of blood and then this shiny circle of light, a bolt of lightning, and the light becomes a portal, nearly the size of the sky… next thing this dragon flies out. Next thing I’m jumping into the portal and falling. I wake up sweating, I mean I bolted up with tears in my eyes. Jules jumps up and strokes my back, whispering soothingly into my ear. I’m shaking… because it felt real, incredibly real… I felt the pain, the fear, the determination, the sheer emotions… things I’ve never felt before shot through me in that dream. I could never explain it. I told Pete about it… he said he would research it, but didn’t think that it was a prophecy of any time. I slowly forgot about the dream, when a few months later, I shot out of the bed, and I was severely shaking. I was terrified, even being awake, terrified me… there was nobody in my room, but my Mom heard me and came to check on me. She found me in a foetal position on the floor crying, sometimes screaming… she didn’t know what to do, so just held me until I calmed down. I didn’t know what the fuck happened… but I just suddenly felt scared and lost. After that, life became weird. Before then I had accepted slaying as my duty… always figuring out that I would die before I hit twenty, so I never cared about anything too much… but one day, I decided I liked life… and then things just got weird. On my eighteenth birthday, I was tested… my powers taken away from me for twenty-four hours… it screwed about with my mind. I knew that I wanted my powers, and I wanted to be a slayer… When I hit nineteen… I was real happy with my life, despite the dreams… I just felt like I was missing something, but I always felt like I was missing something. When I was little I thought it was my dad I was missing… when I hit my teens, I thought there was something big missing… or that something was being hidden from me, like I was adopted or I had a missing twin… something stupid like that. When I was nineteen, I knew I was missing something bigger, and that I needed to find out what it was… but I didn’t know where to start… so I started reading the slayer diaries. I read about every single one of them that was recorded, but none of them struck a chord with me… except one, Buffy Summers… why? I don’t know. I mean she was only a slayer for a year when she drowned at the hands of the Master… But her name meant something. After I read about her, I asked Pete about Sunnydale… I mean why wouldn’t the slayer be guarding the hell-mouth? Not that I wanted to move, but looking at the big picture it made sense for the slayer to be where the source of evil was. Pete said that it was closed and that some watcher called Giles was watching it…. If it was necessary, I would be sent there, but there had never been a reason for me to go. Pete would get uncomfortable when I asked questions about Sunnydale… I mean, he was so British sometimes that I would have to drop it… or I would be poisoned by an overload of tea. Things changed drastically when I was twenty. Jules and I had gone to the movies… and she forced me to watch a re-showing of The Truman Show… I mean it’s an okay movie if you like that sort of thing… I’m more action movies… but this film…. It always made me uncomfortable… it is possible for people to control your life. Back to the point, Jules and I were walking back to my house, because I promised Mom I would crash at hers that night… I had moved out into an apartment with Jules… We decided to do a quick patrol on the way home… And I got jumped on by these guys with no knives… there’s about eight of them, and only one of them manages a scratch… I struggle to get rid of them, but it takes me a while, and in that while Jules got stabbed by one of the bastards. I freaked out… I mean she was the one bleeding and she called her own ambulance. She was trying to calm me down, but all I could think was that it was my fault… if I hadn’t decided to patrol, or if I had just run instead of being stupid enough to fight, or if I had not been the slayer, nobody would have attacked me… While waiting for the ambulance, Jules was trying to convince me that it wasn’t my fault, but I didn’t believe her. As the paramedics were putting her into the ambulance, she looked into my eyes, and stroked my face gently before kissing me softly on the lips… I guess she knew that she wouldn’t see me again… she knew it before I did. If Jules being stabbed was bad, my night was about to get worse. I went straight to Pete after Jules was taken away… and his door is busted open, his place is completely trashed. I was about to leave when I heard a moan… thank God, for the hearing… Pete was lying on the ground, blood everywher Sharing Widget |
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