Fight Club WORKPRINT 1999seeders: 11
leechers: 4
Fight Club WORKPRINT 1999 (Size: 1.99 GB)
127 changes have been listed of which 13 are violence cuts.
Theatrical Version (TV): 2:10:19 (2:13:01) Workprint (WP): 2:30:15 (no credits) 00:00 The opening credits feature different music as well as a different font. 2:32 The sign "Remaining Men Together" is missing in the WP. 2sec 2:46 Extended or new story sequence A pan around Bobs and Nortons legs is missing. 7sec 4:56 The talk with the doctor is shown from a different angle at the beginning. 05:38 Norton walks up the stairs but only halfway in the WP. In the TV he goes all the way up and walks down the hallway. 6:21 The therapist walks towards he man in a different perspective. 8:35 The blackboard is filmed differently. 0Dif 8:44 Dito as Norton rips the note from the blackboard. The closeup of the note " Tuberculosis How We Can Fight It" is missing in the WP. 8:57 Shots of name tags and the coffee machine are missing in the WP. In exchange, Norton is shown with a woman in his arms. 9:00 Different takes of Norton have been used in the church. The penguin walks towards him a bit longer. ca 10sec Dif. 10:05 Norton exits the church a bit longer. 3sec 11:03 A head has been added. 11:33 Extended or new story sequence Norton follows Marla. How he turns around and walks the other way is missing. 3sec 11:43 He screams at Marla in a different angle. 11:49 He gets up and leaves the room. Different takes are used as he lies on the couch watching TV. 4sec 11:57 Extended or new story sequence Norton enters the church, greets some people and receives his communion. 16sec 12:04 Alternative footage is used as the woman speaks. 13:06 The camera pan over the people is longer. 5sec 13:44 Different shots are used as he spots Marla smoking in the church. A shot of her exhaling smoke is missing. 2sec 13:48 Extended or new story sequence The session is over and everybody leaves. Norton walks over to the woman and sees Marla sitting on the bench. He tells the woman that he never uses his real name. He tries to compliment her but it ends with him saying that she looks like a pirate. 49sec 16:30 Norton takes longer crossing the road to get to Marla who is selling some clothes in the secondhand store. 5sec 17:00 As they are bargaining different takes are used. 18:11 The check in takes longer. 6sec 18:58 Here the TV elaborates on Nortons work. In the WP we hear the dialogue inside the plane before the WP goes on about his work. 19sec 19:19 Extended or new story sequence Norton circles the destroyed car to look inside. 5sec 19:55 The dialogue with the woman on the plane is longer because different take have been used. 4sec 24:06 Extended or new story sequence At the airport Norton is informed that his luggage had to be destroyed for safety reasons. The following ride home with a cab is longer as well. 27sec 25:27 The explosion of his apartment is edited differently. 26:48 When Tyler calls the phone booth Norton waits longer before picking up the phone. 3sec 27:30 Extended or new story sequence The dialogue with Tyler in the bar is longer and cut differently. 11sec 30:50 As Norton explains Tylers job at the cinema different takes of him cutting the film are shown. 31:38 The crying girl has been replaced by a different shot. 31:42 The scene of Tyler as a waiter has been shortened. 5sec 33:55 Different takes have been used as they sit in front of the bar after their fight. 34:58 As he attempts to fill the tub with water a different shot has been used. 35:20 Different takes as men exit the bar and find Tyler and Norton beating each other up. 35:31 Extended or new story sequence Someone uses the urinal before Norton. The TV continues as he looks at his neighbor. 3sec 35:36 Extended or new story sequence The guy flushes and leaves the toilet. 6sec 35:12 Before they play golf a fight takes place. In the WP, this fight takes place after Tyler rides his bicycle inside the house. 36:12 When they play golf the scenes are interchanged and shot differently. 37:04 The scenes of Tyler riding his bike and Norton reading are rearranged, shot differently and Norton reads out different titles. 12sec 37:02 In the WP Norton wipes blood off his lip while in the TV his boss comes around the corner. 0Dif 37:17 Different shot of his boss taking the files from his desk. 37:20 Extended or new story sequence While Tyler sits in the tub Norton takes care of his nose a bit longer. 10sec 38:53 Extended or new story sequence Norton sees Marla leaving a house. She stands at the foot of the stairs, then walks down the road. 8sec 38:56 Extended or new story sequence The meeting is longer. While Walter talks Norton thinks about fighting him Norton shows his bloody teeth in a different take. 19sec 41:40:34 As Tyler reads the rules the scene is cut differently. 41:46 Violence During the first fight a hit to he face is missing. 2sec 41:52 Violence The loser is seen longer and the crowd cheers for him too. 2sec 43:02 Extended or new story sequence A short dialogue about the guy who shoved Norton out of the way is missing. 8sec 43:32 Norton throws the man to the ground in a different shot. 43:49 Violence The man hits Nortons head to the ground three times. 43:52 Different shot of him getting up. 44:01 Violence A different puddle of blood. 45:00 The phone call with Marla is cut differently. The following sex scene is shorter and less explicit 48:44 In Marlas room Tyler pushes his glasses up. Only then does the camera pan through the room. 2sec 50:11 The scene in which Marla talks to Tyler in bed uses different takes and dialogue. In the WP she says "I wanna get pregnant." (screen 1) and " I wanna have your abortion" (screen 2) 4secDif 51:35 The plastering falls from the ceiling in a different take. 51:45 Norton stands in front of Tylers door a bit longer. 5sec 52:42 Norton walks through he stairway and towards his house a bit longer. 5sec 53:07 The talk between the policeman and Norton is edited differently and different as well as longer takes have been used. 5sec 55:59 Marla talks about the dress from a different angle. 56:53 Marla leaves the house and is seen longer through the door. 5sec 58:02 Tyler throws a sack of fat over the fence. 2sec 58:20 Tyler cooks the fat longer. In the WP the scene is calmer and less hectic. 9sec 58:50 The intercuts to Norton as Tyler talks about dynamite and lye are replaced by different ones. 59:23 Different shot of Tyler kissing Nortons hand. 59:26 Violence The scene in which Tyler pours chemicals on Nortons hand is much calmer in the WP. Many takes have been re-edited and shortened. When Tyler lets go of his hand the TV continues. 15sec Dif 1:01:37 Extended or new story sequence When Nortons boss confronts him about the Fight Club rules different takes have been used. At first he is startled that his boss found the rules, then he thinks for a bit leans back and starts talking. 20sec Dif 1:03:04 Different takes of Marla on her bed as she calls Norton about the lump in her breast. 0Dif 1:06:16 More people are leaving the bar after Bob has fought. 3sec 1:06:30 Extended or new story sequence Norton walks through the kitchen where Tyler is sitting. After a short dialogue he goes to work. Now the WP shows the scene in which Nortons clobbers himself in front of his boss... (continue at 1:15:39) 28sec 1:07:21 Different takes of Tyler speaking. 1:09:50 Violence When Tyler gets beat up by Lou the scene is edited differently in the WP. Dito when Tyler coughs blood on Lou. 1:11:44 When the members are advised to start a fight in public, scenes of Bob trying to cause trouble are gone – instead we see more from the car dealer. 0Dif 1:12:32 Extended or new story sequence A camera pan past Nortons office where he sits thinking about something is missing. 13sec 1:12:45 The "meeting" with his boss is edited completely different. Also, Norton is seen longer crawling towards his boss after beating himself up. 6sec Dif 1:15:39 Extended or new story sequence ...Norton comes home humming with the shopping cart full of computer equipment. Tyler gets up, tells him that they will close the Fight Club and goes upstairs. Norton follows him to the stairs. 29sec 1:15:39 Violence A few hits to the face are missing. 4sec 1:15:42 It takes a bit longer for him to get up. 2sec 1:15:43 Violence A bit of choking. 8sec 1:16:09 A lot of "homework" scenes are interchanged. The order in the WP: 1. The carton with new flight instructions is opened and the leaflets are dealt out. 2. Bob and another guy are posting a bill. 3. Tyler and Norton rearrange some tire claws. (A little kick to the mechanism is missing. Also, they reattach it longer.) 4. A guy continues to distribute flight instructions. 5. Tyler and Norton are finished with their task and bail. While they are clobbering cars with baseball bats. Norton asks if Tyler knew that there is another Fight Club. 1:17:02 Now the WP shows the breaking and entering into a super market and a computer store. 1:18:03 Tyler talking to Hessel while threatening with his gun has been re-edited. Ca 15sec Dif 1:26:07 Extended or new story sequence Bob stands in front of the door a bit longer. In the morning, a guy comes out and insults him. 16sec 1:27:29 A different shot of the blonde guy taking the beer from Norton. 1:28:23 All the guys laughing at the news and Norton asking what they have done has been re-edited as well. 1:29:04 The chief of police gets up and walks to the toilet. 2sec 1:29:38 Violence A shot of the chief on the bathroom floor is missing. 1sec 1:29:47 Violence He's dragged around by Tyler a bit longer. 1sec 1:30:00 Tyler talking to him has been completely re-edited. ca 4sec Dif 1:31:32 Violence Norton fighting the blonde guy has been re-edited. More hits are shown as well. ca 4sec Dif 1:33:19 The car trip is longer at the beginning. They drive through the rain without saying anything. The dialogue has been re-edited and the pauses are longer in the WP. ca25secDif 1:37:29 A different shot of Tyler putting on the jacket. 1:37:48 Extended or new story sequence Norton awakes; different shots. He opens the bedroom door before stepping into the hallway. 9sec 1:38:10 Extended or new story sequence Looking for Tyler, Norton opens another door and sees some men sitting there. In the background, men are walking around as well. 15sec 1:38:45 Intercuts to the men's faces are missing. 0Dif 1:41:21 Extended or new story sequence After the cop shoots at Bob the guy who turned around runs back a bit. The cop shoots again and the guy is seen a second time. 3sec 1:41:28 Violence A puddle of blood forms on the floor. 1sec 1:41:42 Extended or new story sequence The men are standing around the corpse and one of them asks what they should do. Another one answers that they know what the should do. 5sec 1:42:08 Extended or new story sequence Norton mourns Bobs death and cannot believe that the others won't give him a name. 8sec 1:43:06 Norton rummages through a drawer. 2sec 1:43:08 He walks towards another cupboard. 2sec 1:43:27 The cop is seen in a different shot. 0Dif 1:43:34 Several intercuts are missing as Norton arrives at the airport. Below are the times from the jump over the rail at the airport to the dialogue in the bar: TV: 10sec: WP: 14sec 1:43:44 The shots during the dialogue in the bar are longer and re-edited. 9sec Dif 1:43:56 The travel to the next city has been re-edited as well. 2sec Div 1:44:10 Norton talking to a guy in the laundromat has been re-edited as well. 5secDif 1:44:28 The changeover to the talk with the two guys in the restaurant is shorter in the WP. 3secDif 1:44:59 The changeover to the basement is different. 2sec longer than the WP 1:45:48 Different shots as he talks to the barkeeper. 0Dif 1:47:16 Tyler appears after Norton called Marla. The whole dialogue is re-edited, extended and whatnot. The flashbacks are the same but arranged differently. 34sec Dif 1:50:03 Norton runs down a hallway. 2sec 1:50:30 He gets out of the cab before running to his house. 5sec 1:50:33 Most of the shots of him looking around the house are longer in the WP. 13secDif 1:51:00 An intercut to what Norton is writing down is missing in the WP. 0Dif 1:51:08 The camera zoom towards the folder on the wall saying "1888 Franklin Str." is longer. 3sec 1:51:31 Extended or new story sequence The phone call is longer. Norton tries to prevent the attack by saying that the plan has been changed and that this is a direct order from Tyler. When the man does not react as planned Norton curses and hangs up. 18sec 1:52:05 The dialogue with Marla in the restaurant has been heavily re-edited. 37sec 1:55:25 When Norton goes to the police and tells them who he is the cop looks at him dumbstruck. Him saying that he should call Stern is missing. 5sec 1:58:52 On his way to Franklin Str. He sees Tyler sitting on some stairs, asking where he is going. He continues running while holding a hand to one ear, repeating that he doesn't exist. The TV features different scenes instead. 0Dif 2:00:21 Norton trying to defuse the bomb has been heavily re-edited. 0Dif 2:03:01 Tyler chases Norton longer. Norton stands on a Pick Up and Tyler in front of it. 5sec 2:03:45 Extended or new story sequence After he threw Norton down the stairs Tyler lights a cigarette. 4sec 2:03:51 Norton falls backwards and the screen goes black. 4sec 2:07:58 Violence A shot of the injured Norton in the chair. 2sec 2:10:19 The credits are missing in the WP. Music plays over the black screen. Related Torrents
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