FM 1-112 Attack Helicopter Operations.pdfseeders: 2
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FM 1-112 Attack Helicopter Operations.pdf (Size: 7.48 MB)
This manual is the Army's doctrinal manual for attack helicopter operations. It is designed to assist attack helicopter commanders, their staffs, and subordinate company commanders in the conduct of training and combat operations. It also serves as a guide for corps, division, and brigade commanders and their staffs. This manual discusses the organization, capabilities, and employment of attack helicopter units. This manual incorporates current Army doctrine based on FM 100-5. It describes the ARI force structure and the associated TTP based on currently fielded systems. It is recognized that the fielding of the Army's planned digital information systems and modern aircraft, such as the AH-64D, will alter the TTP in this manual. This manual sets forth doctrinal principles that guide the conduct of light and heavy attack helicopter operations. It addresses specific TTP to clarify or emphasize these principles. Users must apply this doctrine within the capabilities and limitations of their units and develop SOPs that address specific techniques and procedures. ATTACK HELICOPTER FUNDAMENTALS - Attack helicopter battalions are assigned to divisional aviation brigades and corps ATKHRs (in corps aviation brigades). They provide the supported commander a highly mobile and lethal armor, personnel, and materiel destruction capability during the day and night. ROLES OF THE ATKHB General (1) The ATKHB is an aerial maneuver unit usually employed as a battalion. It conducts attack, reconnaissance, and security operations that complement other maneuver forces. The ATKHB enables the supported commander to mass combat power rapidly at the decisive time and place to affect a battle's outcome. The commander must integrate the ATKHB into his tactical maneuver plan with other maneuver units. When employed with other combat assets, the ATKHB can strike the enemy where and when it is most vulnerable. (2) An ATKHB never fights alone. Attacks are coordinated with other maneuver, combat support, CSS, and joint forces to form a combined arms team. This team surprises and overwhelms the enemy at the point of attack. Attacks may be conducted out of physical contact with other friendly forces but synchronized with their scheme of maneuver, or they may be in direct contact with friendly forces. b. Tenets of Army Operations. Success on future battlefields depends on how well the tenets of Army operations doctrine are applied. These tenets are initiative, depth, agility, synchronization, and versatility.
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