Fans of outrageously bad drive-in fare from New World Pictures
will find much to love in this bargain-bin science fiction weirdness
-- one of several Alien rip-offs foisted on defenseless audiences
by Roger Corman's legendary B-movie factory. The plot -- which,
of course, is irrelevant to the action -- involves a food-research
team on a distant planet, whose latest genetic product decides it
would rather eat than be eaten...and boy, is it hungry.
Then enters our hero, an undefined government specialist
(Jesse Vint) whose dreams in hypersleep find their way into
almost every scene in the film -- his apparent powers of
precognition, however, are never mentioned. Vint responds to
the team's distress signal and shows up with his robot pal to blast
the slime-beast to smithereens -- and, of course, to engage in a
little intergalactic nookie with the team's female personnel.
Meanwhile, the constantly mutating monster chews its way
through virtually the entire cast before one cancer-ridden scientist
devises a highly original (and extremely disgusting) solution. The
ever-thrifty Corman recycled sets and scenes from Battle Beyond
the Stars and Galaxy of Terror to pad out this weekend wonder,
making up for its threadbare production values (which include
plenty of cheap scares, nudity, and graphic gore).

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