Frozen In Time: Prehistoric Life In Antarctica.pdf Goonerseeders: 57
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Description![]() Frozen in Time: Prehistoric Life in Antarctica by Jeffrey D. Stilwell and John A. Long CSIRO Publishing | February 2012 | ISBN-10: 0643096353 | PDF | 248 pages | 37.1 mb No other continent on Earth has undergone such radical environmental changes as Antarctica. In its transition from rich biodiversity to the barren, cold land of blizzards we see today, Antarctica provides a dramatic case study of how subtle changes in continental positioning can affect living communities, and how rapidly catastrophic changes can come about. Frozen in Time presents a comprehensive overview of the fossil record of Antarctica framed within its changing environmental settings, providing a window into a past time and environment on the continent. It reconstructs Antarctica’s evolving animal and plant communities as accurately as the fossil record permits. The story of how fossils were first discovered in Antarctica is a triumph of human endeavor. It continues today with modern expeditions going out to remote sites every year to fill in more of the missing parts of the continent’s great jigsaw of life. KEY FEATURES * Copiously illustrated with magnificent color images * Provides an overview of the discovery and exploration of Antarctica * Gives a clear guide to the palaeontology of Antarctica * Includes contemporary issues of heritage and preservation * Outlines the possible major impacts of climate change CONTENTS 1 The cold, barren land we call Antarctica 2 A continent discovered 3 The fossil pioneers 4 Antarctica’s oldest fossils 5 The age of fish and ferns 6 A time of southern coal swamps 7 Giant amphibians and hairy reptiles 8 Volcanic lakes and early dinosaurs 9 When dinosaurs ruled 10 When giant reptiles swam in southern seas 11 Killer birds, giant penguins and early mammals 12 The big chill: from paradise to polar ice 13 Life today in the frozen south Endnotes, Glossary, References, Index About the Authors Jeffrey D. Stilwell is currently a Senior Lecturer at Monash University, Honorary Research Associate at the Australian Museum, and has participated on five major expeditions to the Antarctic Peninsula and Transantarctic Mountains/McMurdo Sound. John A. Long is an Australian palaeontologist who is currently the Vice President of Research and Collections at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. He has authored some 26 books including Feathered Dinosaurs. Sharing Widget |
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