GAME OF THE YEAR: 420BLAZEIT vs. xxXilluminatiXxx [wow/10 #rekt edition] Montage Parody The Gameseeders: 0
leechers: 8
GAME OF THE YEAR: 420BLAZEIT vs. xxXilluminatiXxx [wow/10 #rekt edition] Montage Parody The Game (Size: 256.75 MB)
DescriptionGAME OF THE YEAR: 420BLAZEIT vs. xxXilluminatiXxx [wow/10 #rekt edition] Montage Parody The Game CONTROLS: Default Controls (Press F1 in game for more): WASD + Mouse = movement F = Use R = Reload F12 = restart? ESC = quit numbers/mousewheel = change weapon Hold Mouse3/Z = pickup physics object H = holster weapon Featuring lots of flashy colors and memes, probably 6 or so weapons? Including 1 secret hehe., inverse cinematic more than 60+ FPS, gripping storyline with amazing plot TWISTs, fight shrek in his swamp, explosions that will make you wow, and HyperImmersive™ AI driven dubstep drops. Install instructions 0. Extract all contents of the .zip file onto your harddrive 1. read README 2. #blazeit 3. run GAME OF THE YEAR 420 BLAZE IT.exe WHAT THE FANS R SAYING "g8 m8 i r8 8/8" "420/10 blaze it" "Greenlight pls" "Better than AC: Unity 8/8" "wow/10" "10/10 it's okay" - ign "not enough lens flare" "420/420" "I had to stop playing because it was giving me a headache" "smoother launch then BF4, gg wp" "m80 that was the most fun ive had in a while thanks" "Legitimately better than AAA games coming out today." "To be honest, this game was better than any game I have played in a while Gud one m8 8/8 would play again" "gr8 m8 i r8 8/8 no h8 str8 from my hearth" ![]() "jesus m8 u tryn 2 blind me? gr8 game" "420/10 blaze it" "I cannot fucking believe this. Someone actually made a proper game. Jesus. dis r34l lyf m8?" "That ending spooked my jimmy's, well made kind sir" "better than cod aw" "This is the most satisfying game I have played in a very long time." "This is a masterpiece." "not playing until pewdiepie plays it sorry" "dat ending made me piss my pants m9 420/420 goty" "This is the best thing I've played all year. Many thanks m8." "This was way more legit than I thought it would be 11/10 IGN MLG" "this is a modern art masterpiece IGN 11/10" "Can I sacrafice my unborn child to you?" "Supreme game R8 8/8 Better than half life 2+1 Disappointed cuz no microtransactions" "HOLY FUCK JUST PLAYED GAME OF THE YEAR DAMN GAME OF THE YEAR 420 BLAZE IT NO SCOPE YES BRAP DONT GIVE A FUCK / 10" Contact: Sharing Widget |
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