GeoTechnical Engineering_V.N.S. Murthyseeders: 4
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GeoTechnical Engineering_V.N.S. Murthy (Size: 58.11 MB)
A reference book for consulting geotechnical engineers and contractors. Provides the latest developments in the design of drilled pier foundations and mechanically stabilized earth retaining walls are explained. Textbook.
Author(s): V.N.S. Murthy Publisher: CRC Press Date : October 25, 2002 Pages : 1050 Format : pdf Quality : fine Language : English ISBN-10 : 0824708733 Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Soil Formation And Characterization Chapter 3 SOIL PHASE RELATIONSHIPS, INDEX PROPERTIES AND CLASSIFICATION CHAPTER 4 SOIL PERMEABILITY AND SEEPAGE CHAPTER 5 EFFECTIVE STRESS AND PORE WATER PRESSURE CHAPTER 6 STRESS DISTRIBUTION IN SOILS DUE TO SURFACE LOADS CHAPTER 7 COMPRESSIBILITY AND CONSOLIDATION CHAPTER 8 SHEAR STRENGTH OF SOIL CHAPTER 9 SOIL EXPLORATION CHAPTER 10 STABILITY OF SLOPES CHAPTER 11 LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE CHAPTER 12 SHALLOW FOUNDATION I: ULTIMATE BEARING CAPACITY CHAPTER 13 SHALLOW FOUNDATION II: SAFE BEARING PRESSURE AND SETTLEMENT CALCULATION CHAPTER 14 SHALLOW FOUNDATION III: COMBINED FOOTINGS AND MAT FOUNDATIONS CHAPTER 15 DEEP FOUNDATION I: PILE FOUNDATION PART A-VERTICAL LOAD BEARING CAPACITY OF A SINGLE VERTICAL PILE PART B-PILE GROUP CHAPTER 16 DEEP FOUNDATION II: BEHAVIOR OF LATERALLY LOADED VERTICAL AND BATTER PILES CHAPTER 17 DEEP FOUNDATION III: DRILLED PIER FOUNDATIONS CHAPTER 18 FOUNDATIONS ON COLLAPSIBLE AND EXPANSIVE SOILS PART A-COLLAPSIBLE SOILS PART B-EXPANSIVE SOILS CHAPTER 19 CONCRETE AND MECHANICALLY STABILIZED EARTH RETAINING WALLS PART A-CONCRETE RETAINING WALLS PART B-MECHANICALLY STABILIZED EARTH RETAINING WALLS CHAPTER 20 SHEET PILE WALLS AND BRACED CUTS CHAPTER 21 SOIL IMPROVEMENT FOREWORD BY BengtB.Broms, Ph.D. Nanyang Technical University, Singapore (retired). and the effect of the installation method on bearing capacity and uplift are analyzed in Chapter 17. Foundations on swelling and collapsible soils are treated in Chapter 18 as are methods that can be used to reduce heave. This is an important subject, seldom treated in textbooks. The design of retaining walls is covered in Chapter 19, as well as the different factors that affect active and passive earth pressures. Different applications of geotextiles are covered in this chapter as well as the topic of reinforced earth. Cantilever, anchored, and strutted sheet pile walls are investigated in Chapter 20, as are methods to evaluate stability and the moment distribution. Different soil improvement methods, such as compaction of granular soils, sand compaction piles, vibroflotation, preloading, and stone columns, are described in Chapter 21. The chapter also discusses lime and cement stabilization. Appendix A provides a list of SI units, and Appendix B compares methods that have been proposed. This textbook by Prof. V. N. S. Murthy is highly recommended for students specializing in geotechnical engineering and for practicing civil engineers in the United States and Europe. The book includes recent developments such as soil improvement and stabilization methods and applications of geotextiles to control settlements and lateral earth pressure. Numerous graphs and examples illustrate the most important concepts in geotechnical engineering. This textbook should serve as a valuable reference book for many years to come. BengtB.Broms, Ph.D. Nanyang Technical University, Singapore (retired).It gives me great pleasure to write a foreword for Geotechnical Engineering: Principles and Practices of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. This comprehensive, pertinent and up- to-date volume is well suited for use as a textbook for undergraduate students as well as a reference book for consulting geotechnical engineers and contractors. This book is well written with numerous examples on applications of basic principles to solve practical problems. The early history of geotechnical engineering and the pioneering work of Karl Terzaghi in the beginning of the last century are described in Chapter 1. Chapters 2 and 3 discuss methods of classification of soil and rock, the chemical and the mechanical weathering of rock, and soil phase relationships and consistency limits for clays and silts. Numerous examples illustrate the relationship between the different parameters. Soil permeability and seepage are investigated in Chapter 4. The construction of flow nets and methods to determine the permeability in the laboratory and in the field are also explained. The concept of effective stress and the effect of pore water pressure on effective stress are discussed in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 is concerned with stress increase in soil caused by surface load and methods to calculate stress increase caused by spread footings, rafts, and pile groups. Several examples are given in Chapter 6. Consolidation of soils and the evaluation of compressibility in the laboratory by oedometer tests are investigated in Chapter 7. Determination of drained and undrained shear strength by unconfined compression, direct shear or triaxial tests is treated in Chapter 8. The important subject of soil exploration is discussed in Chapter 9, including the use of penetration tests such as SPT and CPT in different countries. The stability of slopes is investigated in Chapter 10. Methods using plain and circular slip surfaces to evaluate stability are described such as the methods proposed by Bishop, Fellenius, Morgenstern, and Spencer. Chapter 11 discusses methods to determine active and passive earth pressures acting on retaining and sheet pile walls. Bearing capacity and settlement of foundation and the evaluation of compressibility in the laboratory by oedometer tests are discussed in Chapters 12, 13, and 14. The effect of inclination and eccentricity of the load on bearing capacity is also examined. Chapter 15 describes different pile types, the concept of critical depth, methods to evaluate the bearing capacity of piles in cohesive and cohesionless soils, and pile-driving formulae. The behavior of laterally loaded piles is investigated in Chapter 16 for piles in sand and in clay. The behavior of drilled pier foundations and the effect of the installation method on bearing capacity and uplift are analyzed in Chapter 17. Foundations on swelling and collapsible soils are treated in Chapter 18 as are methods that can be used to reduce heave. This is an important subject, seldom treated in textbooks. The design of retaining walls is covered in Chapter 19, as well as the different factors that affect active and passive earth pressures. Different applications of geotextiles are covered in this chapter as well as the topic of reinforced earth. Cantilever, anchored, and strutted sheet pile walls are investigated in Chapter 20, as are methods to evaluate stability and the moment distribution. Different soil improvement methods, such as compaction of granular soils, sand compaction piles, vibroflotation, preloading, and stone columns, are described in Chapter 21. The chapter also discusses lime and cement stabilization. Appendix A provides a list of SI units, and Appendix B compares methods that have been proposed. This textbook by Prof. V. N. S. Murthy is highly recommended for students specializing in geotechnical engineering and for practicing civil engineers in the United States and Europe. The book includes recent developments such as soil improvement and stabilization methods and applications of geotextiles to control settlements and lateral earth pressure. Numerous graphs and examples illustrate the most important concepts in geotechnical engineering. This textbook should serve as a valuable reference book for many years to come. FOREWORD BY MarkT. Bowers, Ph.D., P. E. Associate Professor of Civil Engineering University of Cincinnati Geotechnical Engineering: Principles and Practices of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering is a long title befitting a major work. I am pleased to introduce this superb volume destined for a readership of students, professors, and consultants. What makes this text different from other books on these subjects that appear each year and why am I recommending it to you? I have been working and teaching in the area of geotechnical engineering for 25 years. I have read and used scores of textbooks in my classes and practice. Dr. Murthy's text is by far the most comprehensive text I have found. You will find that his organization of the subject matter follows a logical progression. His example problems are numerous and, like the text, start from fundamental principles and progressively develop into more challenging material. They are the best set of example problems I have seen in a textbook. Dr. Murthy has included ample homework problems with a range of difficulty meant to help the student new to the subject to develop his/her confidence and to assist the experienced engineer in his/her review of the subject and in professional development. As the technical editor I have read the entire manuscript three times. I have been impressed by the coverage, the clarity of the presentation, and the insights into the hows and whys of soil and foundation behavior. Often I have been astonished at Dr. Murthy's near-conversational approach to sharing helpful insights. You get the impression he's right there with you guiding you along, anticipating your questions, and providing instruction and necessary information as the next steps in the learning process. I believe you will enjoy this book and that it will receive a warm welcome wherever it is used. I thank Dr. Murthy for his commitment to write this textbook and for sharing his professional experience with us. I thank him for his patience in making corrections and considering suggestions. I thank Mr. B. J. Clark, Senior Acquisitions Editor at Marcel Dekker Inc., for the opportunity to be associated with such a good book. I likewise express my appreciation to Professor Pierre Foray of 1'Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Hydraulique et de Mecanique de Grenoble, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France for his enthusiastic and unflagging support while I edited the manuscript. A must have for all geotechnical engineers and engineering students Remember to seed and Enjoy!!!!!!!!! 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