Green Lantern episode 12 - Invasion cool release HD RESOLUTION.flvseeders: 4
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Green Lantern episode 12 - Invasion cool release HD RESOLUTION.flv (Size: 190.95 MB)
The team must block the way to Guardian Space when the Red Lanterns head for it. During the episode Saint Walker is told by Mogo, the living planet, to climb up the mountainside to find a savior. At the end the Blue Lantern shows up and a blue ring comes out of it and goes to Saint Walker. In the end Hal, Kilowog, and Razor fall for a trap searching the red lantern ship while Atrocitus along with the woman who was on Mogo previously take over Aya and the ship and head for Oa. Hal, Kilowog, and Razor soon realize that the armada was coming through the hole Atrocitus blew in the lighthouse area.
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