Hide IP Easy v4.2.3.8 portable
Hide IP Easy - a program for Internet security by replacing your real IP address to another. Just one click and your real IP-address will be hidden, the next click and IP-address has changed once again, well, and the third click, you can return to your real address.
Features of Hide IP Easy:
• Protects from any site that tries to "monitor" of your preferences or follow you on a unique IP address
• Helps avoid the use of your personal information to send spam and other debris
• Protects against hackers by hiding IP address, as well as information about the operating system
• Ability to frequently change IP addresses increases safety
• Enables or disables hiding the IP of your choice with one click
• Allows you to bypass the limitation of the owners of some of the resources available to users from certain countries or geographical regions
• For use with mail-service to send anonymous letters
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Installation Notes:-
1.Unrar a Hide IP Easy v4.2.3.8 portable(masoodalam51).rar
2.Click On a Hide IP Easy.exe
3.Its a Portable Version.So Its a Register already.
4.Enjoy The Program.

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