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All the free-downloadable stuff colected together
useful stuff Free Higher Balance Audio Courses Get access to hours of Free Audio from Higher Balance Institute Included: Handbook of the navigator - audio and e-book! The Ties That Bind - A $59 value now streaming free Ties that Bind will teach you why different environments have particular feelings and how they manipulate your emotional and thinking processes. In most cases, they can cause depression, anxiety, insomnia, social anxiety, etc. Furthermore, you will learn powerful techniques to easily alter these frequencies and reprogram them for your desired effect. The Struggle to Awaken - A $59 value now streaming free In this Expansion Module, Eric gives crucial insight into the struggles you will encounter during your process of awakening. He reveals a wide array of these areas using explanations that will give you much needed foresight of these struggles. Simple Complexity - A $149 value now streaming free Late 2006 Eric Pepin had a very important conversation with one of the Instructors at the Higher Balance Institute. In this conversation, the instructor asked some very important questions that many individuals he was working with were asking him. Questions about Eric’s abilities, what Enlightenment really is, how psychic dreams work, and how Eric feels about other teachers in the spiritual circuit. But little did he know the extent of which Eric would answer him and the clarity that would be captured on audio forever. Unveiled - A $69 value now streaming free The overall topic centers on the discovery and acknowledgement of a False Reality (The Matrix) versus what is real. It emphasizes the need to maintain consciousness to see past falseness and not be consumed by the larger collective of thought. By maintaining individualism one surfaces to a higher state of being. Alisone - A $89 value now streaming free Alisone explores the Sixth Sense, defining it and its role in your life, and how developing it is crucial to spiritual realization. This spiritual realization is what allows a person to approach the full scope of awakening. Many subtle details of the Sixth sense are illuminated in order to communicate a deeper understanding of the purpose of this program. Conversations with Eric - A $59 value now streaming free Conversations with Eric delves into a variety of areas centered primarily around the students process of growth and understanding. Amongst the topics discussed include the value in dedication to an individuals own evolution versus our inherent need to assist and serve others now, the aspects and roles of different attributes such as intelligence and morale and how they are weighed in there levels of importance, The task of communicating ancient teachings in a fashion of better understanding for our generation and a sizable amount of knowledge on the mechanics of multi-dimensional consciousness. Teleseminar Series - Over 8 hours of audio now streaming! Meditation, Ghosts and Entities, Deep Healing, Surrender, and Manifestation. All of these topics are covered in over 8 hours of recorded seminars with Eric Pepin. Ways to refine your current practices, deeper explanations not covered in the Expansion Module courses, and new tips and tricks are all here. Eric takes questions from callers and added with his own fresh insights. Sharing Widget |