Home Theater - September 2010
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Pages: 84 pages
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ON THE COVER 3D Cinema Comes Home: Panasonic’s 50-inch plasma
3DTV brings 3D to life. Additional gear from Defi nitive Technology,
Runco, and TiVo. Screen images courtesy of Universal.
Home Theater University HDMI to Infinity and Beyond by Thomas J. Norton
Curtain Call It’s Always Fun, Until…by Michael J. Nelson
Walking the 3D Talk 31
Panasonic VIERA TC-P50VT25 Plasma 3D HDTV
Prologue HT launches on iPad.
by Shane Buettner
Runco Q-750i LED DLP Projector
Solid-state front projection. P40
Leon Horizon 212 Speaker System
Looking for Mr. Goodbar. P44
Defi nitive Technology Mythos XTR-50
On-Wall Speaker System
How perfect can perfect get? P48
Polk RTi A1 Speaker System
From Baltimore with love. P52
ZVOX Z-Base 575 Speaker System
A base with good bass. P56
Harman Kardon HKTS 30 Speaker System
Undercover operative. P60
TiVo Premiere DVR
Has TiVo reinvented TV again? P64