Titolo originale: Ice Station Zebra
Nazionalità: USA
Anno: 1968
Genere: Azione, Triller,
Durata: 148'
Regia: John Sturges
Fotografia: Daniel L. Fapp
Montaggio: Ferris Webster
Musiche: Michel Legrand

Rock Hudson: James Ferraday
Ernest Borgnine: Boris Vaslov
Patrick McGoohan: David Jones
Jim Brown: Leslie Anders
Lloyd Nolan: Garvey
Tony Bill: Russell Walker
Alf Kjellin: Ostrovsky

Ambientato durante la guerra fredda, un sommergibile nucleare statunitense riceve istruzioni di prestare soccorso alla base di una stazione meteorologica britannica, situata nelle vicinanze del Circolo polare artico. Si scoprirà poi che la reale richiesta era un'altra.
Base Artica Zebra (Ice Station Zebra) è un film del 1968 diretto da John Sturges. È una storia di ambientazione fantascientifica. La pellicola è stata realizzata traendo spunto da un romanzo di Alistair MacLean.

A satellite reenters the atmosphere and ejects a capsule which parachutes to the Arctic (85N 21W). During an ice storm, a figure soon approaches, guided by a homing beacon, while a second individual secretly watches from nearby.
The scene shifts to Commander James Ferraday (Rock Hudson), captain of the U.S. nuclear attack submarine USS Tigerfish (SSN-509), stationed at Holy Loch, Scotland. He is ordered by Admiral Garvey (Lloyd Nolan) to rescue the personnel of Drift Ice Station Zebra, a civilian weather station moving with the ice pack. However, the mission is actually a cover for a highly classified assignment.
Ferraday welcomes aboard British intelligence agent Mr. "Jones" (Patrick McGoohan) and a Marine platoon. While underway, a SH-2 Sea Sprite helicopter delivers Captain Anders (Jim Brown), who takes command of the Marines, and Boris Vaslov (Ernest Borgnine), an amiable Russian defector and spy and friend of Jones.
The Tigerfish makes its way under the ice to Zebra’s last known position. Ferraday decides to use a torpedo to blast an opening in the thick ice. However, the torpedo tube is open at both ends and seawater floods in, plunging the sub toward its rated crush depth. Ferraday and his crew are barely able to save themselves. During the investigation of the torpedo tube, Jones quickly determines that this malfunction should be impossible and, being an expert in sabotage operations, Jones even describes how someone could intentionally rig the tube to malfunction. Both Jones and Ferraday conclude that there is a saboteur aboard, and both suspect Anders, who is the one member of the rescue team who is the least known to Jones, Ferraday, and Vaslov. However, the mission is too important to abort.
Finally locating an area of thin ice, the sub surfaces. Ferraday, Vaslov, Jones, and a rescue party set out for the weather station. They reach Zebra to find buildings burned down and the scientists nearly dead from exposure. Jones and Vaslov begin questioning the survivors. It becomes obvious that the two spies are looking for something....(wikipedia)
Ice Station Zebra is a 1968 action film directed by John Sturges, starring Rock Hudson, Patrick McGoohan, Ernest Borgnine, and Jim Brown. The screenplay by Alistair MacLean, Douglas Heyes, Harry Julian Fink, and W.R. Burnett is loosely based upon MacLean's 1963 novel of the same name. Both have parallels to real-life events that took place in 1959. The film was photographed in Super Panavision 70 by Daniel L. Fapp, and presented in 70 mm Cinerama in premiere engagements. The original music score is by Michel Legrand.
All'inizio del film ci sono un paio di minuti di "ouverture" (preludio) con la sola musica (come si usava una volta nei cinema) e ovviamente c'e anche " l'antracte" cioè l'intermezzo tra il primo e secondo tempo. Avrei potuto levare queste pause, ma mi è sembrato invece carino lasciarle come da originale..Buona Visione.
EDIT: Mi sono dimenticato di scrivere che la traccia audio Italiana che ho usato per il film ha circa 3 minuti in cui è leggermente rovinata (si sente un po' grattare ma si capisce bene comunque) per tutto il resto del film si sente bene. Non ne ho trovata purtroppo una migliore, quella inglese invece è a posto. [
Note: Italian + English language Mux BY Scuba
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