REAL LEGENDS NEVER DIE!CRUDE.12<___Z>C.R.U.D.EP.R.O.U.D.L.Y P.R.E.S.E.N.T.SIceni Infix PDF Editor v5.13 Professional EditionRLS.DATE.........2012/03/07RLS.SIZE..........06x5.00MBRLS.TYPE.............KeygenPROTECTION...........SerialPLATFORM.............WinAll* RELEASE NOTES *Once you initiate the software, youcan select the way in which you wantto use Infix PDF Editor -"Professional mode", "Standard mode"or "Form-Filling Mode".So, with this program you can easilyedit text, convert any printabledocument to PDF (thanks to "Infix PDFPrinter"), merge two or more PDFfiles, export PDF files to ePub, HTMLor RTF, as well as add stamps, notes,signatures and other types of comments.But you can also fill-in any PDF formin simple steps, create and edit PDFphoto albums, export documents toXML, draw lines and add frames,create and manage bookmarks, repairbroken font mappings, as well as addheaders, footers and watermarks.Furthermore, you can edit graphicsand images (e.g. use a selection,stretching, scaling or rotating tool,change color and line width), formattext (e.g. use underline,strike-through, margins and indents,change line spacing), merge and splittext boxes, insert page numbers,password-protect your documents, keepa record of any changes (i.e. logfile), and more.The program uses a high amount ofsystem resources, comes with acomplete user guide (which alsocontains examples), is easy to workwith by both beginners and experts,and didn't freeze or crash during ourtests.Basically, Infix PDF Editor is forPDF files what Microsoft Word orOpenOffice Writer is for DOC files.We strongly recommend it to all users.URL:* iNSTALL NOTES *1.) Unpack and install2.) Use our keygen to register3.) Enjoy!If you can't understand how to installor use this then please don't waste ouror anyone else time whining about badinstallation instructions.Instead of blaming us for deliveringpoor package try to read developer'sFAQ or program's manual.* C O N T A C T *CRUDE IS A CLOSED GROUPSO WE DO NOT ACCEPT ANYKIND OF NEW MEMBERSOUR RESPECT AND GREETS GOES TO:BEAN . CoolPHat . DVT . EMBRACE . FLTHERiTAGE . HOODLUM . Lz0 . OUTLAWSPARADOX . SKIDROW . UNLEASHED . VACEAND TO ALL OUR FRIENDS IN THE SCENEYOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE :P* aScii by ___Z *Direct From Stars