Il mercante di Venezia - The Merchant of Venice, [BDrip 1080p - H264 - Ita Eng Ac3 - Sub Ita Eng] Dramaseeders: 6
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Il mercante di Venezia - The Merchant of Venice, [BDrip 1080p - H264 - Ita Eng Ac3 - Sub Ita Eng] Drama (Size: 10.48 GB)
Description![]() I grandi film in HD di Mandragola (Stabler) Presenta ![]() Il mercante di Venezia - The Merchant of Venice ![]() Locandina ![]() Scheda film Titolo originale - Original title: The Merchant of Venice Nazionalità - Country: USA - Italy - Luxembourg - UK Anno - Year: 2004 Genere - Gender: Drama - Romance Regia - Director: Michael Radford Soggetto - Subjects: William Shakespeare Data di uscita - Release date: 11 February 2005 (Italy) Lingua - Lenguage: Italiano - inglese Scenografia - Scenography: Bruno Rubeo Durata - During: 138 min Cast: Al Pacino, Jeremy Irons, Joseph Fiennes, Lynn Collins, Zuleikha Robinson, Kris Marshall, Charlie Cox, Heather Goldenhersh, Mackenzie Crook, John Sessions, Gregor Fisher, Ron Cook, Allan Corduner, Anton Rodgers, David Harewood Trama Venezia, XVI secolo. Bassanio, giovane gentiluomo veneziano, vorrebbe la mano di Porzia, ricca ereditiera di Belmonte. Per corteggiare degnamente Porzia, chiede al suo carissimo amico Antonio 3.000 ducati in prestito. Antonio, pur essendo affezionatissimo a Bassanio, non può prestargli il denaro poiché le sue sostanze sono interamente investite nei suoi traffici marittimi, tuttavia garantirà per lui presso Shylock, ricco usuraio ebreo. Shylock è disprezzato dai cristiani e a sua volta non li sopporta, soprattutto Antonio, che presta denaro gratuitamente facendo abbassare il tasso dell'interesse nella città e che lo umilia coi suoi insulti. Nonostante ciò, Shylock accorda il prestito a Bassanio con Antonio come garante. L'ebreo però in caso di mancato pagamento vuole una libbra della carne di Antonio. Bassanio cerca di far desistere il mercante di Venezia dal fargli da garante, ma egli è sicuro di poter saldare il debito, dato che tre navi sono in viaggio per riportare a Venezia ricchezze tre volte più grandi. Il tempo concesso per il saldo del prestito è di tre mesi, mentre le navi arriveranno tra due. Bassanio si reca a Belmonte; i pretendenti di Porzia però, secondo la volontà del suo defunto padre, per ottenere la sua mano devono scegliere quello giusto tra tre scrigni contrassegnati da un indovinello. Bassanio ci riesce e sposa Porzia. L'amico di Bassanio, Graziano, invece sposa la serva di Porzia, Nerissa. Intanto la sfortuna si accanisce su Shylock: sua figlia Jessica infatti fugge di casa sposando un cristiano di nome Lorenzo, amico di Antonio e Bassanio. La ragazza è fuggita portando con sé 2000 ducati e soprattutto lo scrigno contenente l’anello donato a Shylock dalla defunta moglie. L'unica consolazione di Shylock deriva dalla pari sfortuna di Antonio: infatti le sue tre navi sono disperse in mare e capisce che non potrà saldare il debito. Nel frattempo Porzia e Nerissa donano ai rispettivi mariti un anello, segno del loro amore, facendo promettere loro di non separarsene mai, finché l'amore li legherà alle loro consorti. Shylock porta Antonio di fronte al Doge e alla corte e chiede di far valere i suoi diritti. Nonostante la crudeltà della proposta, il Doge non può rifiutare di applicare la legge perché il caso creerebbe un precedente dannoso per lo stato. Bassanio e Graziano partono immediatamente in aiuto di Antonio. Porzia, all'insaputa di tutti, si traveste da avvocato per salvare Antonio. Nerissa la segue vestendosi da scrivano. Una volta giunta in tribunale, Porzia, sotto le spoglie dell'avvocato Baldassarre, invita Shylock ad accettare 6000 ducati offertigli da Bassanio per estinguere il debito dell'amico ed essere misericordioso. L'odio dell'usuraio per i cristiani, fomentato dall'abbandono della figlia, non lo fa desistere. Shylock, anzi, chiede a gran voce che gli sia pagato il debito con la libbra di carne di Antonio, come da accordo. Baldassarre finge di essere d’accordo con lui su tale diritto, citando l’Editto degli Stranieri, ma gli comunica che, dato che il contratto parla solo di carne, se avesse versato anche una sola goccia di sangue cristiano i suoi beni sarebbero stati divisi tra Antonio e lo stato, e condannato a morte. Antonio propone anziché la morte, la conversione di Shylock al cristianesimo, pena assai più grave per l'usuraio. In queste condizioni Shylock, sconfitto, rinuncia ai suoi propositi per non perdere ciò che gli rimane: la sua casa, i suoi denari e la sua religione. Bassanio, complimentandosi con Baldassarre per aver salvato il suo amico e gli chiede un modo per ringraziarlo. L'avvocato gli chiede solo il suo anello ma Bassanio esita, sapendone il valore affettivo, ma spinto dall'onore e dalla gratitudine finisce per cederlo. Lo stesso è ob Quando tutti i cristiani giungono a Belmonte, Porzia e Nerissa chiedono ai mariti gli anelli, ma entrambi spiegano l'accaduto. Quindi le due donne fanno credere di aver trascorso una notte con i nuovi possessori dell’anello per riaverli, prima di rivelar loro che l’avvocato e il suo assistente erano in realtà esse stesse. Antonio fa di nuovo da garante per Bassanio che giura di non separarsi mai più dall’anello. Le proprietà di Shylock, alla sua morte, saranno donate a Jessica. Nel frattempo si viene a sapere che le tre navi di Antonio sono tornate sane e salve in porto. Plot In the 14th century, the city of Venice in Italy was one of the richest of the world. Among the wealthiest of its merchants was Antonio. He was a kind and generous person. Bassanio, a young Venetian, of noble rank but having squandered his estate, wishes to travel to Belmont to woo the beautiful and wealthy heiress Portia. He approaches his friend Antonio, who has previously and repeatedly bailed him out, for three thousand ducats needed to subsidise his travelling expenditures as a suitor for three months. Antonio agrees, but he is cash-poor; his ships and merchandise are busy at sea. He promises to cover a bond if Bassanio can find a lender, so Bassanio turns to the Jewish moneylender Shylock and names Antonio as the loan’s guarantor. Shylock hates Antonio because of his antisemitism, shown when he insulted and spat on Shylock for being a Jew. Additionally, Antonio undermines Shylock's moneylending business by lending money at zero interest. Shylock proposes a condition for the loan: if Antonio is unable to repay it at the specified date, he may take a pound of Antonio's flesh. Bassanio does not want Antonio to accept such a risky condition; Antonio is surprised by what he sees as the moneylender's generosity (no "usance" — interest — is asked for), and he signs the contract. With money at hand, Bassanio leaves for Belmont with his friend Gratiano, who has asked to accompany him. Gratiano is a likeable young man, but is often flippant, overly talkative, and tactless. Bassanio warns his companion to exercise self-control, and the two leave for Belmont and Portia. Meanwhile in Belmont, Portia is awash with suitors. Her father has left a will stipulating each of her suitors must choose correctly from one of three caskets – one each of gold, silver, and lead. If he chooses the right casket, he gets Portia; if he loses, he must go away and never trouble her or any other woman again with a proposal of marriage. The first suitor, the luxury- and money-obsessed Prince of Morocco, reasons to choose the gold casket, because lead proclaims "Choose me and risk hazard", and he has no wish to risk everything for lead, and the silver's "Choose me and get what you deserve" sounds like an invitation to be tortured, but "Choose me and get what most men desire" all but spells it out that he that chooses gold will get Portia, as what all men desire is Portia. Inside the casket are a few gold coins and a skull with a scroll containing the famous verse All that glisters is not gold / Often have you heard that told / Many a man his life hath sold / But my outside to behold / Gilded tombs do worms enfold / Had you been as wise as bold, / Young in limbs, in judgment old / Your answer had not been inscroll'd: / Fare you well; your suit is cold. The second suitor is the conceited Prince of Arragon. He decides not to choose lead, because it is so common, and will not choose gold because he will then get what many men desire and wants to be distinguished from the barbarous multitudes. He decides to choose silver, because the silver casket proclaims "Choose Me And Get What You Deserve", which he imagines must be something great, because he egotistically imagines himself as great. Inside the casket is the picture of a court jester's head on a baton and remarks "What's here? the portrait of a blinking idiot… / Did I deserve no more than a fool's head?" The scroll reads: Some there be that shadows kiss; / Such have but a shadow's bliss: / …Take what wife you will to bed, / I will ever be your head — meaning that he was foolish to imagine that a pompous man like him could ever be a fit husband for Portia, and that he was always a fool, he always will be a fool, and the fact that he chose the silver casket is mere proof that he is a fool. The last suitor is Bassanio, who chooses the lead casket. As he is considering his choice of caskets, members of Portia's household sing a song which says that "fancy" (not true love) is "engend'red in the eyes, / With gazing fed.Seemingly in response to this little bit of philosophy, Bassanio remarks, "So may the outward shows be least themselves. / The world is still deceived with ornament." And at the end of the same speech, just before choosing the least valuable, and least showy metal, Bassanio says, "Thy paleness moves me more than eloquence; / And here choose I; joy be the consequence!" He has made the right choice. At Venice, Antonio's ships are reported lost at sea. This leaves him unable to satisfy the bond (in financial language, insolvent). Shylock is even more determined to exact revenge from Christians after his daughter Jessica flees his home to convert to Christianity and elope with Lorenzo, taking a substantial amount of Shylock's wealth with her, as well as a turquoise ring which was a gift to Shylock from his late wife, Leah. Shylock has Antonio arrested and brought before court. At Belmont, Portia and Bassanio have just been married, as have Gratiano and Portia's handmaid Nerissa. Bassanio receives a letter telling him that Antonio has been unable to return the loan taken from Shylock. Shocked, Bassanio and Gratiano leave for Venice immediately, with money from Portia, to save Antonio's life by offering the money to Shylock. Unknown to Bassanio and Gratiano, Portia has sent her servant, Balthazar, to seek the counsel of Portia's cousin, Bellario, a lawyer, at Padua. The climax of the play comes in the court of the Duke of Venice. Shylock refuses Bassanio's offer of 6,000 ducats, twice the amount of the loan. He demands his pound of flesh from Antonio. The Duke, wishing to save Antonio but unwilling to set a dangerous legal precedent of nullifying a contract, refers the case to a visitor who introduces himself as Balthazar, a young male "doctor of the law", bearing a letter of recommendation to the Duke from the learned lawyer Bellario. The "doctor" is actually Portia in disguise, and the "law clerk" who accompanies her is actually Nerissa, also in disguise. Portia, as "Balthazar", asks Shylock to show mercy in a famous speech ("The quality of mercy is not strain'd, It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest: It blesseth him that gives and him that takes."—IV,i,185, arguing for debt relief), but Shylock refuses. Thus the court must allow Shylock to extract the pound of flesh. Shylock tells Antonio to "prepare". At that very moment, Portia points out a flaw in the contract (see quibble): the bond only allows Shylock to remove the flesh, not the "blood", of Antonio. Thus, if Shylock were to shed any drop of Antonio's blood, his "lands and goods" would be forfeited under Venetian laws. Defeated, Shylock concedes to accepting Bassanio's offer of money for the defaulted bond, but Portia prevents him from taking the money on the ground that he has already refused it. She then cites a law under which Shylock, as a Jew and therefore an "alien", having attempted to take the life of a citizen, has forfeited his property, half to the government and half to Antonio, leaving his life at the mercy of the Duke. The Duke immediately pardons Shylock's life. Antonio asks for his share "in use" (that is, reserving the principal amount while taking only the income) until Shylock's death, when the principal will be given to Lorenzo and Jessica. At Antonio's request, the Duke grants remission of the state's half of forfeiture, but in return, Shylock is forced to convert to Christianity and to make a will (or "deed of gift") bequeathing his entire estate to Lorenzo and Jessica (IV,i). Bassanio does not recognize his disguised wife, but offers to give a present to the supposed lawyer. First she declines, but after he insists, Portia requests his ring and Antonio's gloves. Antonio parts with his gloves without a second thought, but Bassanio gives the ring only after much persuasion from Antonio, as earlier in the play he promised his wife never to lose, sell or give it. Nerissa, as the lawyer's clerk, also succeeds in likewise retrieving her ring from Gratiano, who does not see through her disguise. At Belmont, Portia and Nerissa taunt and pretend to accuse their husbands before revealing they were really the lawyer and his clerk in disguise (V). After all the other characters make amends, Antonio learns from Portia that three of his ships were not stranded and have returned safely after all. Scheda tecnica - Data Sheet Generale Nome completo : Il Mercante di Venezia.mkv Formato : Matroska Dimensione : 10,5 GiB Durata : 2h 6min BitRate totale : 11,9 Mbps Data di codifica : UTC 2010-05-13 00:14:48 Creato con : mkvmerge v3.0.0 ('Hang up your Hang-Ups') built on Dec 12 2009 15:20:35 Compressore : libebml v0.7.9 + libmatroska v0.8.1 Video ID : 1 Formato : AVC Formato/Informazioni : Advanced Video Codec Profilo del formato : High@L4.1 Impostazioni del formato, CABAC : Si Impostazioni del formato, ReFram : 5 fotogrammi Codec ID : V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC Durata : 2h 6min BitRate : 10,3 Mbps Larghezza : 1 920 pixel Altezza : 816 pixel AspectRatio : 2,35:1 FrameRate : 25,000 fps FrameRate originale : 23,976 fps ColorSpace : YUV ChromaSubsampling : 4:2:0 BitDepth/String : 8 bits Tipo di scansione : Progressivo Bit/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.264 Dimensione della traccia : 9,31 GiB (89%) Compressore : x264 core 65 r1046 71d34b4 Impostazioni compressione : cabac=1 / ref=5 / deblock=1:0:0 / analyse=0x3:0x113 / me=umh / subme=7 / psy_rd=1.0:0.0 / mixed_ref=1 / me_range=16 / chroma_me=1 / trellis=1 / 8x8dct=1 / cqm=0 / deadzone=21,11 / chroma_qp_offset=-2 / threads=3 / nr=0 / decimate=1 / mbaff=0 / bframes=3 / b_pyramid=1 / b_adapt=1 / b_bias=0 / direct=3 / wpredb=1 / keyint=24 / keyint_min=1 / scenecut=40(pre) / rc=2pass / bitrate=10346 / ratetol=1.0 / qcomp=0.60 / qpmin=10 / qpmax=51 / qpstep=4 / cplxblur=20.0 / qblur=0.5 / vbv_maxrate=17500 / vbv_bufsize=14745 / ip_ratio=1.40 / pb_ratio=1.30 / aq=1:1.00 Lingua : Inglese Audio #1 ID : 2 Formato : AC-3 Formato/Informazioni : Audio Coding 3 Format_Settings_ModeExtension : CM (complete main) Codec ID : A_AC3 Durata : 2h 6min Modalità : Costante BitRate : 448 Kbps Canali : 6 canali Posizione dei canali : Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE SamplingRate : 48,0 KHz BitDepth/String : 16 bits Ritardo video : 850ms Dimensione della traccia : 405 Mb (4%) Lingua : Italiano Audio #2 ID : 3 Formato : AC-3 Formato/Informazioni : Audio Coding 3 Format_Settings_ModeExtension : CM (complete main) Codec ID : A_AC3 Durata : 2h 6min Modalità : Costante BitRate : 640 Kbps Canali : 6 canali Posizione dei canali : Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE SamplingRate : 48,0 KHz BitDepth/String : 16 bits Dimensione della traccia : 578 Mb (5%) Lingua : Inglese Testo #1 ID : 4 Formato : UTF-8 Codec ID : S_TEXT/UTF8 Codec ID/Informazioni : UTF-8 Plain Text Titolo : Related Torrents
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