3D Text Commander is an easy to use graphics application developed by Insofta Development. The purpose of this application is to create 3D texts quickly, easily and economically. If you use this application to create 3D text then you will not required to purchase costly high-end software applications which you may required to learn and gain expertise skill to use those software applications. But with 3D Text Commander anybody can create sizzling 3D texts without any experience or expertise. And you can use these 3D text any where like on your website, Blog site, in face book, My Space profile or for any products cover or any other purpose.
3D Text Commander comes with 11 different types of 3D Text styles which you can modify according to your use. Here you can use any length of text and any text with special character also but a long text makes it slow to render 3D text. Its special effects like transparency, camera, light, shadow and reflection will surly impress everyone. You are not bound to use only colors on your 3D text with 3D Text Commander as it provide you facility to use any image for the front view of the text and the color of the remaining shadow and 3D effect will be handled by the 3D Text Commander.
Medicine: Present