Description As marching into the digital era, many people in different sectors are quite keen to understand why this has happened. They hope to obtain basic principles about digital signals and associated digital systems. Instead of targeting advanced or expert level, they often hope to grasp the subject as efficient and effective as possible without undertaking impossible task under usually limited time and effort available. This book is written for those beginners who want to gain an overview of the topic, understand the basic methods and know how to deal with basic digital signals and systems. About the Author Dr. Weiji Wang, received MEng and DEng from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China in 1980s, and received DPhil from University of Oxford, England in 1990s. He is currently a member of faculty in Department of Engineering and Design, University of Sussex, England. He has been teaching the subject of digital signal processing since 1998 for undergraduate students of engineering and informatics. He also has teaching experiences in continuous signal and system analysis for undergraduate students, engine testing and instrumentation for postgraduate students, etc. From students feedback, he is being recognised good at explaining complicated problems in easy understanding ways without compromising rigour and precision. His research interests include digital signal processing applications, condition monitoring for machinery, control of automotive suspension systems, dynamic behaviour analysis of automotive turbochargers. He has published many papers about his research outcomes in reputable international journals.
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