Invasion UFO [DVD9 PAL - ITA ENG] Delux Ed - HSA

Original Title: U.F.O.
DVD Format: DVD9 PAL
Edition: Delux Limited Edition
Screen Format: 4:3
Audio Language: Italian 5.1, Italian 2.0, English 2.0
Subtitles: Italian, English
Menus: Untouched
Video: Untouched
Audio: Untouched
DVD Extras: Ed Bishop interview + ROM
Release Date: 1980


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INVASION: UFO is a 90 minute movie created by compiling scenes from several episodes of UFO. It is not the pilot movie for the series, and in fact was produced ten years after UFO was made! The episodes used for the compilation are IDENTIFIED (32 mins), COMPUTER AFFAIR (25 mins), REFLECTIONS IN THE WATER (27 mins), CONFETTI CHECK A-OK (5 min), THE MAN WHO CAME BACK (1 min), and ESP (less than 1 min). A new title sequence was created, and additional music was added or overlayed onto the existing music. There are some fans who find this compilation movie enjoyable, while others think it is vastly inferior to the original episodes. Oddly enough, in the 1980s and 1990s INVASION: UFO was broadcast more frequently than the original series in many areas, and in the UK five of the original UFO episodes used to make the movie were never released on Polygram's VHS videos because the movie had exclusive video rights!
Although INVASION: UFO was the only English-language UFO compilation movie, there were 5 dubbed Italian UFO compilation movies which were released in Italian theaters in the early 1970's. The Italian movies were released on VHS in the past, and are being released on DVD in 2005.
INVASION:UFO è un film di circa 90 minuti creato assemblando spezzoni di diversi episodi di UFO. Fu prodotto 10 anni circa dopo la serie televisiva, ed è simile alle 5 compilation che hanno visto la luce in Italia. Sono stati usati i seguenti episodi: IDENTIFIED (32 min), COMPUTER AFFAIR (25 min), REFLECTIONS IN THE WATER (27 min), CONFETTI CHECK A-OK (5 min), THE MAN WHO CAME BACK (1 min), e ESP (meno di un minuto). Venne realizzata una sigla diversa e venne aggiunto un commento musicale diverso (con abbondante uso di sintetizzatori).
I pareri tra i fan sono contrastanti, ma apparentemente INVASION:UFO è stato trasmesso più spesso della serie originale in molte zone.
La conseguenza negli anni passati fu che 5 degli episodi usati in INVASION:UFO non furono resi disponibili nei VHS-PAL prodotti dalla Polygram. Erano solo disponibili gli altri 21, nonché il video di INVASION:UFO. Solo in tempi più recenti la Digital Entertainment ha prodotto tutti i 26 episodi per il mercato home video; sino ad allora la sola versione completa era rappresentata dai laser disc giapponesi (oltre che da copie ricavate dalle emittenti TV inglesi).