ISS Detector Satellite Tracker v2.01.62[Paid][GLODLS]
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ISS Detector Satellite Tracker v2.01.62 Paid | 6 MbRequirements: 2.3+Overview: Have you seen the International Space Station? It is visible with the naked eye! DescriptionIf you like space or astronomy, you will like this ISS locator app.ISS Detector will tell you when and where to look for the International Space Station or Iridium flares. You get an alarm a few minutes before a pass. You will never miss a pass of the International Space Station and you will never miss the bright flashes of the iridium communication satellites. ISS Detector will also check if the weather conditions are right. A clear sky is perfect for spotting.Extensions will enhance the functionality of ISS Detector. With an in-app purchase you can add comets and planets, amateur radio satellites and famous objects, like the Hubble space telescope or the Chinese space station Tiangong.• Overview of the coming passes• Weather conditions for perfect sightings• Radar screen with path indication• Current location on a map• Detection of Iridium flares• Notifications and Alarms• Share sightings with whatsapp, twitter, gmail, email etc.• Automatic location and timezone detection• Widget• Dedicated tablet layoutAvailable Extensions (in-app purchase):Radio Amateur SatellitesTrack dozens of ham and weather satellitesFamous ObjectsTrack Hubble, X-37B, Fitsat, Tiangong and moreComets and PlanetsTrack comets as they come closer to earth. Perfect for C/2011 L4 Panstarrs in March 2013 or C/2012 S1 ISON in November 2013.Enable ISS Detector to display the positions of the planets on the radar view.ISS Detector combines data from Nasa,, and weather from'S NEW- Correction in magnetic declination- Improvements in sunrise and sunset timesThis app has no advertisements Extensions Filters Unlocked | Maps works