Jaegwon Kim's Philosophical Writings (Size: 112.75 MB)
| | Jaegwon Kim - Physicalism, or Something Near Enough.pdf | 21.84 MB |
| | Jaegwon Kim - Supervenience and Mind.pdf | 18.41 MB |
| | Jaegwon Kim - Mind in a Physical World_An Essay on the Mind-Body Problem and Mental Causation.pdf | 16.65 MB |
| | Jaegwon Kim and Ernest Sosa - Metaphysics.pdf | 15.25 MB |
| | Alvin I. Goldman, Jaegwon Kim - Values and Morals_Essays in Honor of William Frankena, Charles... | 11.09 MB |
| | Ernest Sosa, Jaegwon Kim - Epistemology_An Anthology.djvu | 9.78 MB |
| | Jaegwon Kim, Ernest Sosa - Metaphysics_An Anthology.djvu | 6.81 MB |
| | Jaegwon Kim, Ernest Sosa and Gary S. Rosenkrantz - Companion to Metaphysics.pdf | 3.95 MB |
| | Jaegwon Kim - Philosophy of Mind (2).pdf | 2.05 MB |
| | Jaegwon Kim - Physicalism, or Something Near Enough.djvu | 1.76 MB |
| | Jaegwon Kim - Philosophy of Mind.pdf | 1.68 MB |
| | Jaegwon Kim - Essays in the Metaphysics of Mind.pdf | 1.34 MB |
| | Jaegwon Kim - Mind in a Physical World_An Essay on the Mind-Body Problem and Mental Causation.djvu | 923.83 KB |
| | Jaegwon Kim - Philosophy of Mind.mobi | 789.7 KB |
| | Jaegwon Kim - Philosophy of Mind.epub | 470.37 KB |
Jaegwon Kim's Philosophical Writings
Jaegwon Kim is a Korean American philosopher who works at Brown University. He is best known for his work on mental causation and the mind-body problem. Key themes in his work include: a rejection of Cartesian metaphysics, the limitations of strict psychophysical identity, supervenience, and the individuation of events. Kim's work on these and other contemporary metaphysical and epistemological issues is well represented by the papers collected in Supervenience and Mind: Selected Philosophical Essays (1993).
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