Kennedy 2016 02 10 WS SDTV x264-XAiOseeders: 0
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Kennedy 2016 02 10 WS SDTV x264-XAiO (Size: 252.35 MB)
No episode on 02/09 - New Hampshire primary.
Kennedy is watching two old populists celebrate big victories in New Hampshire. Right now it's the Bernie and Donald Show. Donald Trump dominates New Hampshire and our pretty party panel is here to talk about exactly that. KMELE FOSTER, CARLY SHIMKUS, and DAGEN McDOWELL have some newly informed prognostications. John Kasich came in 2nd after polling very low nationally for a long time & Jeb is kinda surging a little bit. Our party panel talks those two things out. But really they just end up talking about Jeb. KILLER MIKE of fantastic band RUN THE JEWELS is here via satellite to tell us why he such a big supporter of Bernie Sanders. NICK GILLSESPIE of is here to tell Libertarians who he thinks they should vote for. Bernie Sanders - no. Donald Trump - no. Ted Cruz - Uhm... well.. no. Topical Storm Rubio says that his poor debate performance on Saturday was "on me". Some Olympian is afraid of performing in Brazil because of the Zika virus. CIA head James Clapper has said that ISIS not only has chemical weapons but has deployed them. LT COL RALPH PETERS is here to tell us if Clapper is a fat liar or not. They quickly move on to Trump and his potential response to ISIS and/or terrorism. The panel returns to talk about Kanye's claims that Cosby is innocent. End Related Torrents
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