title: Killers Rating: 3.7/10 (7,155 votes)
source: CAM op.date: 06/04/10
bitrate: 1086 kbps / XviD rel.date: 07/03/10
audio: DiRECT LiNE res: 640x320
runtime: 93m size: 37x20MB / 700 MB
imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1103153/
Oh hai friends, its been a long time! We truly enjoy seeing other
garbage scene groups especially in this section call out other
xvid groups they believe they are better than, even tho that
same exact group was caught in the past with proof that they had
been stealing from p2p as well
We're Back!!! Ok this is out first trial cam we figured we'd put it
out there because its better than the overcropped cam already out
Quality would be flawless if it wasnt for that massive flicker
which cant be fixed through hardware, any suggestions short of a
new cam. Any ways the kings of the homemades have returned, this
would be above our orc standards but the flicker degrades the video
a little bit... time will fix that tho. And as always kids remember
if you don't like any of our releases you can suck the ORC FAT ONE!
ORC Wonders
Where did all the COMPETITION go?
ORC requires a few select people to fill some positions
You Work At a theater (and are perferably a manager)
You can get RETAIL DVD's before release date
Get any sort of direct audio in ANY LANGUAGE for current-running films
You have access to DVD RETAIL/DVDSCR/TC/SCR/CAM (Yes! We mean YOU!)
You Impress me for reading this far
If it aint listed it aint wanted
Find us we may actually have a use for the knowledgeable few!
ORC greets
ALL hardworking/homemade GROUPS. special thanks to the following:
LRC / FQM / KzT / MOMENT / 404 / EXP
'One Release Closers Superfriends Activate Operation Ninjacam!'
to joining centropy in jail
strike everywhere