Knowing The Truth Series - John Ankerbergseeders: 12
leechers: 4
Knowing The Truth Series - John Ankerberg (Size: 589.67 KB)
DescriptionKnowing The Truth About Eternal Security: Can you lose your salvation? Not if salvation is by grace and eternal from the moment of faith in Christ. With biblical facts and insights, the award-winning investigative team of John Ankerberg & John Weldon tackles the "once saved, always saved" controversy, including- What happens when someone accepts, then rejects, the gospel? Can human will & freedom exist with eternal security? Does everlasting salvation give a license to sin? Knowing the truth about salvation provides solid reasoning for eternal security & gives you the knowledge to confidently share the eternal nature of salvation with others. Knowing The Truth About Jesus The Messiah: Is Jesus the True Messiah? Jesus of Nazareth changed the world. He is the subject of more books, plays, poetry, films and worship than any man in history. But is He more than just a man? Citing specific facts and probability statistics, the authors conclusively show: • Unassailable, prophetic proof that Jesus is the Messiah • Biblical evidence confirming Jesus’ supreme authority • Specific confirmation of the Bible’s accuracy in prophecy Knowing the Truth About Jesus the Messiah offers you ready access to proof that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. Knowing The Truth About The Reliability Of The Bible: Skeptics & critics everywhere say the Bible isn’t trustworthy. University courses, evolutionary science & the acceptance of relative values have convinced many people - even some Christians - that the Bible isn’t 100% accurate & authoritative. What evidence from history, archaeology, science, & logic proves them wrong? An inerrant Bible is the cornerstone for knowing the character and nature of God’s Word & the salvation it offers thru the death & resurrection of Jesus Christ. This book reveals the unjustified biases of Bible criticism; verifies the accuracy & authenticity of ancient biblical texts; shows why the evidence for biblical authority is superior to critics’ allegations. Knowing The Truth About The Trinity: In a world where more & more people believe that truth is relative, it is crucial to come to an accurate interpretation of what the Bible teaches about the unchanging nature of God. Questions & answers will help you quickly grasp the importance of the Trinity, including: What is the Trinity? Does the Bible teach the doctrine of the Trinity? What role does each person of the Trinity play? Why is the Trinity a mystery? Is belief in the triune God critical? This book uncovers the rich distinctives of the 3 persons of the Godhead & illuminates the powerful ways God - Father, Son & Holy Spirit - works in the lives of believers today. About the author: Dr. John Ankerberg is founder and president of The John Ankerberg Show, the most-watched Christian worldview show in America. His television and radio programs are broadcast into 106 million American homes and are available in more than 200 nations in 12 languages. Author, co-author, or contributor of 155 books and study guides in 20 languages, his writings have sold more than 3 million copies and reach millions of readers each year online. Dr. Ankerberg is a graduate of the University of Illinois—Chicago, and holds three advanced degrees, including a Master of Arts in Church History and Philosophy of Christian Thought and Master of Divinity (with honors) from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Luther Rice Seminary. He has spoken at more than 78 American universities, numerous nationwide conferences, and worldwide at major events across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. He and his wife Darlene live in Chattanooga, Tennessee and have one grown daughter, Michelle. Buy: Sharing Widget |