The perfect tool for email marketing and newsletters!
With Email Sender Deluxe, sending out personalized bulk email and newsletters to your customers and clients just got a whole lot easier! Simply choose your recipients, write your email and hit Send! You can easily import recipients from databases, Excel, text files or enter them manually.
You can store email templates, so you don't have to type the whole newsletter again the next time you send one.

Email Sender Deluxe allows you to easily preview each email before it is sent to the recipients, letting you see the email they see. Attaching files to the emails is easy as well. This mass email sender software also allows you to send to an unlimited number of recipients.
If you send out newsletters regularly or need to notify your customers about new products and services, Email Sender Deluxe is here to help you!
Installation Instructions
Run emailsenderdeluxe-setup.exe
To Install Kristanix Software Email Sender Deluxe 2.28
follow The Onscreen Instructions By The Installer
When Finish Installing, Tick -> [ Run Email Sender Deluxe ]
And Click Finish, To Complete The Setup, If Your Browser Or A New
Tab Opens And Directs You To The Product Site Just Ignore & Close It,
When The Program Starts Select Help -> Enter Registration Key
And Use The Info Below To Register The Program And Click [ OK ]
Registration Info (C.R.)
Name: Cool Release
Key: KRX28413486
Done Enjoy !!! .
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