L avvertimento - The Warning [DVD5 - Ita Eng][TNTVillage]
Original title: L'avvertimento
AKA: The Warning
Language: Italian, English
Subtitles: none
System: PAL DVD5
Framerate: 25.000
Video Format: 1,85:1 Anamorphic
Movie Lenght Total: 105' 00''
Extra: Director's biography and others key players (Giuliano Gemma and Martin Balsam)
Chapter Selection: Yes
Release Date: 1980
Genres: Crime
Cast: Giuliano Gemma, Martin Balsam, Laura Trotter, Giancarlo Zanetti, Guido Leontini, Franco Odoardi, John Karlsen, Geoffrey Copleston

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The Warning is a very serious film dealing with police corruption from Marxist filmmaker Damiano Damiani, who also co-wrote the screenplay. Best known for his contribution to the spaghetti western genre, Damiani has always had an interest in the corrupting tendencies of power, and this film is no exception. Guiliano Gemma and Giancarlo Zanetti play Baressi and Prizzi, a pair of honest cops looking to solve the murder of a fellow officer who may have had his hand in the till. The crooks repeatedly try to grease Baressi's palm in an effort to get him off their trail, with no success. Martin Balsam is also on hand but doesn't have a lot to do other than look grim faced, beautiful Laura Trotter is impressive as the widow of the dead policeman, and Alota Vagina herself, Fabiana Udenio, appears as a small time hoodlum. Unfortunately, the only way for Anglophone audiences to see this terrific little film is via an horrible pan and scan tape with Greek subtitles, but it's better than nothing.
Il capo della squadra mobile romana viene ucciso proprio mentre sta per incastrare una grossa cosca mafiosa. Il questore affida l’incarico di continuare le indagini a un collaboratore della vittima, ma gli astuti delinquenti riescono a insinuare nelle menti degli investigatori il sospetto che la mafia abbia corrotto tutti i poliziotti.
Che deve fare un onesto vicecommissario della Mobile di Roma quando scopre 100 milioni sul proprio conto in banca?
Film di mafia che ha anticipato La piovra con una vicenda degna di Sciascia, dove la criminalità organizzata s'intreccia con la corruzione politica, l'alta finanza, i servizi segreti.