Losing My Virginity - The Autobiography by Richard Branson (2003) (windows friendly) PDF {SPirate}seeders: 6
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Losing My Virginity - The Autobiography by Richard Branson (2003) (windows friendly) PDF {SPirate} (Size: 2.3 MB)
DescriptionLosing My Virginity: The Autobiography by Richard Branson (2003) ![]() This is a RE-UPLOAD since many users of windows said, they cannot access my previous one. The problem was in the file & folder name which have been fixed. Enjoy! After you download this torrent, please like it, comment here and (most importantly) SEED for at least 24 hours. SEEDING A TORRENT is such a small favor in return for the file you've downloaded for free. It also keeps the torrent alive for other KAT members to download. Liking a torrent & leaving a quick "Thank you" let's an Uploader know that their hard work is liked and appreciated. This will result in more uploads! This fully updated edition of Sir Richard Branson's bestselling autobiography features his latest intrepid ventures in the areas of health, environment, media and, of course, exploration. Discover new details about Sir Richard's commitment to the future, through the Virgin Health Bank and its contribution to regenerative medicine, Virgin Fuels' pledge of £200 million to renewable energy projects, and his charitable body Virgin Unite. Sir Richard also discusses the earth-based launch of Virgin Media, and the progress toward the literal 'launch' of Virgin Galactic and a new era of commercial space travel. Featuring many new insights into his family life,Losing My Virginityis an amazing memoir, a definitive business guide and an inspirational story that reveals Sir Richard's unique philosophy on business, the Virgin brand and life. Это полностью обновленное издание самой продаваемой автобиографией сэра Ричарда Брэнсона особенности его последние бесстрашных предприятия в области здравоохранения, окружающей среды, средств массовой информации и, конечно же, исследование. Откройте для себя новые подробности о приверженности сэра Ричарда в будущее, через Деву банк здравоохранения и его вклад в регенеративную медицину, залог Virgin "В Топлива в £ 200 млн на проекты по возобновляемым источникам энергии, и его благотворительная тело Virgin Unite. Сэр Ричард также обсуждает запуск Наземные Virgin Media, и продвижение к буквальному "запуска" от Virgin Galactic и новой эры коммерческих космических путешествий. Благодаря много новых идей в его семейной жизни, Теряя невинность удивительный мемуар, окончательный бизнес-руководство и вдохновляющая история, которая показывает уникальную философию сэра Ричарда по бизнесу, Virgin бренд и жизнь. About the author (2003) Sir Richard Branson is a hugely successful international entrepreneur, icon, and chairman of the Virgin Group. He is the author of the worldwide bestsellerScrew It, Let's Do It. Bibliographic information for Losing My Virginity Title Losing My Virginity: The Autobiography Author Richard Branson Edition illustrated, revised Publisher Virgin Books, 2007 ISBN 0753513005, 9780753513002 Length 472 pages Related Torrents
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