Mario Canale - Marco Ferreri, il regista che venne dal futuro AKA The Director Who Came From the Future (2007)
Sulphuric, scandalous, scratching and iconic: Marco Ferreri has been this, and much more. Nevertheless his black humour, his anarchic look, the misogyny, and the tags that accompanied him, hide the real red thread of his operas; the prevision, that in anticipation to the times slightly shows between the lines of today, the sceneries of tomorrow.
And it is to this removed aspect of Marco Ferreri’s cinema that “Il regista che venne dal futuro” is dedicated: a documentary which goes together with the anti-conformist character of a man who was extreme, provocative in his ways and serious in his operas, always at vanguard, visionary and experimental. 90 minutes that derive from authentic places and people, to then be able to conduct in the spaces of a fantastic reconstruction, an inquiry where the characters they have met, worked with or have been friends of the director, work, with many archival films both Italian and foreign, some which are absolutely inedited. The structure is made clear from some chapters in which Marco Ferreri gives us, in an abrupt, irreverent, and often over the lines, his lucid and disenchanted vision of the world.
Marco Ferreri was the wild man of Italian cinema, a figure just sporadically appreciated during his career, and one who left many films in need of rediscovery (or simply discovery) since his death in 1997. A handful found their way to international release, some stirring considerable controversy. Yet others that sound just as arresting in description were little-seen then, and seem impossible to find now.
Like Antonioni and Fellini, Ferreri’s great subject was modern man’s dislocation from the “push-button” modern world, his attempt to find meaning and his own relevancy in it. But while those masters conveyed their point primarily through highly evolved filmmaking styles, Ferreri—while a confident stylist—got the job done via outre content.
Rafael Azcona
Nicoletta Braschi
Franco Brocani
Sergio Castellitto
Pappi Corsicato
Piera Degli Esposti
Francesca Dellera
Maruschka Detmers
Nicoletta Ercole
Sabrina Ferilli
Andréa Ferréol
Enzo Jannacci
Christopher Lambert
William Lubtchansky
Francesco "Citto" Maselli
Dante Matelli
Ornella Muti
Philippe Noiret
Esteve Riambau
Ettore Rosboch
Dado Ruspoli
Alfonso Sansone
Giancarlo Santi
Catherine Spaak
Lina Nerli Taviani
Ricky Tognazzi
Mario Vulpiani
Michele Placido (Voce Narrante)
Jerry Calà
Mario Canale
Annarosa Morri
Mario Canale
Annarosa Morri
Philippe Sarde
Adalberto Gianuario
Alessandro Raso
Mario Canale
Elena Francot
Regia: Mario Canale
Anno di produzione: 2007
Durata: 90’
Tipologia: documentario
Genere: biografico
Paese: Italia
Produzione: Surf Film, Orme, La7
Ufficio Stampa: Studio Morabito
Titolo originale: Marco Ferreri, Il Regista che Venne dal Futuro
Altri titoli: Marco Ferreri: The Director Who Came from the Future
Sinossi: A dieci anni dalla morte di Marco Ferreri, il documentario di Mario Canale recupera la memoria di questo cineasta dimenticato troppo in fretta, e del suo straordinario e immaginifico talento.
Da quel 9 maggio 1997, molte cose sono cambiate: ma la sua visione profetica già intuiva gli scenari futuri e suggeriva, nel solo modo in cui un artista può farlo: attraverso la propria opera, il mondo che stiamo vivendo.
Sapeva, Marco Ferreri, d’essere capace di cogliere nel presente i segni del futuro?
I filmati d’archivio provengono da:
- Orme
- Istituto Luce
- Aamod (Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio e Democratico
Fondazione Mario Schifano)
- Argento Puro di Pappi Corsicato
Le fotografie d’epoca provengono da:
- Jacqueline Ferreri
- Reporters Associati
Immagini di Maurizio Carta, Massimo Coconi, Paolo Mancini, Marcello Rapezzi e Mario Canale.
Ricerche iconografiche di Rosellina d’Errico... (continua).

Rip, screenshots &Specs By stiller for KG, many thanks to him.
English hardsubs, as it was on the dvd