Mathworks Matlab R2015b (64-Bit) MulTi + Serial Incl Activator - Final

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Added on January 25, 2016 by solidworksBin Applications > Windows
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Mathworks Matlab R2015b (64-Bit) MulTi + Serial Incl Activator - Final (Size: 7.37 GB)
 Readme.txt1.25 KB
 Mathworks Matlab R2015b.iso7.37 GB



New execution engine that runs MATLAB® code faster
Graph and directed graph functions for creating, analyzing, and visualizing graphs and networks

Add-On Explorer — a single interface for adding community-authored and MathWorks® toolboxes, apps, functions, models, and hardware support
Hardware support for iOS sensors, Raspberry Pi™ 2, and BeagleBone Black

Deployable MATLAB components for integration with applications written in Python®
Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

SVR (support vector regression) and Gaussian processes (Kriging) for fitting models, PCA feature transformation in the Classification Learner app, and GPU acceleration of 65 functions

Parallel Computing Toolbox

GPU acceleration for functions in Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™ including probability distributions, descriptive statistics, and hypothesis testing; and additional MATLAB functions

Image Processing Toolbox
Gabor and box filtering, C code generation for 20 functions with MATLAB Coder™, and improved grayscale morphology and filtering performance

Computer Vision System Toolbox
3-D point cloud processing, including geometric shape fitting, normal vector estimation and visualization

Database Toolbox
Faster database read and write

Control System Toolbox
2-DOF PID controller tuning

Robust Control Toolbox
Robust tuning with systune and Control System Tuner app for automatically tuning robust controllers for plants with uncertain parameters

Sharing Widget

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7.37 GB
Mathworks Matlab R2015b (64-Bit) MulTi + Serial Incl Activator - Final