Megazone 23 - Part III - EngDub Anime Film UKseeders: 0
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Megazone 23 - Part III - EngDub Anime Film UK (Size: 1.24 GB)
Megazone 23 (メガゾーン23 Megazōn Tsū Surī?) is a four-part original video animation created by AIC, written by Hiroyuki Hoshiyama, and directed by Noboru Ishiguro, Ichiro Itano, Kenichi Yatagai and Shinji Aramaki. The series debuted in 1985. It was originally titled Omega Zone 23 (オメガゾーン23 Omega Zōn Tsū Surī?) but the title was changed just before release.[2]
The story follows Shogo Yahagi, a delinquent motorcyclist whose possession of a government prototype bike leads him to discover the truth about the city. Part III Episode 1: The Awakening of Eve Part III is different from the first two parts for several notable reasons. Firstly, it takes place on Earth, several centuries after the Megazone landed with Shogo, Yui and the rest of the survivors. Because of this none of the original characters return apart from Eve. The story takes place primarily in the city of Eden, a super futuristic, enormous city, the first and last city to be built on Earth (depending on how you look at it). The city was built by 'The System' for humans to live in until a time it decides humans and nature are in balance and the human race can be released into the renewed Earth. All citizens of Eden wait for the 'Day of Liberation'. The Day of Liberation is kept fresh in people's minds by Bishop Won Dai, supposedly one of the original survivors of the Megazone as he is a direct link to The System itself. Eiji Takanaka is a hacker ("netjacker") and expert virtual gamer that hangs out in the virtual arcade, Psycholand. He starts working at E=X, a company under the leadership of the mysterious Bishop Won Dai that controls the city's information network, known as "The System." Eiji's friend Bud starts working at Orange, a gaming company. However Bud reveals that he's learned that Orange is planning on launching a rival system supposedly superior to E=X's. Both friends play Orange's spacecraft simulator Cyber Game "_HARD ON¯" (possibly a reference to the Sega game Hang-On), that is actively sent updates and new levels by the Orange company. In order to complete a network independent of The System, Orange uses its games to train fighters in Garland combat unconsciously for its cause. Eiji starts to go out with Ryo Narahara, who works at the arcade. As they grow closer they start discussing how Eiji has been recruited by E=X and how Ryo finds it strange that E=X would hire an ex-hacker. They also discuss the popular singer and idol, Eve. Unlike the Eve in the first episode though, in Eden she is known to be a virtual idol. Ryo however tells Eiji that she believed the circulating rumour that Eve is in fact a real person and says she wishes she could meet her as Ryo also wishes to become an idol. Eiji asks for her access codes, but she tells him that as an elite hacker, he should research it himself. Once he's back home, Eiji watches a video message from the E=X operator Miura Simka telling him to report for work tomorrow. When he tries hacking in Psycholand's employee information he finds her information deleted. He finds it again in another part of the net but the area is sensitive and he's forced to disconnect before getting tracked down by the Net police. He and Bud try to find her information by hacking, using an access point somewhere in Eden's alleys. However a strong defensive program activates and hits then with an electrical jolt. Soon afterwards the Net police show up and Eiji and Bud need to get away. Bud warns Eiji that as a member of E=X he shouldn't be doing things like this any-more, but then comments on how he's no-one to lecture any-one. At E=X, director Yacob Halm gives a speech to the new recruits about the importance of The System and decries netjackers, calling them anarchists who will disrupt Eden's balance. Operator Miura Simka calls over Eiji after the recruits are dismissed and privately warns Eiji about his hacker-activities, holding up a photo of him and Bud from the night before. However she lets him go because of his invaluable skills as a hacker which Yacob feels could be useful to E=X and the system. Yacob assigns Eiji to use a Garland to catch netjackers. While doing a training mission with his new Garland though, an outside influence netjacks into Eiji's simulation, daring him to break the program. Eiji is unable to but he does well enough to impress the hacker who turns out to be a high-ranking member of Orange named Sion. Seinji takes the Garland home to customize it. Ryo visits Eiji, and they discuss Sion. Eiji brings up the subject. Ryo says she doesn't know any-one called Sion but when Eiji mentions how Sion is a member of Orange as well as a nethacker he must be violent Ryo jumps to Sion's defense, saying that she knows him and he's not that sort of man. Before they can discuss it further, Eiji's apartment heats up as the room's controls malfunction before it explodes. Eiji and Ryo escape through the window using the Garland. Sion hacks into the E=X network and finds a program called "Project Heaven" but is unable to find out what it is exactly. Orange then puts its plan to take over The System with their superior network by hacking The System's network and taking it over. In response E=X sends out its Garland unit including Eiji. Orange sends out its HARGUN units including Sion. When Eiji defeats Sion, he reveals that he was testing Eiji to see if he can awaken Eve. The company forces continue to battle as Eiji takes the Garland under the city to 'Zone 0' as directed by Sion and finds a capsule containing a human Eve. When he approaches the capsule opens and Eve awakens. Eve smiles at Eiji and tells him she's been waiting for him, calling him "Operator 7G." Episode 2: Day of Liberation The companies continue their fighting. Orange has broken contact with the wounded Sion, presuming him dead. E=X is focusing on trying to regain control of the network. They are also trying to locate Eiji and his Garland as they believe him to be a traitor for activating the Eve program. Meanwhile, back at Zone 0, Eve is trying to access the network but can't since the System uses a network she knows nothing about. Eve reveals to Eiji that she is one of the original programmers of Eden's network. Eiji asks her what he as operator 7G is supposed to do. Eve says they should go to Bahamut, the original Megazone computer for information. When Eiji and Eve are located by Yacobs men, Yacob is horrified to notice the human Eve. He orders his men to kill them, not wanting them to escape. However, Eve directs Eiji and they're able to shake off the netpolice. They follow a forgotten path under the city out of Eden and into the green Earth humans have been cut off from for so long. They see Eden's outside machinery stretching out further to maintain the city, engulfing the green Earth outside. Eve comments that Eden has become unbalanced and they travel into the surrounding forests to the ruins of Bahamut. When Eve approaches the core, Bahamut activates, recognizing her life-data as 'The Creator'. Eve asks Bahamut to run diagnostics on Eden, which reports status as normal. Eve says that this is impossible, asking why the people have not been released then and wonders why Shogo did not wake her so she could do so. She asks Bahamut what happened to him. Bahamut replies that all data relating to Shogo Yahagi have been erased. Again Eve says that this is impossible. However, the original Eve, the program from Part I and II activates in front of them, telling the human Eve that there is one part of Shogo's life remains on file and directs her to the next room, which contains the original Garland (from Part II) and a disk. As Eve and Eiji return to Eden, Ryo tracks down the injured Sion who, along with a small group of members from Orange have been staying in a van. They've been monitoring the network from this point, saying that Orange currently controls 40% of it. Sion is frustrated since they still can't figure out what 'Project Heaven' is. Ryo provides him with a disk Eiji had given her with which she could call him. As a member of E=X it's linked to their network. Sion's team is able to breaks through and learn that Project Heaven is a plan set up by the System to launch the entire city of Eden into space. Sion decides to take over Orange from its leaders who only want to crush E=X. Orange has recruited new fighters for their own Garlands, including Bud, who have willingly been fitted with plugs to be directly plugged into the machines to fight. Disgusted by Orange's willingness to sacrifice human lives to try and take down E=X, Sion pushes a disc into Orange's computers, revealing the System's plans and Project Heaven. The leader of Orange is horrified and agrees to pull back from fighting E=X, realizing it would be pointless. Instead, he turns his focus to broadcasting Project Heaven and the System's plans to the citizens of Eden using what of the Network they control as well as notifying high-ranking business men and financiers. Yacob mans an original Garland from over a 1000 years ago that had recently been restored. He uses it to fight off the last of Orange's Garlands, killing Bud. Eiji and Eve arrive on the scene on their way to the E=X building to get to the System's core. The city starts to shake as Project Heaven is put into action. Back at the E=X tower, several important figures of the city are calling Yacob directly at the System's core, demanding an Explanation. Yacob tells them that The System has decided the human race is too corrupt to be released and they are to be exiled to space once more. When Miura turns to leave, telling Yacob that she's going to show people a way out of Eden as she's not lost faith in humanity as he seems to have, he shoots and kills her. Meanwhile, Sion, Eiji, Eve and the rest of the members of Orange try to find a way to stop Project Heaven. Eve says they need to disable the System's core, located inside the E=X building. She shows the Orange members where to place explosives within the core to disable it. Sion and Eiji will distract E=X. Eve wishes Eiji luck, telling him Shogo is with him. Yacob attacks Orange, intent to kill Sion but Eiji draws his fire. Meanwhile, Eve opens the door to the System's core for the other members of Orange to plant the explosives as only she as the creator could do so. They plant their explosives and leave the building. Outside, the battle between Eiji and Yacob continues. It is clear though that Yacob has the superior machine. However, Sion's men's explosives go off and the city stops rumbling as Project Heaven is interrupted and canceled. Eiji tells Yacob that they've destroyed the E=X core. However Yacob tells him that they shouldn't have stopped Project Heaven as this means they've doomed Eden. As he says this and the E=X tower crumbles, the core of the building starts to rise into the sky. Eve appears on ever screen in the city, addressing the public. She tells them that Won Dai is planning to use the Adam lunar defense system to destroy Eden, but that she is going to attempt to stop him. Eiji races up to the core to rescue her but Yacob follows. Eiji inserts Shogo's Data Disk into his Garland and manages to slice off one of Yacob's machine's arms. However, Yacob further cripples Eiji's Garland but when he tries to deliver the final blow his aim is off as his Garland's power output is dropping. Eiji manages to throw one of his knives, causing Yacob's Garland to explode. Inside the System's Core, Eve confronts Won Dai who is sitting at the very center of the core, several plugs running into him, connecting him directly to the system. Eve tells him what he's doing isn't the System's will but Won Dai says that disposing of humanity is the only way to preserve Earth. Eiji arrives and tells him that that's a massacre and he won't allow the System to kill people, regardless if it's right or wrong. Eve says that Eiji's life-data is even more pure than Won Dai's and that if Eiji connects to the System, its misconceptions of humans will be cleared. When Eiji steps forwards though Won Dai activates a shield, separating him from Eve and then attacks Eiji with energy. Eiji accuses Won Dai of killing Shogo but pulls out the Data disc, saying that Shogo lives on. The energy surrounds the disc in Eiji's hand and Won Dai is ejected from his seat, collapsing. He tells Eiji that he has lived for far too long and asks him to unplug him. Once Eiji does so Won Dai exclaims that it's as if he's seeing things for the first time, saying that he's been a slave to the system for too long. He asks where Eiji found the Data Disc. Eiji says he found it in Bahamut. Won Dai sighs, saying how Bahamut and Megazone seem so nostalgic and how he'd forgotten them before he dies. From his last words it is vaguely hinted at that Won Dai himself might be Shogo.[3] Behind him, Eiji hears something activate and turns to see Eve standing in front of Won Dai's seat, a glass tube having descended around her. She thanks Eiji for helping her, telling him that the System was programmed to release humanity from Eden once she connects with it, which is why Shogo was supposed to wake her so long ago. Eve tells Eiji that she will pilot the core to the Moon to destroy ADAM as well, thus freeing humanity from all of its artificial computer overlords forever. She kisses Eiji through the glass of the tube before she continues to rise into the sky, leaving Eden free. Afterward, Eiji returns to the damaged Eden to reunite with Ryo who has been waiting for him. The city crumbles as the fighting stops and the episode ends with them kissing. 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