Little Book of Big Potentials: 24 Fields of Flow, Fulfillment, Abundance, and Joy in Everyday Life By Melissa Joy Jonsson, read by the author
Unabridged edition 2015 | 9 hours and 15 mins | ASIN: B01604IY48
By best-selling author Melissa Joy Jonsson, the Little Book of Big Potentials is a culmination of her unique, expansive work integrating scientific principles and spiritual concepts into practical daily experiences. It offers a complete system of relating, assimilating, and embodying empowered, joy-filled, extraordinary living.The Little Book of Big Potentials is about much more than recasting thoughts or beliefs to change reality. This book is about commanding the power of the unified heart and information fields that shape the experience of reality. Through a delightful interweaving of science, spiritual insight, enlightening humor, and practical play, Melissa Joy takes us into the heart of interactive reality creation and provides easily accessible M-Joy Fields for transforming experiences that touch all aspects of life.Offering an evolutionary perspective on the nature of reality based on universal truths, scientific observations, and practical experience, Melissa Joy shines light on information as love's creation. The Little Book of Big Potentials is beautifully articulated in a "language of light", offering the opportunity for everyone in the collective to experience True Authentic Self (TAS) and to walk fully in integrity. This is a path of self-love, authenticity, and personal truth that, if we simply embody it, can transform all that we relate to in our individual and shared experiences.Change your field resonance in the love hologram, and everything can change.