nERvMemoria (c) Daedalic Entertainment08/2013: RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION: Steam1: DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE: AdventureTwo stories, two main characters, one epic experience: in Memoria, playerstravel through different time periods, while following two distinctprotagonists: Sadja, a southern princess who wants to be a war hero, andGeron, a bird catcher who wants to lift a curse from his girlfriend. Thegame combines point & click gameplay with unique magic skillsSadja, a Southern princess, has an unstoppable desire to become the greatesthero in history - by joining and succeeding in the biggest war Aventuria hasever seen: The war of the Mages, fought in the middle of an uninhabitabledesertBird catcher Geron lives almost 450 years after the Great War. Geron'seternal love, Nuri, has been turned into a crow by an evil curse. To giveher back her human form, Geron needs the help of the mysterious merchantFahi, who has magical powers. But Fahi is only willing to help Geron if heagrees to solve a puzzle which Fahi has seen in his dreams. The quest foranswers soon leads to a chain of events that connects both Sadja's andGeron's stories, threatening to turn the present into a grim reflection of along forgotten pastMemoria combines classic point & click adventure gameplay with the featuresof The Dark Eye, one of the most successful RPG universes known in thefantasy world. Point & click adventure game puzzles get a unique twist byadding magical features - and a wise, talking staff. Over eight chaptersplayers control both Sadja's and Geron's fates, involuntarily interactingwith each other and bridging over 500 years of time. Each chapter in Memoriafeatures opulent graphics, epic locations, a thrilling fantasy crime storyand a unique puzzle design that differs from chapter to chapterKey Features* Epic fantasy soundtrack and high quality voiceover to draw you deep intothe game* Dive into the world of The Dark Eye, and explore mystical places such asDraconia, an ancient temple built by dragons* Follow the story of two unique characters through two different timeperiods* Beautifully hand-drawn 2D backgrounds and high quality 3D game characters* From the creator of The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav, The Whispered Worldand Deponia1. Unrar2. Burn or mount the image3. Install the game4. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory on the image toyour game install directory5. Play the game6. If you like this game, BUY IT from a DRM-free store!System Requirements:INTEL CPU: Pentium 4 2.4GHzAMD CPU: Sempron 2200+Nvidia GPU: GeForce 605 512MBAMD GPU: Radeon HD 6350 RAM: 2.5 GB OS: Win Xp 32Direct X: DX 9 HDD Space: 10 GB

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