Microsoft Flight Simulator X Steam Edition-TiNYiSO
Proudly PresentsMicrosoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition (c) Dovetail GamesRelease On: 3 January 2015 Disk Amount/Format: 1 BLURAY ISOType of Game: Flight Simulator Media Protection: SteamThe multi award winning Microsoft Flight Simulator X lands on Steam forthe first time. Take off from anywhere in the world, flying some of theworld s most iconic aircraft to any one of 24,000 destinations. MicrosoftFlight Simulator X Steam Edition has updated multiplayer and Windows 8.1supportTake the controls of aircraft such as the 747 jumbo jet, F/A-18 HornetP-51D Mustang, EH-101 helicopter and others - an aircraft for every kindof flying and adventure. Select your starting location, set the time, theseason, and the weather. Take off from one of more than 24,000 airportsand explore a world of aviation beauty that has entranced millions ofplane fans from across the globeFSX Steam Edition offers players a connected world where they can choosewho they want to be, from air-traffic controller to pilot or co-pilotRacing mode allows you to compete against friends with four types ofracing, including Red Bull Air Race courses, the unlimited Reno NationalChampionship course, as well as cross country, competition sailplanecourses and fictional courses like the Hoop and Jet Canyon. Test yourskills with three different levels of difficulty, from simple pylonracing to racing highly challenging courses in a variety of weatherconditionsWith over 80 missions, test your prowess to earn rewards. Try your handat Search and Rescue, Test Pilot, Carrier Operations, and more. Keeptrack of how you have done on each mission and improve your skill levelsuntil you re ready for the next challengeFSX Steam Edition enables pilots to fly the aircraft of their dreamsfrom the De Havilland DHC-2 Beaver floatplane and Grumman G-21A Goose tothe AirCreation 582SL Ultralight and Maule M7 Orion with wheels andskis. Add to your collection of aircraft and improve the fidelity ofyour world with FSX Add-onsThe inclusion of AI-controlled jetways, fuel trucks and moving baggagecarts, adds extra realism to the experience of flying at busy airportsWhether you want to challenge your friends to a heart-pounding race orjust take in the scenery, FSX Steam Edition will immerse you in adynamic, living world that brings a realistic flying experience intoyour homeBurn/mount, install, copy crack, play!NOTE: This is an enhanced edition of the Microsoft old classic!Greetz: LARGEiSO and MEDIUMiSO(C) E/dfs" SIZE DOES NOT MATTER! "

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