Microsoft(R) Windows XP Francais User Interface Packseeders: 1
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Microsoft(R) Windows XP Francais User Interface Pack (Size: 91.65 MB)
Read First for Microsoft(R) Windows XP Multilingual User Interface Pack August 2001 ********************************************************************** ====================================================================== Read Me First ====================================================================== Welcome to the Windows XP Multilingual User Interface (MUI) Pack. This document provides late-breaking or other information that supplements the documentation in Microsoft Windows XP. Print and read this document for critical pre-installation information concerning this product release. After you install the Windows XP Multilingual User Interface Pack, print and read the Release Notes files: * Readme.txt located on MUI CD1 * Relnotes.txt located on MUI CD1 For the latest information about MUI, be sure to visit the following Web site : ========================================================================= CONTENTS ========================================================================= 1.0 ABOUT THE MICROSOFT WINDOWS XP MULTILINGUAL USER INTERFACE PACK (MUI) 2.0 BEFORE INSTALLING MUI SUPPORT FROM MUI CDs 3.0 SUPPORTED PLATFORMS 4.0 UPGRADING TO THE WINDOWS XP MUI PACK FROM WINDOWS 2000 MULTILANGUAGE VERSION 5.0 INSTALLING MUI IN UNATTEND MODE 6.0 DEPLOYING MUI BY USING REMOTE INSTALLATION SERVICE 7.0 COPYRIGHT ========================================================================= 1.0 ABOUT THE MICROSOFT WINDOWS XP MULTILINGUAL USER INTERFACE PACK (MUI) ========================================================================= The Windows XP operating systems provide extensive support for international users, addressing many multilingual issues such as regional preferences, fonts, keyboard layouts, sorting orders, date formats and Unicode support. The Windows XP Multilingual User Interface Pack builds on top of this support by adding the capability to switch the User Interface (menus, dialogs and help files) from one language to another. This feature helps make administration and support of multilingual computing environments much easier by: * allowing workstations to be shared by users who speak different languages * facilitating the roll-out of one system company-wide, with the addition of User Interface languages as they become available. This allows the same US English service pack to update all machines. The Windows XP Multilingual User Interface Pack allows each user of a workstation to select one of the installed User Interface languages. This selection is then stored in their user profile. When a user logs on, the appearance of the system and the help files associated with the system components change to the selected language. (Note that this is not quite the same as running a localized version. The Multilingual User Interface Pack is based on the English version of Windows XP. ) The ability to read and write documents in each of the languages supported by Windows XP is a feature of every version of Windows XP, not just of the Windows XP Multilingual User Interface Pack. However, the ability to switch User Interface languages is only provided by the Windows Multilingual User Interface Pack. ========================================================================= 2.0 BEFORE INSTALLING MUI SUPPORT FROM MUI CDs ========================================================================= Before you install any of the files from the Windows Multilingual User Interface Pack CDs, you must complete the installation of Windows XP from the English version of Windows XP CD. To install any language user interface support, run MUISETUP.EXE from the MUI CDs. Each MUI CD includes a group of different MUI language support files. You will only be able to install the languages that are included on the same CD at one time. If you want to install languages included on another CD, please run the MUISETUP from that CD. You can click the "Help" button on the MUISETUP.EXE screen to learn how to use MUISETUP.EXE. To find out which CD includes which UI language files, you can browse the CD to see which sub-folders are included on the CD. Each sub-folder includes the MUI package for a particular matching UI language. The UI languages and their sub-folder names are listed below: LanguageID Language MUI Sub-folder 0401 Arabic ARA.MUI 0402 Bulgarian BG.MUI 041a Croatian HR.MUI 0405 Czech CS.MUI 0406 Danish da.MUI 0413 Dutch (Standard) NL.MUI 0425 Estonian ET.MUI 040b Finnish FI.MUI 040c French (Standard) FR.MUI 0407 German GER.MUI 0408 Greek EL.MUI 040d Hebrew HEB.MUI 040e Hungarian hu.MUI 0410 Italian IT.MUI 0411 Japanese JPN.MUI 0412 Korean KOR.MUI 0426 Latvian LV.MUI 0427 Lithuanian LT.MUI 0414 Norwegian no.MUI 0415 Polish pl.MUI 0416 Portuguese (Brazil)Br.MUI 0816 Portuguese (Standard)PT.MUI 0418 Romanian RO.MUI 0419 Russian RU.MUI 0804 Simplified Chinese CHS.MUI 0c0a Spanish (Modern Sort)ES.MUI 041b Slovak SK.MUI 0424 Slovenian SL.MUI 041d Swedish SV.MUI 041e Thai TH.MUI 0404 Traditional Chinese CHH.MUI 041f Turkish TR.MUI Please note this list is just for reference purpose. It does not mean all these languages will be supported in the XP MUI pack. Due to the localization schedule differences among languages, the XP MUI package will be released in two releases. The initial release will include languages that are done soonest after the US English release. The refresh release will include the other supported languages done later. Please visit for more detail on the supported language list in XP MUI pack and their release schedules. ========================================================================= 3.0 SUPPORTED PLATFORMS ========================================================================= The Windows XP MUI pack only works with Windows XP Professional Edition. The MUI files cannot be installed on Windows XP Home Edition. A 32-bit MUI pack can only be installed on 32-bit Windows XP. You must use a 64-bit MUI pack on 64-bit Windows XP. The number of supported MUI languages on 64-bit will be different from 32-bit XP. ========================================================================= 4.0 UPGRADING TO THE WINDOWS XP MUI PACK FROM WINDOWS 2000 MULTILANGUAGE VERSION ========================================================================= Setup will remove the old Windows 2000 MultiLanguage support files but will not automatically add the Windows XP MUI support files during the upgrade process. You must install the Windows XP MUI files from MUI CDs just as you would on a clean installation of Windows XP. The same applies when upgrading from early test versions of Windows XP MUI. We recommend that you set the UI language to English before upgrading the Windows 2000 MUI system to Windows XP. You can use the following unattend mode process to add the new MUI files automatically during the upgrade process. ========================================================================= 5.0 INSTALLING MUI PACK IN UNATTEND MODE ========================================================================= The following steps explain how to install the Windows MUI Pack in unattend mode. 1. Copy all the MUI files from MUI CDs into a temporary directory on a network share, such as $OEM$MUIINST. In this example, we use a server \MUICORE. The directory for the MUI CD contents will be \MUICOREUNATTEND$OEM$MUIINST. 2. Add a "Cmdlines.txt" file in \muicoreUNATTEND$OEM$ that includes the following lines: [Commands] "muiinstmuisetup.exe [/i LangID1 LangID2 ...] [/d LangID] /r /s" Note that you must specify " " in your cmdlines.txt file. Use the appropriate Language ID (LANGID)s, and the muisetup command line parameters to ensure a quiet installation. Please check muisetup.hlp for a complete description of all the command line parameters for muisetup.exe (the command line help content is under "related topics" in the help.). 3. Create an answer file (mui.txt): a. add the following entries in the "Unattended" section [Unattended] OemPreinstall=Yes OemFilesPath=\muicoreunattend OemSkipEula=YES "OemFilesPath" must point to a network share or drive containing the MUI install source stored in the above directory structure. The Windows install sources can be anywhere else (CD, network share, etc). b. add a "RegionalSettings" section. Use this section to specify the Language Groups and locales to install. Use the appropriate Language Group IDs and Locale IDs (LCIDs). Ensure that the Language Groups you install are sufficient to cover BOTH the locale settings and the User Interface languages you are installing. Example: [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup="5","8","13" Language="0401" Of course, the answer file may also include other OS unattended setup options. 4. Run winnt32.exe with the appropriate options to use the answer file. If you require the installation of East Asian language and locale support, you must specify /copysource:lang or /rx:lang to copy the necessary language files. If you do not, and the [RegionalSettings] section of your answer file contains East Asian values, Setup will ignore everything in the [RegionalSettings] section. For Winnt32.exe, the appropriate syntax is: winnt32.exe /unattend:"path to answer file" /copysource:lang /s:"path to install source" ========================================================================= 6.0 DEPLOYING MUI BY USING REMOTE INSTALLATION SERVICE ========================================================================= The following steps explain how to deploy MUI by using Windows Server¡¯s Remote Installation Service (RIS). ( RIS requirements: Domain Controller running Active Directory, DHCP server, DNS server, NTFS partition to hold OS images. ) 1. Install Remote Installation Services using the Windows Component Wizard. 2. Run Risetup.exe. RIS will create a flat image from the CD or network share as follows: Remote installation shareAdmin OSChooser Setup tmp The image is kept in the I386 directory under Setup (such as Setup\Images\I386 ). 3. Follow instructions on KB: Q241063 to install additional languages. 4. Follow instructions on KB: Q287545 or manually copy asms directory form CD or network share into the I386 directory of the image. 5. Add the following section into the ristndrd.sif (under Setup\Images\I386Templates) to enable OEM installation [Unattended] OemPreinstall=Yes [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 ; Language support pack are needed depending on (Q241063 explains how to do this) ; UI language you will be install, please consult ; unattended document for more information. 6. Add $OEM$ directory at the same level as the I386 image directory that contains the following installation source Setup\Images |-I386 |-$OEM$ |-cmdlines.txt (OEM answer file) |-MUIINST In ¡°cmdlines.txt¡±, you will need the following structure to start installation of MUI. The MUIINST folder will include MUI files copied from MUI CD root folder. [Commands] "muiinstmuisetup.exe /i /d /r /s" Note that you will need to add ¡°¡± in as indicate above. =============================================================================== 7.0 COPYRIGHT =============================================================================== This document provides late-breaking or other information that supplements the documentation provided on the US English OS CD of the Microsoft Windows XP Multilingual User Interface Pack. Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice and is provided for informational purposes only. The entire risk of the use or results of the use of this document remains with the user, and Microsoft Corporation makes no warranties, either express or implied. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place or event is intended or should be inferred. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, ActiveSync, IntelliMouse, MS-DOS, Windows, Windows Media, and Windows NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Sharing Widget |