MindManager Pro 9.0.246

MindManagers visual information maps (mind maps) start with a
central theme, and then add branches with ideas, notes, images,
tasks, hyperlinks and attachments. Easily import from or export
to Microsoft Office. Use MindManager maps to capture and
organize information, and youll quickly transform your thoughts
and ideas into fine-tuned documents, compelling presentations
and winning strategies. MindManager gives you with a better way
to brainstorm, organize facts, plan projects, and communicate
MindManager also integrates into many other applications
through its published API. The availability of this has made it
accessible so that third party add-ins can be created to extend
the functionality of MindManager. These add-ins cover
applications such as Lotus Notes & software from Salesforce.com.
MindManager 8 for Mac provides enhanced integration with
Apple's productivity tools such as iChat, iCal and Pages.

Developers Url:
1.Install Mindmanager pro; DO NOT START PROGRAM.
2.Get a valid serial from the keygen provided from FFF(Fighting For Fun)
3.(Optional). You can register by clicking "license key" and enter
the key yourself but you need to shutdown your network card
before (See notes)
Notes : It's not a real netcheck, a web page is opened while
registering, with serial as HTTP GET parameter. That's why we
recommend you to shutdown your network adapter in order to
protect your privacy.
Enjoy the software........