MineCraft 1.8 Cracked . K.Gligorovseeders: 0
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MineCraft 1.8 Cracked . K.Gligorov (Size: 148.93 MB)
Make Sure U Read The ''READ ME'' TxT in the folder ! Keep Seeding , I Will Continue updating I Know In The Begin The Upload Speed Will Be Slow , So Because of that keep continue seeding !!!! Do You Like It ? Donate To me :D And Let Me Keep Uploading Cracked Things ! Donate : bit. ly/1uROcAo < Without Space between . ly 1. Download and install Minecraft. 2. Run the shortcut from the desktop or start menu. 3. Pick a username.(this is very important for multiplayer) 4. Enjoy the game in single player or multiplayer. Feautures of MineCraft 1.8 (Read Here All Of Them http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/1.8 ) * Or just below the important Updates * Changes - Interaction with blocks in Adventure Mode is disabled by default - Many new arguments and scopes for existing commands - Block models are now customizable via resource packs - Signs and books can use JSON-formatted text - Monster spawners can be quickly changed using spawn eggs Survival features -Additions - 36 new blocks: granite, andesite and diorite along with polished variants; 3 types of prismarine; 5 blocks relating to red sandstone; 5 new varieties each of doors, fences and fence gates; as well as sea lanterns, wet sponge, slime blocks, coarse dirt, barriers, iron trapdoors and banners - New underwater dungeon content: the ocean monument - New mobs including Endermites, Guardians and rabbits - Sheep now drop mutton - Armor stands - Potion of Leaping, Depth Strider enchantment and Overpowered achievement - Spectator gamemode, and customized and debug mode world types - Additional 'jacket' layer for player skins - Additional default skin Alex with smaller arms More Changes - Rebalances to the enchanting and repairing systems - Enchanting now consumes lapis lazuli - Beacons may be colored with stained glass - Moss stone, mossy stone bricks, and chiseled stone bricks now obtainable by crafting - Cracked stone bricks and sponge now obtainable by smelting - Item frames now emit a redstone signal, and can rotate to 8 directions - Daylight sensors may now be inverted - Powered activator rail now dismounts entities riding minecarts - Arrows decelerate much more quickly underwater, and extinguish if on fire - Improvements to mobs' behavior and AI - Most mobs can now swim; notably, Slimes - Most mobs can now pathfind as zombies have; notably, angry Zombie Pigmen - Skeletons flee from wolves - Spiders no longer see players through solid blocks - Iron Golems attack Creepers - Babies' growth can be accelerated by feeding them - Most mobs will flee from a Creeper about to explode - Creepers, Skeletons, Wither Skeletons and Zombies drop their heads when killed by charged Creepers - Villagers - Will harvest crops - Breed only when willing - Have additional villager professions and trading schemes - Turn to witches when struck by lightning - Pets show death message if named with a name tag Performance changes - VBOs (Vertex Buffer Object) toggle added to Video Settings menu - Anisotropic Filtering removed - Advanced OpenGL removed in favor of a new Advanced Cave Culling Algorithm[2] - Render Distance slider maximum increased to 32 chunks when using 64-bit Java and 2GB allocated RAM **** REQUIREMENTS **** Minimum Cpu : (As of 1.7.5) Intel P4/NetBurst architecture or its AMD equivalent (AMD K7)1 Ram : 256 MB Gpu : GeForce3 or Radeon R100 (7xxx) and up HDD/SSD : At least 40 MB for game data LAN connectivity is required for multiplayer gaming. If using a Integrated graphics chip, then upgrade or allocate more Video RAM. Acceptable CPU : Intel Pentium D or AMD K8-Based CPUs and better RAM : 512 MB GPU : GeForce 43 or ATI Radeon 9600 and up. HDD/SSD : 100 MB for game saves + sounds , Low-ping Internet connection for online multiplayer gaming.4 Recommended Cpu : Intel Pentium D or AMD K8-Based CPUs and better Ram : 1 GB GPU: GeForce 7300 GT or ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT HDD/SSD : 150 MB for game saves + sounds Good Cpu : Intel Core-Based CPUs or AMD K10-Based CPUs and better. Ram : 2 GB GPU : GeForce 8600 GT or ATI Radeon HD 3650 and up. HDD/SSD : 400 MB Optimal Cpu : Intel Nehalem-Based CPUs or AMD K10.5-Based CPUs and better Ram : 2 GB GPU : GeForce GT 240 or ATI Radeon HD 5550 and up6 HDD/SSD : 1 GB Sharing WidgetTrailer |