Morphis is a responsive WordPress Theme that adapts with any browser width, resolutions or devices. It is a great personal theme perfect for blogging or for showcasing your portfolio. Its clean and minimal design suits the modern look of web design today while not sacrificing clean and quality code. It is the perfect balance of form and function.
1.) Updated Twitter REST API to v1.1. Files added: - api/twitteroauth.php Files updated: - api/twitter.php - inc/twitter-widget.php 2.) Fixed Twitter tokens appearing on social icons list. Files updated: - functions.php3.) Fixed responsive rendering bug from 1.9.84.) Fixed twitter widget not showing on server with less than version PHP 5.3. Files updated: - api/twitter/twitter.php5.) Removed extra "';" in theme-styles.php which disables font rendering on headers. Files updated: - inc/theme-styles.php
1.) Changed masonry to display posts ordered by date. Files updated: - inc/masonry.php2.) Fixed pricebox shortcode's link name and link href. Files updated: - inc/shortcodes/shortcodes.php3.) Added SoundCloud and VK social icons. Files updated: - css/skins/dark/dark.css - css/skins/light/light.css Files added: - images/icons/mono/soundcloud.png - images/icons/mono/vk.png - images/icons/mono-light/soundcloud.png - images/icons/mono-light/vk.png4.) Tweaked twitter api. Used database caching instead of filesystem. Files updated: - api/twitter/twitter.php5.) Updated LayerSlider plugin to version 4.5.5. Files updated: - plugins/LayerSlider/*6.) Fixed Post Categories exclusion. Files updated: - inc/template-blog.php7.) Styled the categories list shortcode of woocommerce [product_categories]. Files updated: - style.css8.) Fixed portfolio content ajax loading. Files updated: - functions.php - js/custom-portfolio.js9.) Added lightbox gallery function for portfolio items using slideshow attachment. Files updated: - functions.php 10.) Added captions for each slideshow lightbox image. Files updated: - functions.php11.) Fixed missing pagination on WooCommerce Shop page. Files updated: - inc/woocommerce-init.php12.) Fixed intermittent uploading issue on theme options. Files updated: - /options/fields/upload/field_upload.js13.) Fixed woocommerce 'sale'. Files added: - woocommerce/loop/sale-flash.php14.) Tweaked Theme Options for faster page loads. Files updated: - functions.php - inc/shortcodes/shortcodes.php15.) Tweaked the dynamic css styling by using "wp_add_inline_style" instead of loading a PHP file as CSS file. Files updated: - functions.php - inc/theme-styles.php
1.) Fixed WooCommerce 2.0 errors. Instead of overriding WooCommerce templates, action hooks are used instead.2.) Improved translation/localization files.3.) Improved Twitter caching function and fixed the 'failed to open stream' error.4.) Fixed enqueuing of stylesheets by moving from header.php to using 'wp_enqueue_style'.
1.) Twitter rate limit fixed by caching.2.) Contact form placeholder attribute not working in IE versions fix.3.) Added Instagram widget.4.) Updated compatibility with WooCommerce v2.0.5.) Added option on Theme Options for turning off 'responsive grids'.
1.) Removed "pattern" attribute from comments.php and comments-layout-2.php file so the website field is not required.2.) Fixed non-latin characters used in the category filter not working.3.) Included LayerSlider plugin.
1.) Fixed bug when using a child theme.2.) Fixed few issues on caroufredsel slider and Ei slider.3.) Fixed EI Slider - Vimeo video ratio (black borders on either side).4.) Removed extraneous bottom border on images w/o caption.5.) Fixed alignment (align left, align right) on images.6.) Fixed sorting of images on the "Multiple Images" portfolio content type.7.) Fixed Sidebar Heading background image pattern option not applying on portfolio content sidebar.8.) Fixed image logo sizing.9.) Removed the "website" field from the contact form.10.) Font face kits facility.11.) Small bug fixes.