Morrowind Moddedseeders: 14
leechers: 3
Morrowind Modded (Size: 3.88 GB)
What is Morrowind?: ---------------------- Conceived in the tradition of the Elder Scrolls series, Morrowind is a fantasy role-playing game with a vast world open for exploration. After being released from a prison ship at the shores of the island Vvardenfell, the protagonist may do more or less what he or she wants: follow the main quest and solve the mystery of an ancient prophecy, join any of roughly a dozen guilds and rise in their hierarchy by performing duties, or simply explore the gigantic island with its stylistically diverse cities, hundreds of dungeons and tombs, ancient ruins and mighty fortresses. ------------------------- Morrowind information: ------------------------- Published by: Ubi Soft Entertainment Software Developed by: Bethesda Softworks LLC Released: 2002 Platforms: Windows Genre: Action, Role-Playing (RPG),Adventure Perspective :1st-Person Perspective, 3rd-Person Perspective ESRB Rating: Teen ---------------------- Torrent description: ---------------------- This torrent contains Morrowind, the Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansions and the latest patches, Morrowind Overhaul 3.0 Installed and more extra mods installed. Tested on Windows XP 32 bit and Windows 7 32bit. -------------- Instructions: -------------- 1.Unrar MorrowindGOTY2013 2.Open the game with Morrowind Launcher.exe, start a new game or play with the options then exit. This is necessary because we need to allow the game to create the registry files. As an alternative, you could also use the .reg file from the folder REGISTRY and read the short instructions there on how to add the information to the registry. 3.Play! ------------------- More information: ------------------- If you have problems with the game please open the folder "INSTRUCTIONS READ THESE PLEASE" and read the two files there, it's a short guide if something doesn't work the way it should. In addition to Morrowind Overhaul 3.0 which contains a lot of mods (see file "Credits - Morrowind Overhaul Wiki.htm" in the folder "MorrowindOverhaulInfoAndTroubleshooting") more mods are added, here is the list of those extra mods and a short description: -Less Generic NPCs Seyda Neen (More NPCs and better dialogue) -Less Generic NPCs Ald Velothi (More NPCs and better dialogue) -Less Generic NPCs Khuul (More NPCs and better dialogue) -Less Generic NPCs Maar Gan (More NPCs and better dialogue) -Less Generic NPCs Gnaar Mok (More NPCs and better dialogue) -Less Generic NPCs Hla Oad (More NPCs and better dialogue) -Less Generic NPCs Aldruhn + Supplement (More NPCs and better dialogue) -Less Generic NPCs Pelagiad (More NPCs and better dialogue) -Less Generic NPCs Tel Mora (More NPCs and better dialogue) -Less Generic NPCs Vivec, Foreign Quarter (More NPCs and better dialogue) -Less Generic NPCs Indarys Manor (More NPCs and better dialogue) -Less Generic NPCs Vivec Redoran (More NPCs and better dialogue) -Less Generic NPCs PAX Redoran (More NPCs and better dialogue) -Less Generic NPCs Secret Masters (More NPCs and better dialogue) -Less Generic NPCs Tel Uvirith (More NPCs and better dialogue) -Tamriel Rebuilt Map 3 - Sacred East (New Land and quests) -Tel Magus (House in Grazelands) -Uvirith's Legacy (New quests and areas to explore) -Rise of House Telvanni (New quests) -Nymeria's Faster Walk (10% Faster Walking) -Necessities of Morrowind (The need to sleep, eat and drink) -Morrowind Crafting + Graphic Herbalism (Craft over 1230 different items) -Where are all birds going (Adds birds in the sky) -Antares' Big Mod (special privileges with the lower ranking members of your faction) -Delayed Dark Brotherhood Attack (You won't be attacked by the Dark Brotherhood assassins until some conditions are met) -Healers (Healers heal you at the temples) -Starfires NPC Additions (Adds NPCs to various settlements and parts of the wilderness) -Hold it (Randomly gives NPCs an item to hold) -Water Life (Adds various water-related creatures) -Guars (Talk to Ashlander guar tamers for mountable guars) -BTB's Game Improvements (Makes significant changes to the game's birthsigns, races, spells, spell effects, alchemy ingredients, potions, equipment, enchantments, and GMSTs) -Darknut's Greater Dwemer Ruins (Larger ruins to explore as well as traps, puzzles, and a completely new final battle with Dagoth Ur) Sharing WidgetTrailer |
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