Motivational Books Collection Happy Torrents Day 2016 [HTD 16]seeders: 22
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Motivational Books Collection Happy Torrents Day 2016 [HTD 16] (Size: 343.43 MB)
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├───Aristotle - The Politics of Aristotle ├───Carnegie, D. - How to Win Friends & Influence People ├───Diamond, J. - Guns, Germs and Steel ├───Eat That Frog!_ 21 Great Ways to Stop Pr ├───Franklin, B. - The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin ├───Friedman, M. - Free to Choose ├───Goldwater, B. - The Conscience of a Conservative ├───Greene, R. - The 48 Laws of Power ├───Krepinevich, A. - 7 Deadly Scenarios ├───Nietzsche, F. - The Will to Power ├───Rich Dad Poor Dad -Robert Kiyosaki ├───Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey ├───Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson ├───The Art of War by Sun Tzu └───Verrall, R. - Did Six Million Really Die List of all Motivational eBooks (ebook - psychology - NLP) Joseph R Plazo - Mastering the art of persuasion, influence and seduction (1) (eBook Self Improvement) How To Control Yo ur Brain At Will [2001] [English Personal Improvement Self-help] Michael Bolduc - Power of motivation - How to succeed in all circumstances (2000) Keys to Happiness Commandments-for-Work-Leadership-and-Life-by-Sally-Mabelle EssentialLessonsforInvestmentSuccess 67_success_stories Alexander Great Strategy Anthony-Robbins-Awaken-The-Giant-Within-Updated Anthony-Robbins-Unlimited-Power-Home-Study-Course Aristotle - The Politics of Aristotle As-A-Man-Thinketh-1902-by-James-Allen Ask_and_It_is_Given-Abraham-Hicks Benjamin Graham - The Intelligent Investor Carnegie, D. - How to Win Friends & Influence People Chi-Kung Developmend and Practial Applications In Wing Chun Kung Fu Conversation Confidence - Workbook - (Leil Lowndes) Daniel-Kahneman-Thinking-Fast-and-Slow- David Burns - Feeling Good Diamond, J. - Guns, Germs and Steel Dont-Cheat-Yourself Dont-Sweat-The-Small-Stuff E-Book - Kamasutra With Pictures Eat That Frog!_ 21 Great Ways to Stop Pr eBook - Self Improvement - A Guide For Creative Thinking (Brian Tracy) Self Improvement - Mind Powers (How To Use And Control Your Unlimited Potential) Business - The Little Black Book of Project Management Excellence-Quote Excellence-Quote1 Founders at Work Franklin, B. - The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Friedman, M. - Free to Choose Given-a-Life Goals-to-Paper Goldwater, B. - The Conscience of a Conservative Great Sex Games - Anne Hooper Greene, R. - The 48 Laws of Power How to change things when change is hard How To Manage Your Time How To Sleep Less and Have More Energy Than You Ever Had Before How-to-Fall-Madly-in-Love-with-Yourself-by-Jennifer-Posada. How-to-get-girls-with-hypnosis-free-ebook Hypnosis_ A Power Program for Self Improvement & Helping Others - William W. Hewitt Krepinevich, A. - 7 Deadly Scenarios loving yourself by scott allen barker Man's Search For Meaning Meeting Excellence Nietzsche, F. - The Will to Power Paulo_Coelho_-_The_Alchemist PowerOfPositiveThinking Practicing the Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle.compressed Preparation-Quote Procrastination-Quote Psycho-Cybernetics Rich Dad Poor Dad -Robert Kiyosaki Science-of-Getting-Rich-1910-by-Wallace-D.-Wattles Search For Meaning Secret-Code-of-Success Secrets-of-The-Millionaire-Mind-T.-Harv-Eker Seven Habits of Highly Effective People -Stephen R. Covey sex technique - ebook - lover_s guide - Anne Hooper - Lovers Weekend Guide Significant-Problem Small Business Success Secrets Speak Like a CEO Spin Selling Standard-of-Success Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson talent-is_overrated-what-really-separates-world-class-performers-from-everybody-else The 22 Immutable Laws Of Marketing The 7 Fatal Mistakes That Almost Every Business Owner Makes on Their Web Site The Art of Selling To The Affluent The Art of War by Sun Tzu The Demon-Haunted World The Engaging Leader The Management Bible The New Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz (1) The Small Business Bible The-48-Laws-of-Power The-Road-Less-Traveled 5,331 The-Secret-of-Change The.Last.Lecture The_48_Laws_of_Power_Summary The_4_Hour_Workweek the_diving_bell_and_the_butterfly Think and grow rich Think-and-Grow-Rich-Action-Guide Verrall, R. - Did Six Million Really Die Why CEOS Fail You-Dont-Want-People-To-Succeed Your-Words Some of the Descriptions Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. One of the biggest bestsellers of all times. Napoleon Hill spent two decades analyzing over 500 successful men like Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and John D. Rockefeller to discover how they did it. The result of Hill’s research is in Think & Grow Rich – 13 steps to achieve your goal, whatever it is. All other self-help books are just copies of Hill’s book first published in 1937. I also recommend Napoleon Hill’s “Keys to Success“ The 48 Laws of Power – Robert Greene I read this book in a time where I thought power was something I should attain. Power for power’s sake. And while I disagree with my former self on this point, the fact remains that power is very real, it forms the invisible scepter of all hierarchical relations around us. I still recommend this book; I believe it is important to know how people use power for their own benefit and what to do to protect yourself from certain abuses of power. Besides the fact that all stories in this book gravitate around power, it contains many life lessons, amazing historical anecdotes and, if read in a certain light, the ability to use power for good. From Caesar to Goethe, Sun-Tzu to Machiavelli, this eye opening book spans a wide range of human development. If you, like me, would rather be interested in something less egotistical, perhaps Greene’s latest book Mastery will suffice (I haven’t read that one myself). Another great book in the same style, but this time around, covering a wider scope, and, perhaps, something that will make the world make a better place. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change – Stephen. R. Covey The title of this book doesn’t capture it all. Covey shares with us seven habits one should adapt to become truly effective in whatever you would like to achieve. Of course, it is not as easy as it sounds. He stresses the fact that we need to go through a paradigm shift – a fundamental change in how we perceive the world and ourselves. This book can be read as a guide, with practices and everything, to go through the stages in order to make such a shift happen. Part shock-therapy, part ageless spiritual wisdom,Covey’s book is packed with wisdom that actually makes a difference. And, as I mentioned, don’t let the title of the book fool you; it is about much more than just becoming more effective. It is about becoming a whole integer person who not only seeks the best in oneself, but also in the people around her. A must read for anyone who feels there is always something left to learn. Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time – Brian Tracy We all know how that destructive downward spiral feels. We have to do some big task, of which the thought alone triggers resistance, not sure how and where to begin and feeling overwhelmed before we start; we get easily distracted to get rid of that feeling, only to suddenly realize that hours went by- precious hours- and then find ourselves in the same position as before, still not knowing where and how to begin, but now, feeling guilty on top of it which expresses itself in more craving for distraction. Ad infinitum. To break this spell of procrastination before it paralyzes us, Tracy advises us to Eat That Frog, to set our priorities straight, deconstruct larger tasks into smaller ones, learn when to tackle the big frog first or to start out with something else. Tracy is truly a motivational writer, and while I wished he had gone a bit deeper into the psychological reasons why people procrastinate, it is still a must have for anyone who wants to break the spell and get shit done. ![]() How to Win Friends & Influence People – Dale Carnegie This is the first self-improvement book I have ever read and it is also probably one of the oldest in this category. Written in 1937, mainly for the door to door salesman of that era, this book by Carnegie can truly be called a classic. It shows what we all intuitively know: it doesn’t matter what your line of work is or what you want to achieve- if you are doing business of any kind, you need to make it about the other person. Being nice helps, a lot. And while I might not fully defend the premise of this book, because it doesn’t distinguish between genuine interest and faking it to get what you want, it still contains a treasure chest full of timeless wisdom. Everybody wants to feel appreciated, and rightfully so. Learning to take a small effort to make someone’s day will make the world run smoother, no matter what your goal is. I still spontaneously remember some of his guidance, and perhaps this quality is the reason why this book still draws millions of readers to this day. ![]() Sharing Widget |