Multiple Sclerosis and CNS Inflammatory Disorders [PDF] [StormRG]seeders: 1
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Multiple Sclerosis and CNS Inflammatory Disorders [PDF] [StormRG] (Size: 2.15 MB)
Author: Lawrence M. Samkoff (Editor), Andrew D. Goodman (Editor)
Paperback: 216 pages Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (August 25, 2014) Language: English ISBN-10: 0470673885 ISBN-13: 978-0470673881 Format: Retail PDF Reader Required: Adobe Reader, Foxit, Nitro, Adobe Digital Editions Note: This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media,website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Tested on the above readers with no problems on laptop and Android tablet.Don't hesitate to PM me if you have any questions or problem with the download,as comments on torrents are easy to miss. Please allow a couple seconds for the seedboxes to kick in, then it should move pretty quick. Hope it helps in your studies. Go for it! :D ![]() Cover from actual book file Multiple Sclerosis and CNS Inflammatory Disorders is a practical guide to effective care of patients with multiple sclerosis and other neuroimmunologic and CNS inflammatory disorders. It provides the scientific basis of multiple sclerosis including etiology, epidemiology, and pathogenesis. It covers the diagnostic process, the course of the disease and prognosis, and the use of MRI in diagnosis and disease monitoring. Disease-modifying treatment algorithms for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, switching therapy, and progressive multiple sclerosis treatment algorithms are all discussed in detail. It also addresses multiple sclerosis in childhood and pregnancy and includes assessment of alternative therapies. This new addition to the Neurology in Practice series contains practical guidance and learning features: • Algorithms and guidelines • “Tips and Tricks” boxes on improving outcomes • “Caution” warning boxes to avoiding problems • “Science Revisited”—quick reminders of the basic science principles necessary for understanding Multiple Sclerosis and CNS Inflammatory Disorders is an ideal reference for neurologists in practice and training. Sharing Widget |