Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 NTSC XBOX360-iNSOMNi
Naruto.Shippuden.Ultimate.Ninja.Storm.3.NTSC.XBOX360-iNSOMNiDATE : 26/02/2013Platform...: XBOX360 Format....: ins-nsun3.isoFilename...: ins-nsun3 Size......: 69 x 100 MBSource.....: DVD Publisher.: NamcoRegion.....: USA Languages.: SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 will feature the mostextensive character roster of any game so far in the series,letting fans engage with a huge number of their favoritepersonalities from the NARUTO SHIPPUDEN universe, be they friendor foe.In story mode, players will be thrown into a series ofthrilling adventures set in the village of Konoha, while the game'selectrifying fights will be punctuated with massive scale bossbattles, including a fearsome confrontation with the gargantuanNine-Tails.
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