Naruto the Way of the Ninja Game (Size: 116.31 MB)
| | FutureNaruto.snd | 4.87 MB |
| | FutureNaruto.sff | 716.89 KB |
| | FutureNaruto.cns | 119.75 KB |
| | FutureNaruto.air | 28.04 KB |
| | FutureNarutobunshin.cns | 24.35 KB |
| | FutureNaruto.cmd | 18.19 KB |
| | FutureNaruto.def | 1012 bytes |
| | FutureNaruto.act | 768 bytes |
| | UchSasuke.snd | 3.41 MB |
| | UchSasuke.sff | 1.37 MB |
| | Common.cns | 46.84 KB |
| | UchSasuke.cns | 43.54 KB |
| | UchSasuke.air | 43.1 KB |
| | CS2.cns | 22.71 KB |
| | UchSasuke.cmd | 18.15 KB |
| | ai.cns | 4.91 KB |
| | UchSasuke.act | 768 bytes |
| | UchSasuke.def | 557 bytes |
| | itachi.snd | 2.9 MB |
| | itachi.sff | 744.46 KB |
| | itachi.cns | 276.08 KB |
| | itachi.air | 84.77 KB |
| | itachi.cmd | 55.28 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | itachi.act | 768 bytes |
| | itachi.def | 696 bytes |
| | cssasuke.snd | 2.35 MB |
| | cssasuke.sff | 162.59 KB |
| | cssasuke.cns | 26.81 KB |
| | cssasuke.air | 12.63 KB |
| | cssasuke. | 11.92 KB |
| | cssasuke.cmd | 10.11 KB |
| | ai.cns | 2.84 KB |
| | cssasuke.act | 768 bytes |
| | cssasuke.def | 620 bytes |
| | futuresasuke.snd | 2.27 MB |
| | futuresasuke.sff | 280.82 KB |
| | futuresasuke.cns | 47.78 KB |
| | futuresasuke.air | 24.16 KB |
| | futuresasuke.cmd | 15.29 KB |
| | supersaiyan.act | 768 bytes |
| | CS.act | 768 bytes |
| | CS2.act | 768 bytes |
| | futuresasuke.act | 768 bytes |
| | futuresasuke.def | 459 bytes |
| | CS2_Sasuke.snd | 2.22 MB |
| | CS2_Sasuke.sff | 162.65 KB |
| | CS2_Sasuke.cns | 15.62 KB |
| | CS2_Sasuke.cmd | 13.28 KB |
| | CS2_Sasuke.air | 10.09 KB |
| | CS2_Sasuke.def | 988 bytes |
| | CS2_Sasuke.act | 768 bytes |
| | credit.txt | 121 bytes |
| | ANBU.snd | 2.15 MB |
| | ANBU.sff | 428.96 KB |
| | ANBUcommon.cns | 40.44 KB |
| | ANBU.cns | 24.09 KB |
| | ANBU.air | 18.14 KB |
| | ANBU.cmd | 13.25 KB |
| | raikiri.cns | 2.06 KB |
| | ANBUpalette.act | 768 bytes |
| | ANBU.def | 545 bytes |
| | Naruto.snd | 2.09 MB |
| | Naruto.sff | 909.44 KB |
| | Naruto.cns | 211.99 KB |
| | Naruto.air | 107.87 KB |
| | Int.sff | 59.47 KB |
| | Naruto.cmd | 46.39 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | END.sff | 15.83 KB |
| | intro.def | 7.89 KB |
| | Gaara.snd | 1.87 MB |
| | Gaara.sff | 440.63 KB |
| | Gaara.cns | 168.92 KB |
| | Gaara.air | 85.05 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | Gaara.cmd | 22.31 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | Gaara_COSPLAY.def | 887 bytes |
| | pal.act | 768 bytes |
| | UzuNaruto.snd | 1.82 MB |
| | UzuNaruto.sff | 1.36 MB |
| | UzuNaruto.cns | 58.07 KB |
| | UzuNaruto.air | 53.03 KB |
| | Common.cns | 46.84 KB |
| | kyuubi.cns | 20.17 KB |
| | UzuNaruto.cmd | 18.07 KB |
| | ai.cns | 4.65 KB |
| | UzuNaruto.act | 768 bytes |
| | UzuNaruto.def | 556 bytes |
| | itachi.snd | 1.81 MB |
| | itachi.sff | 406.68 KB |
| | intro.sff | 88.31 KB |
| | ending.sff | 47.81 KB |
| | itachi.air | 45.43 KB |
| | common1.cns | 40.5 KB |
| | itachi.cns | 26.85 KB |
| | itachi.cmd | 7.66 KB |
| | Projectile.cns | 3.29 KB |
| | intro.def | 2.92 KB |
| | EKakashi.snd | 1.8 MB |
| | Kakashi.snd | 1.75 MB |
| | Kakashi.sff | 560.84 KB |
| | Kakashi.cns | 43.56 KB |
| | common1.cns | 40.55 KB |
| | Kakashi.air | 28.73 KB |
| | Kakashi.cmd | 22.37 KB |
| | ai.cns | 5.4 KB |
| | Credits, Movelist, and other Info.txt | 4.49 KB |
| | Kakashi.act | 768 bytes |
| | HKakashi.def | 627 bytes |
| | Yondaime.snd | 1.38 MB |
| | Yondaime.sff | 1.3 MB |
| | Yondaimecommon.cns | 41.1 KB |
| | Yondaime.cns | 37.76 KB |
| | Yondaime.air | 32.54 KB |
| | Yondaime.cmd | 16.11 KB |
| | rasengan.cns | 6.89 KB |
| | Moves&Credits.txt | 1.96 KB |
| | Red.act | 772 bytes |
| | Yondaime.act | 768 bytes |
| | Yondaime.def | 568 bytes |
| | Shino.sff | 1.27 MB |
| | Shino.snd | 176.48 KB |
| | Shino.air | 26.45 KB |
| | Shino.cns | 25.88 KB |
| | Shino.cmd | 16.33 KB |
| | Shino2.act | 768 bytes |
| | Shino.act | 768 bytes |
| | Shino.def | 581 bytes |
| | knaruto.snd | 1.21 MB |
| | knaruto.sff | 681.88 KB |
| | knaruto.cns | 42.23 KB |
| | Common.cns | 37.64 KB |
| | knaruto.air | 24.81 KB |
| | knaruto.cmd | 11.94 KB |
| | ai.cns | 4.24 KB |
| | pal1.act | 768 bytes |
| | knaruto.def | 365 bytes |
| | Kyuubi(S)Naruto.snd | 1.21 MB |
| | Kyuubi(S)Naruto.sff | 364.91 KB |
| | Kyuubi(S)Naruto.cns | 61.58 KB |
| | Common.cns | 37.64 KB |
| | Kyuubi(S)Naruto.air | 19.03 KB |
| | bunshin.cns | 17.09 KB |
| | Kyuubi(S)Naruto.cmd | 13.56 KB |
| | ai.cns | 4.24 KB |
| | Kyuubi(S)Naruto.act | 768 bytes |
| | Kyuubi(S)Naruto.def | 613 bytes |
| | nezi.snd | 1.18 MB |
| | nezi.sff | 682.85 KB |
| | nezi.air | 60.72 KB |
| | Common.cns | 37.19 KB |
| | nezi.cns | 34.01 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | nezi.cmd | 13.26 KB |
| | Striker.cns | 9.95 KB |
| | -3.cns | 7.82 KB |
| | Shino.snd | 1.18 MB |
| | Shino.sff | 216.56 KB |
| | Shino.cns | 139.82 KB |
| | Shino.air | 69.39 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | Shino.cmd | 24.12 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | Shino_COSPLAY.def | 883 bytes |
| | pal.act | 768 bytes |
| | Naruto.snd | 1.17 MB |
| | Naruto.sff | 299.04 KB |
| | Naruto.cns | 131.2 KB |
| | Naruto.air | 72.86 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | Naruto.cmd | 23.68 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | Naruto_COSPLAY.def | 893 bytes |
| | 6.act | 768 bytes |
| | lee.snd | 1.09 MB |
| | lee.sff | 739.52 KB |
| | lee.cns | 52.98 KB |
| | lee.air | 47.45 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | lee.cmd | 13.73 KB |
| | -3.cns | 7.82 KB |
| | Striker.cns | 6.61 KB |
| | Away.cns | 2.33 KB |
| | cshikamaru.snd | 1.09 MB |
| | cshikamaru.sff | 838.13 KB |
| | cshikamaru.cns | 58.97 KB |
| | common1.cns | 40.98 KB |
| | cshikamaru.air | 26.44 KB |
| | cshikamaru.cmd | 16.01 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 1.12 KB |
| | cshikamaru.act | 768 bytes |
| | cshikamaru.def | 637 bytes |
| | kiba.snd | 997.26 KB |
| | kiba.sff | 222.19 KB |
| | kiba.cns | 133.61 KB |
| | kiba.air | 68.99 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | kiba.cmd | 22.42 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | Kiba_COSPLAY.def | 877 bytes |
| | pal.act | 768 bytes |
| | Chouji.snd | 941.39 KB |
| | Chouji.sff | 317.61 KB |
| | Chouji.cns | 131.66 KB |
| | Chouji.air | 73.89 KB |
| | Chouji.cmd | 24.95 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | Chouji_COSPLAY.def | 893 bytes |
| | 3.act | 768 bytes |
| | Dosu.snd | 865.16 KB |
| | Dosu.sff | 243.23 KB |
| | Dosu.cns | 127.48 KB |
| | Dosu.air | 68.31 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | Dosu.cmd | 22.01 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | DOSU_COSPLAY.def | 876 bytes |
| | pal.act | 768 bytes |
| | Hokage.snd | 856.58 KB |
| | Hokage.sff | 446.83 KB |
| | Hokage.cns | 146.87 KB |
| | Hokage.air | 72.6 KB |
| | Hokage.cmd | 26.96 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | Hokage_COSPLAY.def | 893 bytes |
| | 1.act | 768 bytes |
| | ino.snd | 827.8 KB |
| | ino.sff | 249.11 KB |
| | ino.cns | 140.3 KB |
| | ino.air | 64.83 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | ino.cmd | 24.36 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | ino_COSPLAY.def | 869 bytes |
| | 6.act | 768 bytes |
| | Hinata.snd | 818.42 KB |
| | Hinata.sff | 178.03 KB |
| | Hinata.cns | 139.54 KB |
| | Hinata.air | 72.98 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | Hinata.cmd | 21.78 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | Hinata_COSPLAY.def | 893 bytes |
| | 1.act | 768 bytes |
| | kfm.sff | 802.19 KB |
| | kfm.snd | 74.83 KB |
| | kfm.cns | 35.2 KB |
| | kfm.air | 24.08 KB |
| | kfm.cmd | 15.45 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 4.87 KB |
| | Chouji5.act | 768 bytes |
| | Chouji4.act | 768 bytes |
| | Chouji6.act | 768 bytes |
| | Chouji.act | 768 bytes |
| | tenten.snd | 791.01 KB |
| | tenten.sff | 190.54 KB |
| | tenten.cns | 144.79 KB |
| | tenten.air | 66.9 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | tenten.cmd | 22.56 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | tenten_COSPLAY.def | 893 bytes |
| | pal.act | 768 bytes |
| | Tayuya.snd | 788.97 KB |
| | Tayuya.sff | 363.48 KB |
| | Tayuya.cns | 145.36 KB |
| | Tayuya.air | 75.26 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | Tayuya.cmd | 24.13 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | Tayuya_COSPLAY.def | 893 bytes |
| | pal.act | 768 bytes |
| | Haku.snd | 788.97 KB |
| | Haku.sff | 264.6 KB |
| | Haku.cns | 134.65 KB |
| | Haku.air | 68.77 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | Haku.cmd | 23.21 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | HAKU_COSPLAY.def | 877 bytes |
| | 5.act | 768 bytes |
| | Temari.snd | 770.27 KB |
| | Temari.sff | 265.38 KB |
| | Temari.cns | 148.81 KB |
| | Temari.air | 68.66 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | Temari.cmd | 22.39 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | Temari_COSPLAY.def | 893 bytes |
| | 6.act | 768 bytes |
| | miss.wav | 754.58 KB |
| | KATON!.wav | 461.73 KB |
| | fire.wav | 113.75 KB |
| | slash.wav | 101.72 KB |
| | intro.wav | 69.1 KB |
| | Zoro Slash.wav | 66.04 KB |
| | Katonn....wav | 30.54 KB |
| | punch.wav | 10.41 KB |
| | shurkin.wav | 9.26 KB |
| | Slice.wav | 5.47 KB |
| | throwish slash.wav | 5.2 KB |
| | A-N-B-U.snd | 746.02 KB |
| | A-N-B-U.sff | 146.76 KB |
| | A-N-B-U.snd.bak | 90.7 KB |
| | A-N-B-U.sff.bak | 56.1 KB |
| | A-N-B-Ucommon.cns | 40.79 KB |
| | A-N-B-U.cns | 28.31 KB |
| | A-N-B-U.cns.bak | 21.63 KB |
| | A-N-B-U.air | 18.28 KB |
| | A-N-B-U.air.bak | 14.23 KB |
| | A-N-B-U.cmd | 12.54 KB |
| | Sakon.snd | 751.82 KB |
| | Sakon.sff | 375.2 KB |
| | Sakon.cns | 130.3 KB |
| | Sakon.air | 68.5 KB |
| | Sakon.cmd | 32.95 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | Sakon_COSPLAY.def | 887 bytes |
| | pal.act | 768 bytes |
| | Zabuza.snd | 751.82 KB |
| | Zabuza.sff | 291.68 KB |
| | Zabuza.cns | 120.59 KB |
| | Zabuza.air | 71.07 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | Zabuza.cmd | 23.61 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | zabuza_COSPLAY.def | 891 bytes |
| | 1.act | 768 bytes |
| | sasuke.snd | 737.56 KB |
| | sasuke.sff | 263.08 KB |
| | sasuke.cns | 139.1 KB |
| | sasuke.air | 71.27 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | sasuke.cmd | 21.67 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | SASUKE_COSPLAY.def | 893 bytes |
| | pal.act | 768 bytes |
| | Jiroubou.snd | 722.91 KB |
| | Jiroubou.sff | 361.71 KB |
| | Jiroubou.cns | 152.2 KB |
| | Jiroubou.air | 67.3 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | Jiroubou.cmd | 23.99 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | Jiroubou_COSPLAY.def | 909 bytes |
| | pal.act | 768 bytes |
| | sakura.snd | 720.28 KB |
| | sakura.sff | 213.35 KB |
| | sakura.cns | 115.64 KB |
| | sakura.air | 59.63 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | sakura.cmd | 24.8 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | Sakura_COSPLAY.def | 893 bytes |
| | pal.act | 768 bytes |
| | ZAKU.snd | 713.38 KB |
| | ZAKU.sff | 231.25 KB |
| | ZAKU.cns | 133.84 KB |
| | ZAKU.air | 68.45 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | ZAKU.cmd | 22.14 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | ZAKU_COSPLAY.def | 877 bytes |
| | 1.act | 768 bytes |
| | NEJI.snd | 711.13 KB |
| | NEJI.sff | 215.3 KB |
| | NEJI.cns | 144.61 KB |
| | NEJI.air | 79.19 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | NEJI.cmd | 22.72 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | NEJI_COSPLAY.def | 877 bytes |
| | pal.act | 768 bytes |
| | Shikamaru.snd | 711.13 KB |
| | Shikamaru.sff | 296.57 KB |
| | Shikamaru.cns | 139.6 KB |
| | Shikamaru.air | 63.48 KB |
| | Shikamaru.cmd | 25.75 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | Shikamaru_COSPLAY.def | 917 bytes |
| | pal.act | 768 bytes |
| | lee.snd | 696.41 KB |
| | lee.sff | 293.16 KB |
| | lee.cns | 163.96 KB |
| | lee.air | 85.49 KB |
| | lee.cmd | 25.78 KB |
| | credits.sff | 24.88 KB |
| | VICTORY.mid | 18.65 KB |
| | lee.txt | 1.66 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | Lee_COSPLAY.def | 869 bytes |
| | fsakura.sff | 637.85 KB |
| | fsakura.snd | 271.85 KB |
| | fsakura.cns | 54.92 KB |
| | Common.cns | 37.65 KB |
| | fsakura.air | 26.38 KB |
| | fsakura.cmd | 12.41 KB |
| | ai.cns | 4.24 KB |
| | pal1.act | 768 bytes |
| | fsakura.def | 533 bytes |
| | WRYondaime.sff | 472.37 KB |
| | rasengan.snd | 325.75 KB |
| | rasengan.snd.bak | 293.36 KB |
| | WRYondaime.sff.bak | 285.15 KB |
| | WRYondaime.cns | 105.4 KB |
| | WRYondaime.cns.bak | 84.9 KB |
| | WRYondaimecommon.cns | 40.81 KB |
| | WRYondaimecommon.cns.bak | 40.81 KB |
| | WRYondaime.air | 21.99 KB |
| | WRYondaime.air.bak | 18.04 KB |
| | Fgaara.sff | 442.33 KB |
| | Fgaara.snd | 411.19 KB |
| | common1.cns | 41.57 KB |
| | Fgaara.cns | 30.39 KB |
| | Fgaara.air | 26.67 KB |
| | Fgaara.cmd | 14.53 KB |
| | Shukaku.cns | 4.57 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 1009 bytes |
| | Fgaara.act | 768 bytes |
| | Fgaara.def | 345 bytes |
| | kiba.sff | 348.51 KB |
| | Sheet.pcx | 269.17 KB |
| | common1.cns | 40.89 KB |
| | kiba.cns | 16.16 KB |
| | kiba.air | 15.45 KB |
| | kiba.cmd | 14.36 KB |
| | trasformation.cns | 1.03 KB |
| | kiba.act | 768 bytes |
| | kiba.def | 331 bytes |
| | Zabuza.sff | 336.86 KB |
| | Zabuza.snd | 298.41 KB |
| | Zabuza.cns | 25.77 KB |
| | Zabuza.air | 22.69 KB |
| | Zabuza.cmd | 15.46 KB |
| | zabuza2.act | 768 bytes |
| | Zabuza.def | 556 bytes |
| | Haku.sff | 308.76 KB |
| | Haku.snd | 74.83 KB |
| | common1.cns | 42.26 KB |
| | Haku.air | 16.21 KB |
| | Haku.cns | 14.17 KB |
| | Haku.cmd | 14.04 KB |
| | Haku.act | 768 bytes |
| | Haku.def | 515 bytes |
| | jiraiya.sff | 195.99 KB |
| | jiraiya.snd | 139.17 KB |
| | rasen.wav | 65.1 KB |
| | common1.cns | 40.59 KB |
| | rasen hit.wav | 36 KB |
| | jiraiya.cns | 29.21 KB |
| | jiraiya.air | 13.63 KB |
| | jiraiya.cmd | 10.87 KB |
| | hitter.wav | 9.37 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 887 bytes |
| | Dosu.sff | 175 KB |
| | common1.cns | 40.56 KB |
| | Dosu.cns | 28.63 KB |
| | Dosu.cmd | 12.36 KB |
| | Dosu.air | 7.82 KB |
| | Dosu.def | 810 bytes |
| | Dosu.act | 768 bytes |
| | credits.def | 77 bytes |
| | WOOD.snd | 95.98 KB |
| | WOOD.sff | 82.2 KB |
| | Common.cns | 27.19 KB |
| | WOOD.cns | 9.17 KB |
| | WOOD.cmd | 6.03 KB |
| | WOOD.air | 1.57 KB |
| | WOOD.act | 768 bytes |
| | iron.act | 768 bytes |
| | WOOD.def | 212 bytes |
| | Hinata.sff | 80.5 KB |
| | Hinata.snd | 75.28 KB |
| | common1.cns | 42.8 KB |
| | Hinata.air | 32.63 KB |
| | Hinata.cns | 28.48 KB |
| | Hinata.cmd | 12.9 KB |
| | Hinata.def | 907 bytes |
| | Hinata.act | 768 bytes |
| | lb2_name2.fnt | 4.02 KB |
| | lb2_combo.fnt | 2.82 KB |
| | lb2_timer.fnt | 2.76 KB |
| | lb2_counter.fnt | 2.64 KB |
| | lb2_lifebars.snd | 761.38 KB |
| | lb2_lifebars.sff | 166.65 KB |
| | lb2_lifebars.def | 6.27 KB |
| | intro.sff | 95.3 KB |
| | kfmtitle.sff | 30.17 KB |
| | credits.sff | 28.64 KB |
| | SYSTEM.def | 12.84 KB |
| | logo.sff | 7.81 KB |
| | gameover.sff | 5.63 KB |
| | Select.def | 3.44 KB |
| | intro.def | 3.17 KB |
| | credits.def | 1.51 KB |
| | gameover.def | 1.02 KB |
| | logo.def | 423 bytes |
| | SYSTEM.def | 12.73 KB |
| | Readme.txt | 610 bytes |
| | SYSTEM.sff | 489.71 KB |
| | SYSTEM.snd | 177.84 KB |
| | logo.sff | 154.44 KB |
| | fightfx.sff | 144.74 KB |
| | Fight.snd | 87.48 KB |
| | Common.snd | 71 KB |
| | Fight.sff | 68.48 KB |
| | common1.cns | 40.5 KB |
| | SYSTEM.def | 20.63 KB |
| | Select.def | 20.45 KB |
| | JG.fnt | 6.86 KB |
| | Combo.fnt | 4.67 KB |
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| | Naruto_1_-_Rocks.mid | 72.88 KB |
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| | ALLEG40.dll | 536 KB |
| | Naruto the Way of the Ninja.exe | 507.06 KB |
| | zlib.dll | 52 KB |
| | mugenw.log | 2.28 KB |
| | Naruto TWOTN.ico | 2.19 KB |
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